League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by stress-relief-bot

As an assassin player probably why kai sa is harder than draven, infact he is way to easy even if i haven't played him in months. Its just that he is not hard as in pc.

You gotta be a Draven wizard. Looking at his mastery curve there is a stark difference between a players first game as Draven and a Draven player. His skill floor might not match LoLPC, but he is far from an easy marksmen to pick up.


Originally posted by Brucerino10

Still waiting for teemo ult to be like the pc counterpart, u did for phanteon, now is Teemo time. And a explanation for why the passive nerf was not on a patch note.

Not sure what passive change you are referring to if something didn't make it into the patch notes that was a mistake.

No plans to change Teemo's ultimate we think this version is much healthier for Wild Rift. Plus it lets us give him a dash!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Kai'sa is a popular champion for sure, but she is far from pick/ban, and while she is a popular pick in pro-games she doesn't have the best performance for the general player base (regardless of elo).

The truth is that she is just a fun champion people pick her for that reason. If you want a strong mechanically intense marksman than Draven is your go to, he just isn't as popular. Your right that Kai'sa hasn't been directly nerfed in a while, but she also didn't gain nearly as much as other marksmen did in the crit item update. That patch was basically a buff to all non-Kai'sa marksmen, and thus a nerf to her. If your teammates are picking Ashe/MF than support them in that, especially if you are sick of seeing Kai'sa.


Originally posted by Mr_Opel

1) I never said winrates don't matter. I said that they're over-emphasizing them. I can be more explicit if it doesn't make sense.

2) your generalization is wrong. by the same logic, lee-sin is and always been a bad champion sitting around 47%. winrates are not an end-all metric in determining champion strength.

I think it's worth bringing up that even saying someone is 47% is a large over generalization and you are right this is not, nor has it ever been, an end-all metric for the balance team. The team takes into account: different elo groups, ban rate, player perception, some amount of pro play, item/rune choices, competing champions, mastery curves.

Winrate is often brought up because it is the most clear cut example for most players to talk about, but even when I see players discussing that, it doesn't take into account all the ways winrate can be divided.

Regularly when the team talks about balance changes we talk about all of these, and a champions winrate is just one part of that. Often enough the team avoids buffing/nerfing with winrate as the primary driver because of how it can be perceived.


Originally posted by brickwalker0

i think non-pro play balancing is absolutely the right path to take. as someone only in high plat, this is what will keep me playing.

all that said, i still dont agree with a lot of the recent balance changes, especially things like the soraka changes and no significant changes to under-played champs (amumu, shyvanna, asol, singed)

So those champs are a very different discussion than pro related balance.

Basically these champions are preforming well in terms of balance, but struggle in popularity for a number of reasons (other than Shyvana, last I looked she was decently powerful and decently popular...could play up her themes better though). Generally this is due to them being less of a carry, less flashy (Amumu/Soraka), and having power that is harder to appreciate or a unique playstyle (Asol/Singed).

It's also worth remembering that even though I said non-pro I didn't just say any one elo bracket. The team looks at data, and balance the game for all elos so even though we might buff/nerf a champion we might be targeting a different bracket than a single player is familiar with. A great example here is that higher skilled players are better at closing out games early, and pushing there advantage. So if we wanted to nerf a champion for high skilled play, while having little impact on low sk...

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Originally posted by PublicRotation

u/R0guefool I've wanted to ask, I know the balance team has every kind of stats so it's probably not needed but, do you guys sometimes take an ''eye-test'' approach to certain balance changes? Like for example, does the team sometimes watch the Wild Rift tournaments (like the Origin Series for example) and take into consideration balancing some of the champions that overperform in the pro-scene?

Also, that Mundo nerf. I don't know what to say about it, I rarely see JG Mundo lol

Yep the team keeps an eye on tournaments. Our focus hasn't been too much on the pro scene, and MUCH more on the non pro (all skill levels) player base. So the VAST majority of changes have been non pro focused, with the occasional pro focused change thrown.

Part of the issue is thinking about how we want to handle it, the game is still very new and while pro players are no doubtable amazing at the game, they still have plenty of room to grow, especially when you consider learning outside their own regions.

