League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

23 Feb


Originally posted by wraithkenny

That’s what they are talking about in the 3rd to last paragraph.

If you read the next paragraph after you will see:

  • To ensure that teams who want to play together competitively can still do so, we will likely not restrict premade teams outright, but instead alter their VP gains.

Originally posted by Frostzel

Riot be like:

  1. 5 man queue challengers matching with diamonds is an issue.

  2. Makes them only match with masters and above.

  3. Makes it easy for diamonds to climb to masters, so now diamonds are all master.

  4. Basically 5 man queue stays the same?

Joking aside, I felt I could clarify this a bit. We aren't actually changing the rank that Challengers can match, we are changing the skill or MMR gap between two teams, which much more directly impacts the chance of the stack winning. It's similar, but the distinction is important because by using MMR instead of rank, it is not affected by us widening Diamond and Master.

Basically, instead of a 5-stack Challenger team getting opponents they beat 95% of the time, they will now only get team a balance that a good solo queue player would also get, meaning they will either:

  • Lose just as often as solo queue players and therefore not climb faster, so it's not an advantage anymore (no more win% advantage)
  • Not find matches at all because there are very few 5-stacks that would have their MMR close enough to the Challenger stack for the match to be fair. So instead of queuing as a 5-stack, they will queue solo to find...
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21 Feb


Originally posted by ordaf

Hi u/draggles, recently got the voice chat back in my server (SEA).

Now that it's back, I'm not sure if it's the game or my device that's the issue I'm experiencing, notable that I had the same issue before voice chat was disabled.

Device: iOS -iphone xr

Issue: when enabling the mic for VC in lobby or in game, the audio for the game is gone. I can hear my friends fine and they can hear me.

it's pretty common in other games on iphone too, i think the phone thinks that the voice chat is an active call so it mutes the sounds.

Did basic troubleshooting, and updated my phone. Hope anyone can point me somewhere to have this fixed. :)

Thank you for following up! I think this one is being tracked for a fix in a future patch


Originally posted by hehexdd8

So f**king simple. Make his W give movement speed and bonus armor and mr. Who gives a f**k about support having attack speed steroids? It's useless.

Ya the attack speed is a bit funky, flavorful for sure, but not the useful stat for the champion.


Originally posted by KoDRPG

It happens when you use the quick buy right after dying without opening the shop, we should make this known to the developers, happened to lots of times as well

You are unable to refund an item after you have interacted with other units. So if you dealt damage (ignite, Brand passive, Morgana pool, Tristana Bomb, etc) or helped an ally (redemption) those items might have helped you in some way and you are not able to refund your items.

This isn't so much a bug, but us making sure you can't buy a bunch of AP to enhance your DoTs after you die, only to refund it and get something else.

20 Feb


Like I said in your other post: if you're seeing this consistently, capture me a video. Or if anyone else here can send me a video example (and rough game times when you experience the issues). If I can see what you're doing I can better diagnose what's happening and get a fix for it. A video of your experience is really, really valuable because we can see what you're inputing and what your network status/FPS are. We can't see this on a replay. For controls issues all that info is really important to understand what is going on.

We take core controls issues like this very seriously, but intermittent problems (or problems that only happen for a small number of players) are really hard to track down because we can't reproduce them, which means we can't tell what's wrong or if we've fixed it. If you can get me a video I will personally run this down with our QA and devs.

How to do on iPhone: ...

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19 Feb


Originally posted by johyongil

I have it my match history but don’t know how to save it. Can I PM you my RiotID/username along with the match times? Would that help?

Yes, I can see what we can find not 100% sure we'd be able to see your replays, send me your riotID/username and region you're playing in along with the match times. If you see them, you could also record a video. Or double check and see if you can tell what's happening when you slow it down.


Originally posted by johyongil

Also, can you check something? When I’ve attached to Akshan I’ve died as Yuumi but Akshan is fine. I had a match today where this happened 3x.

Our QA checked this out and weren't able to reproduce the issue (best they could do was have them both die at the same time). Is it possible you unintentionally detached? Also, if you can give me a video of it happening I can follow up more.


Originally posted by OkFail2

it is off, yet it keeps happening, a lot this patch.

I'll keep an eye out, but if you can get a video it will really help us in figuring out what's going on. On iPhone it's pretty easy to enable screen recording and then capture a whole game.

18 Feb


Do you have "Force attack follow" ON in the controls settings? If you do, turn it off and it should stop that behavior. If you don't that is a bug and a pretty painful one. It could be either the movestick going inactive when it shouldn't, some network problem, or the force attack follow system is active when it should be off. If you can capture a video of the behavior happening that would be really helpful.

