League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

16 Sep


We wanted to release it at the same time as, or before Gwen. But we have been wanting to remove Gunblade for a while, and replace it with Riftmaker.


If y'all got suggestions for how to make the bonus gold more obvious I'm here for it! Also for Pyke ultimate. Keep in mind there's bound to be some confusion in people's first games, so we were trying not to overdo feedback since something too loud could get annoying later in the season after people have figured it out. However we don't want players to be frustrated by supports taking minions because they don't understand the mechanic.

15 Sep


Originally posted by Monk_ing

In my experience it's not consistent. I find like 10% chance it will smite opponent.

If anyone has a video showing this, I'd love to see it. We want tapping to feel reliable. It should always prioritize epics if they are in combat

14 Sep

13 Sep


Originally posted by ChartNew3237

Then why yuumi ? Don't tell me many people love and main her 😂.

I'm not telling ChartNew3237, I'm telling whoever else reads this that isn't ChartNew3237, but Yuumi is a popular champion in both PC and Wild Rift, regardless of elo ranges, and I think regions.

12 Sep


Originally posted by theogravity

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. Given your comments, I spent more time with akali to give her a second chance and it seems it's more of a mechanical issue with myself than it is with auto-targeting.

No worries, we are always looking to improve the game's controls. We don't want the controls to be a barrier for players.


Originally posted by ghost_cleanse

There are 3 type of target lock right? All target/no minions, structure/ no target.

In no minions, structure setting abilities and autos still go off on minions if champion is just 0.00001 unit out of range. Akali Q auto aim can turn to minion instead of champ as result.

They're suggesting remove non-champ from second setting completely or make a toggle button to further control it.

I main Draven and I have no way to dodge minions with auto. Minion button should be more than enough. Dashes abilities like Yasuo, Irelia can be exception

So changing the target lock setting to a "can target" setting.

We will not be making a setting that only means you can only hit X.

This is actually something we recently tested internally and it creates situations where you can just spam your ability and as soon as an enemy champion moves into range you hit them. This removes all aiming/timing and instead pushes things too close to being automated.

The obvious example here is to imagine if Janna's 2 could only hit champions, she would just be able to mash 2 and as soon as you got in range you would get hit. This is the same in the example of Draven's basic attacks. We feel players learning their attack ranges is a valuable skill test, though you can circumvent this "accidentally hit minion" with a target lock.

It is also not the case that if a target is 0.0001 units out of range you will target something else. I don't have the exact ranges, but I just tested with Draven's basic attack and for him t...

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Originally posted by ChartNew3237

Why does riot release 200 year champs? Warwick and vex are good additions but yone and Gwen are completely unnecessary.

(It must be for selling more skins right? 😅)

One ability description of these champs is bigger than nasus's entire kit

I could add some words to Nasus's kit if that addresses your concern. You might have noticed that I can be long-winded.

Really though we consider a bunch of factors when releasing champions. Themes, playstyle, popularity, diversity of the class, diversity of their play position.

You might say Gwen is unnecessary, but I say she is an AP Baronlaner, with a killer theme.

You might say Yone is unnecessary, but I say he is a very popular champion with an appealing theme and flashy playstyle.

Warwick and Vex are both great (I worked on them both, I'm glad you are excited for them), and they touch on many important traits too. But not every champion is going to appeal to you, I would much rather ship champions that some people love and decide to main, and others hate and ban, than champions everyone feels ok about.


Originally posted by mRozwold

I would also love a champions button only. Maybe add toggle for the main attack button -> [champions only ON], [champions only OFF].

It is very unlikely we add per button settings. Settings already have a low usage rate, and each setting we add makes settings as a whole more difficult to navigate/set up. I do think there is a world where we expand or change the current target lock settings (All, No Minions/Monsters, No target Lock) though.

I am curious for anyone reading this, particularly those that use No Minions/Monsters. This option allows you to "select" Minions/Monsters by attempting to target lock on a Minion/Monster, but they are not a valid target. This means you can't lock onto them, so what the system does is it lets you "select" the target, briefly focusing onto them. This basically means that your next attack will hit that target.

Do you use this "select"? Or is it a problem? Did you even know it functioned this way?


Originally posted by Coyce

Sorry, what i mean by that is if i am a melee champion and say i locked on to an ezreal and he creates distance through his S3 while the enemy support (let's say it's a Leona) wailers on me, if i keep pressing the attack button my champion won't automatically attack Leona but try to hit Ezreal who is now out of range.

Would be cool if i could attack Leona without losing the lock-on for ezreal in case i get close enough or if i wait for a skill to be off cooldown to aim at him.

It's a really small quality of life change, but right now for melee champs i have to keep locking and unlocking or risk simply not doing any damage everytime my preferred target leaves my range


Here is a short video i made to better visualize what i am trying to say

Thanks for the detailed feedback and video. This relates to the 2nd point "ability range + X amount" It looks like that X amount might be a little too far.

We want to make sure that you don't accidentally target someone you didn't intend to, such as if Ezreal flashed away, and you wanted to chase him. We could run into issues where he blinked right before you hit attack and you would instead "waste" your Q on Leona, or worse a minion. Though I agree the X range might be a little too far, at least for melee champions.


Originally posted by Top-Pride1804

Don't you have plans on changing the target lock mechanic where if the enemy goes out of sight it would attack the nearest target/lowest hp rather than not do anything?

That is already live, it isn't perfectly "target is out of range, pretend like you are not target locked". Instead, it is "target is out of range + X distance" We did this because we still feel aiming, and learning ability ranges are important skill tests. There are also points where a target might be just out of range and you expect them to take a step forward, or want to zone them.