As for the "eye test" we also take a team members familiarity into account when deciding who will take X balance change. Such as when we decide Thresh needs buffs, who on the team would be best to lead those changes. They still take feedback from the rest of the team, and need sign off, but it makes more sense to have the support player handing them than the Baron lane player.


Originally posted by tribalseth

Thank you so much! God I love transparency. I wish these comments would come more often!

<3. And also that makes perfect sense, I think I am glad there are no zerk greaves now :)

<3 Happy to help!


We wanted players to have choices in what boots they could buy. Berserker's Greaves and Sorcerer's Shoes was counter to that goal.

But don't worry the AS is built directly into your champion's stats, so really you get the bonus AS+choice boots.

28 Sep


Originally posted by GgLiitCH

Wouldn't iceberg gauntlets be a better choice? U get am extra slow to add to his cc plus all the other stats minus the extra shield

It can be a good one for sure, and they do have some great synergy together.

But Fimbul gives you 22 AH from the item itself + whatever other mana (from items and Blitzcranks own mana pool) so you end up getting much more. Fimbul is also slightly cheaper.

While Blitz doesn't use the shield as well as someone like Malphite, the shield still adds durability. And Blitz is uniquely able to double dip this because of his own passive, making use of the extra mana that Fimbul has over IBG.


Originally posted by GgLiitCH

You're almost better off just getting a roa. Health+mana and some dmg for the ultimate.

But honestly I've always done a boots start to iceborn first item. Mana/armor/AH+/slowing effect. Then base the rest of the items on who the enemies are

Choosing based off your team and opponents is going to always be the best way to go, and actives are a strong start. I'm saying as your first non-boots item Winter's Approach is Blitz default best first item. AP does give you some extra damage sure, but Blitz doesn't win off his damage, he wins by making picks and his CC and the Mana+AH let him do that much more frequently.


Jigglypuff seen from above.

27 Sep


It would be cool to see some fan art that you made of your favorite champion.

26 Sep


we should add these to the loading screen tips


If you're duoing with him, then a bot lane pairing might be nice. I'd suggest Jinx as a great entry point champion that is a lot of fun.

25 Sep


I'm so excited!!!!

22 Sep


Originally posted by surlytempo

Thissssss. LoLpc has soooo many good rune options. /u/r0guefool Could you share some of the hopes and challenges your team is facing with different runes and what we can hope to see in coming patches?

The team agrees that we want more rune choices, nothing you'll be seeing right away though. It's a matter of priorities and we have been focusing on other areas that we feel we can better improve.

We currently have no plans to bring over LoLPC's rune system or the full set of runes. There are some really good and interesting runes, but also many that overlap and fill similar roles. But we like the simplicity that comes with the current Wild Rift rune system. This makes it much easier to learn when swapping roles/situations. There is still room to improve. The rune changes a few months back went a long way to providing variety and situational rune choices, to the Resolve and Inspiration trees, but we still have work to do with the Domination tree.

This doesn't mean we won't bring over certain keystones/runes and possibly change up/add minor runes. Just that we want to be surgical about what ones we bring over, do they bring something we are currently lacking? How do...

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Originally posted by UncleTaco916

I’m glad you got to release that reddit grudge

a hero of our time

21 Sep


Originally posted by I-Try-2606

I would love to have Kai'Sa's ult be resettable on takedowns :3

The horror.

20 Sep


Originally posted by gangwithani

Isn't deadman's plate the go to first item as you can gapclose faster with w and the e knockup and then q so you can guarantee locking down a target instead of having more ability haste to miss hooking targets more because you can't close the gap

Definitely a great item for him, and rushing at a target can work. But you might not need the armor and Blitz rushing in to knock up means you don't get the displacement power that comes with a hook. The E>can be great for locking someone down but if that is what your looking for Leona or Alistair do it better, Blitz brings in the ability to hook your target while keeping yourself safe. The risk is the high CD and mana cost of Blitzcrank's Q. Fimbul removes that risk, while also making you tanky.


Originally posted by LieuVijay

Yup. Love the health especially since Zekes only give resistances. Cooldowns good too.

Ya Im unsure what his second item should be, likely a boot enchant or situational item. Zeke's makes sense, specially with it's duel stats.