17 Feb


Originally posted by BegMeToSt0p

Hey man, I'm a SEA player who has brought 3 separate accounts to chall, but this season I've really lost motivation to play the game solely due to the current matchmaking. I brought one of my accounts to GM this season and 9/10 games on that account will be trash. Filled with either 4 emerald teammates or mix of eme dia ( even though I'm high gm). The opponent's will have a similar setup and in effect it becomes a 1v1 and if I'm not jungling might as well ff at 5. Really hope riot hears the community out on this as I'm not the only one. A reply saying that this is at least being discussed within riot would be really encouraging. Though I've stopped playing till matchmaking issues are resolved. Thanks for taking the time to read!

Sorry my dude, I don't work on the matchmaking side of things so have really limited insight into what you're seeing :( Our matchmaking lead is active on twitter, don't know his handle offhand though.


Originally posted by Azn4sho

I don’t want to be that guy but is there any way besides sending tickets in where we can actually get a direct answer from a dev? Or perhaps you here would be a good bridge.

I’d like to ask about the many issues with matchmaking, but I seriously don’t know what riots stance is on it currently. I’ve been reluctant to play ranked (high diamond/masters support) solo and will there be any changes? I mean this MUST be on your guys’ plate somewhere right?

Sure, our matchmaking lead is active on twitter you can talk to them there. Don't know offhand what his twitter handle is, but I'm sure you can find it somewhere.


Originally posted by abzchillout

Hi Boourns,

On a slightly tangential note, if there's cases of people win-trading but not via standard methods like AFK at base (more like purposely playing bad when their friend is in the other team), what kind of evidence would be required for Riot to actually investigate such cases?

I personally know of a case where an account got to Challenger using this method.

DM me what you're seeing (any evidence you have). We plan to revisit win-trading detection because we expect that players will have adapted to try to evade detection. I can't directly action on players, but we can use that info to improve our methods.


Originally posted by johyongil

I’ve gotten warned as Yuumi and attached but just no moment to use skills at the moment, as we were hiding. I had to fire off a skill just to not get afk kicked/penalty.

Oh boy, the warning is separate from this AFK method. Let me follow up on that because we might have missed it. We had special tunings for Yuumi because of her play pattern.


Originally posted by MaxKaneMcLane

Thank you so much for reading these! It's nice to know you guys are here.

Do you mind if I ask a question about Diana's implementation in Wild Rift? She's been my favourite champion ever since the main game.

I was wondering what lead to her altered ult. Would she have been too strong in Wild Rift if she could AA while ulting? However, you did give it other benefits, such as it applying Moonlight on enemies and having it deal more damage. If that's the case, then I guess Diana's ultimate as a gameplay solution is a bit reminiscent of rework Kayle's ult and how it now deals damage but locks her into an animation for the first half of the shield duration.

Or was it simply because this ult works better with her other Wild Rift specifics, such as Lunar Rush dealing AoE damage and only removing Moonlight from the targeted enemy? These changes did give her the ability to bounce between targets more and made her reminiscent of Irelia a little bit. If this is the cas...

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Endstep talked about this on his stream a bit the other day. Basically, Diana's rework was being developed on PC at the same time that the Wild Rift team was working on her. So while the core ideas are the same some of the details had changed. If we were to add any additional effects/damage then it would be too strong unless we shaved power from other places. This would have likely made things feel a bit worse as its power would need to be divided into multiple places.


As someone working on champions these are always fun to read.

16 Feb


Originally posted by fedekun

Is this only for NA server?

No, should be all regions. However, we're not scanning all games yet until we verify that our accuracy is good.


Originally posted by SmallIndieCompany

Are you guys ever gonna consider credit score for NA? It will make the game infinitely better.

Yes, I don't think credit score from CN is the right solution to the problem though. The key thing we would want is persistent removal of rewards/privileges for disruptive players until a player can show they've reformed and are neutral or positive. The downside of a basic credit score system is that it also creates a lot of stress and abuse potential for regular players (e.g. if I play badly will someone report me and take away my rewards?). Generally I would prefer most players not have to worry about the system and then we celebrate positivity (e.g. like honor).

Edit: let me expand on this a bit too. We've considered whether to bring over the CN credit system after launch if it had a positive impact. So far we haven't seen evidence of that and negative behavior is a big pain point in CN as well. We considered it pretty risky to just deploy it to the rest of the world when our intuition was that there are some negative abuse cases hiding in there. So we made the call to r...

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Originally posted by YuumiZoomi

what are the odds that the high elo junglers that sit in a bush for 1 minute waiting for a gank to get off get punished?

Should be low chance of that happening. The reason why this has taken so long is that we've gone through multiple cycles of dark launching the detection and looking at what it detects to lower our chances of false positives like junglers waiting for a gank opportunity.


Originally posted by LordDynamo

The penalty remains the same? Some minutes not able to queue?

For now, yes, and we are looking at revisiting the penalties. We wanted to get better detection up and running first though. We still have to get to the point where we're confident running detection for all games (it's just a subset right now while we check things out).