League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

30 Aug


I turn on semi locked camera so I can push the camera towards the action and have it stay offset from my champion (similar to the offset camera we have in league). I also use my index/2nd finger to navigate the camera on the minimap. It takes a bit of practice, but I don't find it jittery. Also useful for aiming long range ults, you can use the minimap to pan the camera and then when you aim your ult it happens within the camera view so it's more accurate than aiming without moving the camera across the map.

29 Aug

27 Aug


Originally posted by Mind_Of_Shieda

Hi, can I ask why you decided to make his ultimate unlimited distance? is this something you’re looking to change in the future if it ends up being abused or problematic? The ultimate controls feel way better than pc (maybe the joystick fits perfectly for the spell lol) idk just a lot more responsive to me.

On a side note, I also messed my first Sion Q in wild rift haha, but it made perfect sense to me afterwards. Nice job.

Edit: I wrote “future” twice lol.

We are open to changing it if it becomes a problem, but we think this is a case where the excitement is higher than the actual power, and that is a good place to be. It is always possible we are wrong, and if that is the case we'll reevaluate.

26 Aug


Originally posted by _ST9

Thoughtful responses like this are why I love riot

Thoughtful players like this are why I love riot.


Originally posted by Coulm2137

To be fair, your reasoning seems very logical and fair from game development perspective :) . Doesn't change the fact that it caught me off guard and I lost the ranked because I couldn't hit my Q properly, but looking at the bigger picture, it does make sense. Didn't expect a riot employee to answer in this thread tho! I'm flattered

Totally understandable, as compensation here is a fun fact of something we added to Sion in Wild Rift. When Sion respawns as a zombie he has a small fear around him.


Originally posted by Tekshi

On top of everything R0gueFool has mentioned, which he's the the master of controls. As a player, because Q is a tap to cast, it frees up your thumb to cast W in the middle of your Q as well. (If you had to hold Q, i'd imagine it'd be a lot more difficult to tap W.)

Oh ya that was part of it too, I'm becoming a forgetful old man now.


Originally posted by UnholyDoughnuts

Good question, this is because Sion can aim his first ability. It doesn't hit all around him like Diana's ultimate does. It would need to start casting as soon as you push. Vi, Varus, and other hold+aim abilities can adjust their aim, but we don't feel that would be fit Sion. - rogue fool on twitter

Someone asked why its not press and hold like diana

As a rule, though we do prefer you to need to hold a button for charged abilities. We feel it is smoother and amps up the feeling of the ability. We don't like to make exceptions, and put a high value on consistancy/clarity but depending on the ability we might end up needing to bend that a bit even if we don't want to.


Originally posted by dvrsd

Roguefool talked about this yesterday on Twitter. Perhaps he can give a more detailed answer here 😅 u/R0gueFool

I did talk about this on Twitter!

Unfortunately, this is a fundamental difference between LoLPC's controls and our own. Any ability that you can aim must happen on button release in Wild Rift, whereas on PC it can be set to happen on button down. This is because on LoLPC you have your mouse to aim with at the time you push the button. Previously all abilities would happen on button release but abilities that don't have any aiming we can make things happen slightly faster if they happen on button down, we made that change last content patch.

Touch screen controls require any aiming to happen on button release unless it is something we want you to be able to adjust the aiming of. In Sion's case we would need to fundamentally rework, and reduce power in the ability if we were to allow you to adjust its aim while charging. We did make some slight adjustments to help compensate for this, but it still does mean that instant Qs are a bit rougher than we would like.

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Originally posted by LikeInnit

I've wondered, do you guys play the game a lot in your free time? Or does it put you off because you're working with it all the time? Not sure how I would be if working with it all the time, may want to try out the new stuff or might be sick of it at the end of the day haha. Just curious.

We play the game a lot, but it does vary based on the person's role. We have plenty of people who play the game daily (on top of our daily team playtests), but like too much of anything, it can also be draining. In those cases we take breaks from the game, play other games, or what have you, just the other week I was feeling this way so I opt out of our daily playtests and did play during my off time.

For designers, like myself, it is obviously important to be familiar with the game you are working on, but we also want to be playing other games too. It is helpful for new ideas, to see how those games solved unique problems, see what people are enjoying, get an idea of the current standard etc. But it is also good for us outside of our roles as designers, remember we are all still gamerz and started out playing games long before we even thought about making them. And we do want to enjoy other experiences (both in games, and IRL) like anyone else.


Originally posted by LandOfGAG

I hate to nag, but I rarely see you guys and want to ask, where you been? I assume you Riot folks have been around, but there have been a few posts where people are looking for your feedback and we don't see anything. I understand if you see it and don't respond, but to know you're there is something.

We are human and will miss posts, or it is possible that depending on the feedback the person who sees it doesn't have an answer. We don't all know everything about the game and might not the best person to answer something. Or just be busy and miss it or see it don't have time to respond.

In my case I have been off Systems and Balance for a while now and recently handed off Maps and Modes to another designer so I can focus more on champions. So it's a bit more difficult for me to talk about my work because it is often much further out. It makes it difficult to have the most up to date info on the live game, such as current balance. I also make a point to ignore raging and trolls, they don't want to have a chat so it doesn't seem productive for anyone.

I still try to respond to things when I see a topic I can speak to, or a good chat to be had.


Originally posted by final566

Question for riot, in many a post on the wild rift main page whenever thry do announcements it says "we beard your feedback" so where do you guys listen to feedback since there no forums reddit and Twitter?

I like that we "beard your feedback" =p. We get feedback in a lot of ways. Reddit and Twitter are both places we frequent for feedback from invested English speaking players (Twitter has more non English speaking players). We also have teams that help out by getting us feedback from non English speaking regions. And our Insights team will often create surveys, you might have seen these in the game, or use other methods of collecting feedback.

We also talk a bit with pro players and content creators, during Elemental Rift's development I set up a discord server for content creators and pro players that we used to chat through everyone's impressions. And frequently watch patch run down videos, and other player created content to get a feel for how everyone is feeling.


Sion was one of the first champions I started working on, and I am not upset that this is the first clip from players that I found.