League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

08 Aug

07 Aug


Originally posted by ashvsmay00

With all new runes and items for damge dealers, tanks already have a bad time. Tanks can't even last more than 3s in a team fight now. Why did you even nerf their item? Maybe you and WR devs think making tank players suffers and everyone else happy is a major win?

Many of us actually love tanks. I've said several times that tanks are actually very strong, even more so after this patch, but are not as satisfying as playing a carry to many players. So a change that increases their satisfaction without buffing them is a MAJOR win. There is still work to be done to increase satisfaction for tanks, but it is tricky given how powerful they already are and how much players care about kills.


Originally posted by slimbf

There's some irony in the whole situation. As you've stated, the item is weaker than it was previously (in regards to damage mitigation, not utility). So in an effort to make the enchant more "accessible" to the casual player you've effectively reduced the effectiveness of a tank item on tanks and allowed it to be used to boost the utility of non-tanks to make them more tanky. I hope that was the intended consequence of the rework.

So this wasn't so much about making it more "accessible to the casual player" it is really about increasing satisfaction, and clarity what it is doing for you. Yes that does affect casual play but satisfaction is important at all levels.

We did intend to nerf the item, I did say it was OP. If we can do something that increases satisfaction while nerfing something that was OP that feels like a major win.

06 Aug


It is really an issue that it is more visible now that it is a shield instead of just increasing health. It is VERY easy to overestimate things based on how noticable they are. Even though the item is weaker than before it feels much better seeing the shield (it was very OP before). This is similar to the fact that many people underrate tanks because their impact isn't as obvious, or swear a champion is OP because they get kills.

Gargoyle is still good, it's just that it was OP and hidden before, now it isn't so hidden. But ya I don't think I would recommend it on carries, -40% damage can be rough to deal with.


Originally posted by SolubilityRules


Get in here

Posting here for Darkbreaker. Not gonna address whether this kind of chat is "toxic". That's pretty loaded term that means different things to different people.

Instead I want to address mindset here. I get the frustration that people feel when someone on your team isn't playing well, or doing things that look obviously suboptimal to you. Especially when you're in ultra try hard mode in Legendary Queue. We all want to win when we play. So I understand why people say negative stuff in chat and I'm certainly guilty of expressing my frustration in game. You gotta ask yourself though... are you really trying to win? Are you really tryharding in all aspects? Because if you are, you should look really carefully at what you say to your teammates. Saying stuff like "u too dumb to use ult?" does not actually result in people playing better. You might be right that they should have used ult, but you're not effective at getting that person to use it more effectively in the future and ...

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05 Aug


They are both rather competitive for her. There seems to be a bit of perception around Kraken Slayer being weak, but whenever we have looked at its power it lands similar, or even slightly ahead of Lethal Tempo for most marksmen. I think it'll really come down to if you expect to be at full LT stacks for a long time, or if you are going for shorter trades.

04 Aug


Originally posted by Sgrinfio

It's not supposed to be the elite, it's supposed to be fair for everyone who wants to play solo. If they are that bad, beat them and climb.

That's exactly right. The Diamond 4 requirement is more to ensure a decent level of experience first, not to only allow elites.

03 Aug

02 Aug