League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

31 Aug


Originally posted by Mr_Opel

As always though we have follow up patches and if she ends up being too weak/strong we can respond.

True, I forget about that sometimes haha

I don’t know, I run into the same names that used to absolutely destroy me in the past. Not only are the usually not challenger anymore, but when we carefully save cc for her, Kat becomes a non-factor in my games these days with the proper team comp… the only time she ever performs is as a last pick into our poorly built team comp with no cc and squishy. I feel like the counterplay and awareness of what Kat does is so much higher in high elos, and shutting her down is so much easier than old Kat which one slip up she wipes our entire team and snowballs out of control.

Perhaps it’s not fair that I’m comparing the current iteration to what was once regarded by most as the strongest champion in the game though.

It is worth noting that those same Kat players know to watch for what can stop them and get to choose when they go in. So it is a bit of a dance of who can get better first.


Originally posted by sktchup

All great notes - there's a lot we haven't addressed directly. Most of the things you mentioned (voice chat, FPS drops, etc) - I generally encourage the dev team to give updates as frequently as possible, but only when we have meaningful updates. Right now, we don't really have much to share on those things. Like, that's truly as transparent as I can be on it, as that's all I know. Voice chat is being worked on, with no ETA on a fix. FPS drops, I would encourage you to report to support-wildrift.riotgames.com as they're often device-specific. Spectator bug is known, and being figured out.


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this is why we can't have nice comms

I used to think the matchmaking was completely whack too until I watched Friend win some 32 out of 35 games on stream in SoloQ, at which point I realized it's not about the matchmaking, it's about me being better lol

It's partly about the matchmaking, for sure. There's a lot more we want to do to improve it, especially around visibility when there's a disconnect between a players' MMR and their rank

On an unrelated note, is making voice chat (once fixed) available for all players in all games as a toggable option, as opposed to just for players queing up together, something the team has or would ever consider doing?

I don't think it's on the cards soon - League is an intense game, and until we have more ways to give people ways to have a safer and more comfortable experience in voice (wi...

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Originally posted by Mr_Opel

I really don’t think Katarina deserved a nerf, she’s been struggling so much more since her last few. She’s incredibly overrated and Katarina players have also been frustrated and struggling in High elo. The number of top 100 Katarinas dropping by more than 80% says a lot… and the haunting guise nerfs already hit her since she doesn’t build Ludens. Akali struggles a lot more in most elos than people believe (or want to believe), but in the end is still a very strong champion in the right hands and her constant pick/ban in pro play in all regions is a testament to that.… so at least her nerf makes some sense.

I don’t know. Balancing around placating general irrationality sounds like an awful idea. I hope it was a soft nerf... and I’m saying that as someone who struggles with Kat as a support main that one tricks a support with no cc to shut her down.

Oh, and thanks for the post!

Its a soft nerf for sure, actually something I think you had suggested in previous discussions about Kat =P. However Kat hasn't been struggling at higher elos, that's actually where she preforms the best. She is a highly skilled champion and it turns out highly skilled players can take advantage of that.

Your right that she doesn't benefit from many of the other AP item buffs but the goal is to nerf her at high skilled play and lower her frustration, so it feels warranted. As always though we have follow up patches and if she ends up being too weak/strong we can respond.


Originally posted by DianaOTP330

Why do akali and katarina get nerfed, which require a decent amount of skill, but Champions that are stomping games for a while now with about 0 skill required like rammus, tank garen, master yi or jax get buffed or remain unchanged ? Ok yi gets nerfed... also Banshees veil when?

Master Yi (everywhere) and Jax (everywhere, but mostly in the Baron lane) had been under preforming for a bit (at all elos) so we wanted to give them some buffs. We over shot it a bit with Master Yi in this last patch, hence the nerfs in this patch.

Yi has only recently become strong after last patch, and we are nerfing him in the very next patch (this one), so I'd say he hasn't been stomping games for too long, just recently.

Tank Garen was in a similar situation. If I remember right (I could be wrong) he started popping up right at the tail end of a patch after the next patch had been locked but he was nerfed as soon as we got a chance.

Rammus is a special case in that I have been saying he is strong for a while now, but he isn't seen as nearly as frustrating as many others. I also wouldn't say we have sat on him, he has popped up in the patch notes a few times. This is where things like pickrate play a role as champions with a smaller playerbase tend to...

