League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

13 Sep


Originally posted by mysticalmilkman

I hear ya on all fronts! You’re only one person at a giant conglomerate. I appreciate the extrapolation all the same. Cheers

Edit: it’s nice knowing that our outcries don’t fall on deaf ears. Can’t say the same with other companies and this is one aspect that is quite great with y’all.

Edit2: just an idea have a live webpage such as roadmap.wildrift which can be updated by the internal teams with simple info such as:

Champs on the horizon: Brand / Nunu Champs moving to the horizon: X/Y

Future goals: XYZ and ABC in development. C will take longest due to issues with coding or whatever.

Patch x.x coming Dec 15

Patch x.x delayed to Dec 29 for hot fix.

Event starting this day

Wild Pass starting this day (with link to purchase yours!)

Known bugs/issues to be resolved in upcoming patches: Voice chat due by patch x.x Flash fix due by patch x.x Character hitbox patches

ALL previous changes below

i appreciate you :)


Originally posted by mysticalmilkman

You’re right, on the point you’re making 100%. Believing anything from Rankedboost too isn’t the best considering most of their info is multiple patches behind.

I’d prefer a detailed roadmap to lay to rest a lot of these “leaks.”

Bundling the thresh reskin allowed y’all to slide the viego under the rug tho cause the reaction on new default thresh was guaranteed to be negative and overwhelming. I can’t imagine it tested well whatsoever. You split the community in half crying about another cash grab eboy and the other half confused where the ruined king disappeared off to. Not saying the rationale behind delaying viego wasn’t valid, only saying that there was a lot of community hate coming your way & thresh blocked it all. (Curious if intentional because he’s a support champ?)

Let’s be real here too “age ratings” as the reason for human thresh too has to be a joke. Ignored the community completely there too oh whale!

I’d prefer a detailed roadmap to lay to rest a lot of these “leaks.”

ya, we try to do that with dev diaries so people know what to expect over the next couple months (truthfully our roadmap isn't solidified enough to announce stuff much further than that. game dev hard)

there was a lot of community hate coming your way & thresh blocked it all. (Curious if intentional because he’s a support champ?)

it was actually just to head them both off at once as they were impacted for different reasons (didn't want people going "WHAT ABOUT VIEGO" when we announced fleshy thresh. genuinely just wanted to tell both of those stories (i'm not really sure how this plays into the "eboy cashgrab" thing but i just write devblogs man

Let’s be real here too “age ratings” as the reason for human thresh too has to be a joke.

not a joke. i don't want to be a weaselly little liar. we knew...

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Originally posted by mysticalmilkman

Cause the comms from wild rift are a joke. You have to scour Twitter and Reddit threads to find relevant information rather than their own website. Not to mention you have to find and track these Dev accounts in order to do so..

Also u/draggles still championing that Viego was iceboxed is awesome. Glad to hear that Wild Rift’s direction is f**ked and only geared towards whatever makes them the most dollars. They never actually gave a shit about the community, only appeasing it in order to get another paycheck.

do you want us to release an article about "no these leaks aren't real" every time something like this comes up? we post almost everything to the website and our official social accounts; this is something i've been shepherding for a long time. this is a lot of the reason why we don't immediately respond to questions that would involve revealing more info to players (in English, via a random Rioter's account), because it frustrates folks like yourself. we'll spend the time to actually put a real post together before leaking it on twitter.

re: viego, we explained the ...

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11 Sep


Originally posted by D0n0thing

This is why I'm not designing the game lol. You guys are way above me in understanding mechanics that go on behind the scenes and I realize this. Sometimes I like to throw out ideas and stuff. I really appreciate you guys for giving me something to do. I've been deeply depressed and not feeling any enjoyment out of life but wildrift helps me cope.

Happy to help, keep the thoughts coming, it's fun and a great way to start getting your feet wet if your interested in game design. It's super helpful to get player feedback. You all often catch things we might miss.

I'm glade to hear you're enjoying it and it's helping you out. I might have some time for a game or two right now if you're interested shoot me a DM.


It's an interesting idea for sure, but there are a few challenges.

