League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by razorback1919

Honestly the game is incredibly well made. Controls are amazing, I have nothing bad to say and no suggestions.

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for playing!


Originally posted by wraithkenny

If you did have, make a salary/commission offer; they are a for profit company.

Wait... are people getting paid salaries here? All I get is Wild Cores. Am I... doing something wrong?


Do you have any suggestions for how we could make the game easier for you to play with your physical limitations? It's incredible that you've made it to such a high skill level. We try to make the game accessible to a wide audience, but mobile devices present a lot of constraints. Would love to hear how we can do better, often improvements here also translate to better experiences to wider audiences so it's a win-win for everyone.

28 Sep


There's an option in the controls tab! "Lock target System" if you set it to "all" you will be able to lock onto minions again.

24 Sep


Originally posted by kapehorn_

Right, but the number value for each of those, is that just overall AD/AP, is that number per attack, or something else?

Reason I’m asking is I’m getting more into the game and want to get away from prebuilt builds and buying items based on matchups. So just trying to figure out the best way to determine in game what champs do what

AD is a stat you get from items, generally this relates to physical damage, it's on swords, bows that type of stuff. If your champion focuses on dealing physical damage they likely want a bunch of this. It also increases your basic attack's damage.

AP is the same but it typically scales magic damage dealing, or enchanter type effects. This doesn't increase basic attack damage (with certain champion specific exceptions).

Really what matters is looking at your champion's abilities and see what icons show up. Or use the recommended/top 3 builds as a reference point and look for similar items.

23 Sep


Originally posted by amirh2021

I don't understand why u don't buff kaisa.she has low winrate according to wildstats for several patches and official china winrates confirmed it.she has lowest winrate among adc champs in china server. It seems like riot forgets about some champs and only remembers that they need a buff when they want to release new skins for those champs.

No new skin for kaisa in several patches=no buff even if she has bad winrate .

So normally I wouldn't take the bait and only respond to people who seem interested in hearing responses, rather than arguing, but I'll bite.

First, the balance team does not take skins into account, they don't even know what skin release plans are, and are not judged based on the success of skins or revenue.

God Fist Lee Sin was the last example I used, so I'll stick to it here. We have wanted to Buff Lee Sin for a while, (he isn't doing great), but players feel he is strong. The skin came out, we didn't buff him, because of player perception even though (from looking at just winrate data) he needs it.

Second, it really depends on what brackets you are talking about Winrate isn't universal across the board and it really comes down to how you look at the data, and this is particularly true for Kai'Sa. Because of how our loadout system works the VAST majority of players just build the next item in line. This means they will rush Stormrazor, when you should...

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21 Sep


Originally posted by Sweet-Activity8829

Perfect source found xd

But i do have a question though... the website https://wildstats.gg is it a reliable source for getting stats about the game, like average winrates or most played Champions?

I know on the bottom of the page it says: Wildstats isn't endorsed by Riot Games (...).

But this isn't very well specified and doesn't give me a straight forward answer

When I see it quoted the data is often very far off from our own data (no champions are anywhere close to -40% in their intended roles). I haven't looked at what is shown on playrate, so I can't speak to that.


Originally posted by Undivid3d

  3.  Riot bases their nerfs and buffs based on the Chinese server, that in itself tells us that the stats are reliable.

Where’s the source on this?

We do look at Chinese winrate data, but that doesn't mean we only look at that data, and ignore the rest of the world.

We look at everything we can when making changes. Chinese champion data isn't always 1:1 with the rest of the world, but it is generally similar.


This is intentional, we don't want players to be forced into taking X rune to help with their jungle clear, that is why they are focused around pvp power and explicitly avoid procing on monsters.

19 Sep


Fun fact this was developed after I was playing with a friend and I watched him rub his face into the wall while lining up a Pantheon ultimate.


The champions we added to new roles were added because they already were seeing reasonable success in those roles. Ashe wasn't seeing much success as a support, however it is possible that the new items change that, if that is the case we will likely update her roles to add support.

17 Sep


Originally posted by Kadajko

When I suggested a hybrid pen item I meant an item that shares the unique passive of LW and Void, so that they don't stack, like the rage passive that both Trinity and BC share. Gunblade and Riftmaker could share the same unique passive vamp as well so that they don't stack.

That is an option, but it does add complexity to the system (knowing that these don't stack or not letting players buy both, confusion with the shop and being locked into mid tier items). And even ignoring that it ignores all the other points I brought up, for unclear gains.

I guess let's start with why is hybrid attractive in the first place? What does a hybrid build meaningfully differently?


Slow down slow down, let me grab my pen.


Originally posted by Kadajko

Gunblade was not worth buying because its core stats were bad, on PC it was 80ap and 40ad, it was a good item stat wise, buff to gunblade stats would make it a good purchase.

Maybe it is nice to have items that fit more champions, but at the same time it is a bit sad that wild rift goes the same route as pc in the fact that it removes all the hybrid items completely. I think hybrid items that give AD and AP would be awesome for hybrid champs, but we have none. For example a hybrid pen item with the same passive as void and LW would be awesome.

Buffs to Gunblade would have made it a good purchase on a few champions, unless we went over the top. We can buff anything into being strong, the issue is that is it healthy for the game? And we don't think a strong Gunblade is particularly good to have. But even if the item itself was in a spot where we liked it the system can't support multiple magic vamp items because they can be stacked.

When you think about this as an isolated item then I think you have somewhat of a point. But the issue is that this is part of a larger system and in that system you run into issues where someone could get both this hybrid pen item and VS/LW or Gunblade and Riftmaker.

It is something we could choose to support, but it seems unlikely given the small champion pool, the fact that these champions still play the same as if they went full AP/AD, we create abuse cases for dipping into both the hybrid+focused stat item systems, and it would greatly increase the size of the item shop. ...

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16 Sep


Originally posted by TerribleTeemoTime

Why remove items at all?

The Short answer, is that it makes room for new items.

Each item we add makes navigating the shop more complex. If we have 50 AP items, that is a lot of scrolling to find the one you are looking for.

We don't feel that having 2 magic vamp items is healthy for the game, in a world where Gunblade wasn't bad, seeing Akali with Gunblade and Riftmaker is a lot of healing for any champion.

As for Gunblade itself, we have wanted to remove it for a while. It has never been worth buying because its gameplay isn't particularly healthy either, easy burst+slow isn't great. Even if it was healthy, its duel AD+AP also gave it a VERY small champion pool.


We weren't able to reproduce this issue with the setting on or off, maybe you can record a video and tag me in a post or something to show us what you're seeing.


We take this kind of bug really seriously, if you can capture a video where this happens it will help a lot with tracking down what's happening. You can google directions on how to screen record on your specific phones, iOS and Android have built in functions for that.

We get reports of move stick glitches rarely, but have not been able to reproduce the issue internally.


We wanted to release it at the same time as, or before Gwen. But we have been wanting to remove Gunblade for a while, and replace it with Riftmaker.


If y'all got suggestions for how to make the bonus gold more obvious I'm here for it! Also for Pyke ultimate. Keep in mind there's bound to be some confusion in people's first games, so we were trying not to overdo feedback since something too loud could get annoying later in the season after people have figured it out. However we don't want players to be frustrated by supports taking minions because they don't understand the mechanic.

15 Sep


Originally posted by Monk_ing

In my experience it's not consistent. I find like 10% chance it will smite opponent.

If anyone has a video showing this, I'd love to see it. We want tapping to feel reliable. It should always prioritize epics if they are in combat