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Originally posted by ventus2812

Any updates when is Wildrift coming to India?

Nothing to report, unfortunately. South Asia is an amazing region with so many passionate mobile gamers, and given the state of the world right now it is super complex to set up infrastructure and get the game out to y'all in a way that's worthy of your time. We hear you, but there's a lot holding us back as it stands. As soon as we have more updates on an India launch, we'll shout that message from the rooftops. In the meantime, I hope you're staying safe and well.


Originally posted by mq003at

High banrate means the champ is too OP, or too annoying.

Atm, Akali has 47.55% WR, so I am pretty sure her kit is just annoying (imho, Zed and Irelia are more annoying than her so I am not sure why people keep banning her). Nerfing her to make the ban rate goes lower may become a good strategy, but it will not be good in the long run. I really don't want to see any champions sitting at 45% WR like the PC version.

You are right though it's a tight rope to walk, we don't want anyone sitting that low. Currently, Akali is sitting right around 50% so she has a bit of room to drop before we hit that point. But bringing down her frustration is the primary goal here.


Originally posted by nmfpriv

Nice initiative here is my suggestion

Be more transparent on why you buff or nerf champions, give us hard data and what your vision is for champions..

Last patch you needed Annie because ‘Annie has been heating up the midlane’.. what does that even mean?? Give us win rates per elo, ban rates, stats..

You didn’t touch Akali/Katarina.. give us stats why you decided not to, or is it just planned for future patches? Be more transparent about your plans.

This would be resolved with dev diaries where you can give deeper insight on these aspects and decision making rational.

mm, good call. /u/wav3break let's start putting some deeper thoughts in for 2.4c?


Originally posted by blackxanary12

I more concernt for the 4 other ppl that play with afk or troll, yes they may be punished but, what about us the victim ? We still lose our LP/rank point , We need somekind of protections If we enounter afk/troller in our team

you should get the fortitude they lost divided up between you, iirc (it is a v small token, but there is something!)


Originally posted by 1stFuriosa

I've played a lot of games after decades, I've never seen a dev who is as active as Riot in terms of communication. I hope you can make like a monthly Ask Wild Rift (answer like 3-5 questions is more than enough), just like Ask Valorant.

I wish Valve devs communicates with its player, this is what i didnt get when i play Valve games.

Sometimes silence is good, but i hate it. This is what Valve does: https://youtu.be/9hBTueJGyyo

i really like ask riot. okay, you've convinced me, we should do this. as soon as i figure out a good process for it. actually acts as a good venue to do more recent updates on current topics


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

More Michael Chow would greatly improve comms, 10/10 scientists agree

the main reason michael isn't in more of our stuff is his calendar. man has a lot on his plate that doesn't involve getting in front of his camera and reeling off superlatives. michael chow videos are like a fine dessert - they must be savoured


Originally posted by mq003at

Dear Riot, can you help me with my homework? "I have a bag of balls, 1/4 of them are green, 1/8 are blue, and 1/12 are yellow, and the remaining 26 are white. How many balls do I have?" Please, I just need to solve this problem so I can play the game for the whole night ;).

Joking aside, I am pretty happy that we have a person from Riot here to improve communication (including the therapist part xD). I hope we all can get along in good terms from now on.

Joking aside, I am pretty happy that we have a person from Riot here to improve communication (including the therapist part xD). I hope we all can get along on good terms from now on. not spend time doing something like this. Hell, some dev teams even treat players like trash (I'm talking about Blizzard if anyone reads the news).

you have 48 balls - 12 green, 6 blue, 4 yellow, 26 white. we saved wild rift


Originally posted by mysticalmilkman

You could set up an official social media channel that focuses on Wild Rift updates/patches as well as collecting player feedback.

Right now there’s no real way to effectively communicate feedback outside of the dev team one off reaching out.

Even if you had a webpage with a leave a comment box…

It would be useful to us to also know the technical roadmap. We know the content roadmap but have vague insight into the game’s changes. With PC league you get the PBE and the buffer that allows, right now there isn’t any sort of “hey we’re thinking of making these changes” area for the passionate folks to check out.