The first being how best to give you that option in a clear, quick, and usable way. Something like this would require some large changes to the shop UI, especially if you could change it on the fly.

Game balance would also take a decent hit from moving in this direction. The first being that stats are not all valued at the same rate and an item that swapped between to stats would likely need to be over costed in some situations. Assuming you could swap it after purchasing the item we would likely need to further increase the price due to the added power versatility adds. This also doesn't take into account that effects on MR items are likely over tuned due to the more narrow value that MR as a stat provides.

Item design philosophy would also need to change to accommodate this direction. Right now we can make effects tailored to the items stats and the other way around. Thornmail, Randuins O...

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Originally posted by RiotSheiky

While I'm always sad to see teammates go for whatever reason, this is pretty normal in my experience in game dev. Wild Rift has been in development for a while, so while it may seem like people are swapping out "early," for some people it has been a few years. That being said, the team is getting bigger every day, so you'll just have some new people to meet :).

Yeah, it's pretty normal after we ship a game for people to look around and find new projects. Shipping something is very different than continuously improving it (what we're doing now). This happened with our other games too and I think it's overall healthy because those senior folks get to work on something exciting and new to them, you can promote experienced people within the team and give them a chance to grow, and you can bring on some new awesome people. The size of the Wild Rift team has still kept growing after we released to most of the world.

It's sad when those opportunities are outside Riot, but exciting for those folks. Some people like Feral Pony were only supposed to be on the project for a short amount of time, so they're really overdue for another project and I'm glad he found something on another Riot team. I'm grateful that he was around to shepherd us out the door. Some folks that y'all probably don't know who are super awesome went over to the Riot MMO...

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08 Sep


Originally posted by Collin_1221

Hello, could you take a look at Font of Life and Ardent Censer interaction on Singed. This hasn't worked on Singed since Font of Life was updated, I thought it was removed but it seems this may be a bug since in another post you said the interaction should still work.

Thanks from a Singed main :)

What interaction are you referring to? I just tested FoL+Ardent Censer Singed on live and was able to get the bonus AS whenever an ally proced the heal.

03 Sep


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

I think ik what part you're talking about I meant the 300% part was pretty much always mentioned in her ult description before the rework until it was poofed away, im sorry btw im just not good with the mathematical stuff in the description so I might have misunderstood it.

No worries, we changed it to show the damage numbers instead of 300% for this exact reason.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

Hey, thanks for clarifying this I legit thought that the missing health part was gone since I couldn't see it in the description anymore.

Its on there, it talks about it on the in the section about the Second Cast. What language do you play WR in? Its possible that there is a language bug or something funky going on.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

But I swear they did fix something about the ult scalings in the rework because the busted part about the ult in the first place was the 300% 3x damage I thought they removed that and placed a fixed maxed damage done under 35% health.

u/zekorei u/thatwasaheadshot Including you both cause I'm a noob who doesn't know if this reply with alert you both.
Akali's ultimate scales with missing hp, this damage scales from 100%-35% of the targets remaining HP, reaching cap damage when at 35%. This cap is 300% of the ability's damage. Rank 1 85(+40%AP)*300%=255(+120%AP)

02 Sep


Originally posted by maher_bk

As an Akali main, I'm happy with the changes. However i am still seeing a high ban rate (8 out of 10 games) so it's kinda depressing.. do you think this will change ?

Many players are still more familiar with pre patch Akali (hell our data is still early on how its shaping up). I expect she will always be a high banrate champion, but I also expect/hope her ban rate to drop a bit with those recent changes.


Hard stuck emerald, I'll get there some day!


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

Well idk man you have to get into some deep discussions about numbers and mechanics to explain why said abilities are broken lmao otherwise its just plain useless complaining.

I read it, I think there are some good points here for sure, and well worth checking out for people who don't play Akali but want to better understand her.

I am interested to see how she looks after the nerfs (data is still early here). But my gut says it's promising.

01 Sep


Font of Life isn't give him Singed much survivability when it goes to split pushing regardless of map size. It could even be argued that on a smaller map it's even more likely that an ally procs it and heals Singed.

Liandrys will hurt Singed, but he, like all core Liandrys users, have been over preforming for a while. I wouldn't say he is in a rough spot, just harder to play given his unique playstyle. If you understand that style you tend to do really well with him.


Originally posted by Mr_Opel

good points haha, let's see how it affects her. didn't even consider bans. ban rate will take some time to catch up to changes in strength, people's perceptions on power change slower than the power itself

may I ask what the rationale was behind Soraka nerfs? I personally felt like she wasn't a problem especially with grievous wounds and proper focus - Nami is almost universally regarded as the strongest enchanter in high elo.

Oh ya I was going to respond to that other post =P.

Basically I over did it with the Soraka buffs, she jumped up in power, but she won't be gutted by these nerf, and I expect she'll land in a fine spot. Nami is a touch strong too, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her popping up in the patch notes (not hinting at anything, just a my personal take).


Originally posted by OhItsMeSnow

Noooo don’t nerf the rolling ball of fun. My 2 cents on why his wr is higher. He is such a situational champ(versus ad champs) and thats why people tend to pick him to punish enemy comps when they go for 4 ad or full ad teams. If the enemy picks out a more balanced team, sure the effects of rammus won’t be as severe.

To be clear there are no nerfs to Rammus in this patch. I simply am pointing out that he is likely the most undervalued champion in Wild Rift.

He is going to be strong into full AD teams for sure, but he is far from bad in more balanced team comps.


Originally posted by Mr_Opel

haha I know, I understand that dance as a former kat one trick on PC.

I’m going to branch into anecdote. But the kat OTPS/mains I ran into many times in West Coast challenger were like Mali Uwu, Kyle, Hoon, Vex, Asamii, 4 character Taiwanese dude, and Bestplayer1. Hoon and Asamii have dropped her entirely, bestplayer1 is d1 now and rarely plays (i think swapped to Akali), TW1 is playing mostly other champs now (albeit possibly for tourney reasons), Kyle plays Kat occasionally still but hasnt reached challenger and doesn’t do well into me anymore when he is on Kat. Vex is like the last true Kat OTP and hes still working his way through GM. Idk, for me it feels like hitting an already dying breed lol..

going back off narratives, I just checked. there isn’t a single kat main in challenger anymore. there was once nearly thirty.

Id also caution when using diamond or masters, perhaps even GM as a sign of high elo. Theres a far bigger percentage of players in maste...

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Its very possible those players have jumped off of Kat due to her high ban rate. Its also a very small sample size from a single region of players that you notice. Its not to say its nothing, the highest levels of play will always have a small playerbase but that it is still a small data set.

When I say high elo I'm not referring to a players in any particular tier, but rather their elo and percentage of the playerbase.

Lets say these changes reduce Kat's ban rate, they then get to play this champion some more, she'll be a bit weaker and IDEALLY they get to keep playing a champion they love.

31 Aug


Originally posted by HotTakes4HotCakes

Something else I'd like for them to give a little more thought/transparency to is what a balance change means for low elo vs high elo. The Yi buff may have been trying to give him a bit more use in high elo but turned him into a nightmare for low elo. And to be totally honest that was utterly unsurprising.

In terms of communication, what would help is if at some point between the last patch and this one, someone told us "yes, we see Yi has become a problem, we are working on it for the next patch". Simple acknowledgement that you hear what's wrong, have confirmed it on your end, and telling us there's a fix on the way even if you don't have specifics of that fix, it will do a lot to curb anger.

Don't wait until the patch notes to give us good news.

We actually talk specifically about this over here, but agree that we should provide some of this context in the patch notes themselves.


Originally posted by nosleepatall

Trolling and AFKs

Have played other mobile mobas before, it was a long journey (with frequent complaints from players) to get the right weight to penalties.

From a teammate perspective, it certainly helps to get a feedback about reported players on short notice (within minutes, or half an hour): Is the report found to be valid? What are the consequences?

For the offender: Punishments should be noticeable and somewhat painful to either make an offender reconsider his notions or temporarily remove him from game modes. Repeat offenses in a short amount of time should add considerably to the weight of the penalty.

good ideas, thank you