Great call. The actual intake of feedback is something we rely a lot of watching player communications across the world, our in-game surveys, and actual data with how players interact with the game. Something we've def been missing is a direct line to Riot (in the vein of Ask Riot or a feedback box). Lemme look into this


Originally posted by pokachipokachi

Brawlhalla does dev streams every once in a while (you can check their schedule on Twitch). Nothing serious, just developers playing the game in a dev server, showcasing incoming skins or just talking about the game, about what's being worked on behind the scenes , about what they can talk and cannot talk about. Then they play a couple of casual games with the community on the normal servers and the stream ends and they raid any brawlhalla streamer. One stream is for dev talk, another is for esport talk. Ive been playing it for years now and the community went from talking about "the devs" to knowing each by name and loving all of them, because they get to display their charm. I'm sure theres someone in your dev team that would love doing something similiar.

i do like this - but it's hard bound to english-speakers (anything we do i'd like to be more accessible to speakers around the world). i feel like this is something that rioters should maybe do by themselves - but not so much it feels like extra work. hmm


Originally posted by Fuzzy_Yogurt_Bucket

Need to push that shiny big red “push patch to live” button under glass. Seems to be a bit too tempting to press.

it's more like they fatfingered the big red button while trying to press a medium sized green button


Originally posted by berktugkan

they should remove chat completely

i'm gonna be honest - i never turned text chat on, and i still have a great time. i don't have time to type in a WR game, and personally i can get by with pings.

i know i'm in a unique spot where players will both a) be on their best behaviour when they get into game with me and b) troll the absolute fk out of me because you don't get too many chances to do so -- but i do think we have enough options for ingame comms through pings, emotes, and flashing aggressively at my lane opponent.

for those of y'all that do like to have chat on, totally fine, but i don't think much can be shared there in solo queue at least


Originally posted by wildriftislife

Thx Rogue for replying you my fav wild rift dev <

Thanks, but the whole team works really hard on these changes and I'm just the one who needs attention the most =P.


Originally posted by PublicRotation

Haha, my main is actually Pantheon (whom I find very balanced atm, don't nerf my boy ever kty) but my 2nd most played champion is Akali, I use her when I want to spice things up a bit since I find her playstyle to be very enjoyable. But yeah, you got a deal if we ever meet in ranked :d

O.o I have wanted to get better at Pantheon (Baron and mid lane mostly), got any tips?

I haven't looked at data on this, but have you tried crit Pantheon at all? I feel like ER, IE, Quickblades, and Shiv(?), have been a lot of fun and makes your empowered 2 really strong. Though I haven't played it enough (or at all in ranked) to have a good read on it.


Originally posted by Jmmz6

Its outstanding how we have been without voice chat since 29 July and not until recently a few days ago we got a response about it, the game is full of bugs such as the one mentioned before,you can't watch friends games, lag spikes, FPS drops out of nowhere, the game sound sometimes is on sometimes is off,the matchmaking....all the trolls and afk players that goes wild and unpunished, the mmr problem and the list goes on and yet the team instead of talk with the community and try to find a common ground just look the other way and keep realising skins doing nothing about it, for f**k sake is the second time you release a patch unnoticed, how do u expect the people to take seriously this dev team

All great notes - there's a lot we haven't addressed directly. Most of the things you mentioned (voice chat, FPS drops, etc) - I generally encourage the dev team to give updates as frequently as possible, but only when we have meaningful updates. Right now, we don't really have much to share on those things. Like, that's truly as transparent as I can be on it, as that's all I know. Voice chat is being worked on, with no ETA on a fix. FPS drops, I would encourage you to report to support-wildrift.riotgames.com as they're often device-specific. Spectator bug is known, and being figured out.

I can address a couple of these things:

Lag spikes - Has been a high priority for the team for a while. Settings like the dual-channel communication feature have seen strong ...

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Originally posted by wildriftislife

Hey please put 5 team bans most of the time both team ban same champion and I don't like it its just waste of ban...... Or make both team bans like pro play in pc.

Can we see what enmey will ban will be good so no 1 ban slot wasted.

We're working our way to up 5 bans per team. We started with 3 due to the size of the Wild Rift roster, but it will grow as we add more champions.


EDIT: Some great suggestions here. Thanks so much for your help! Gonna mull over these for a bit.

Hey folks,

I see the feedback a lot that the communication from the Wild Rift dev team is bad. (Yes we released the balance patch early again here's an explanation on that i'm sorry ok).

For those that I haven't met yet, I'm the communications lead on the team - my role is to help the devs tell stories and provide updates about the things they're working on. Part community manager...

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