League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

29 Jul


Originally posted by Elugorn

Yuumi, Ekko weak ? In which time space ? Yuumi banned every single game and ekko in high elo is abused by 30% players.

Time: Their release

Space: Wild Rift.

You gotta remember I am talking about their release, even now neither are particularly strong. And Banrate does not equal power, it is a better measure of frustration or at least perceived power. Pickrate is similar, in that popular champions are often not the strongest ones, the truth is that some people enjoy playing certain champions regardless of if they are OP or not. As for 30% of players playing anything, I don't think anyone has had that high of a pick rate, Ekko is just a popular champion even when weak.


Originally posted by Brusex

Like every champ isn’t some sort of op on release and forget about the ones already in the game to those too

I think at this point we have a better history of releasing a champion under powered. Nautilus, Ekko, Pyke, hell Yummi was the weakest we have ever released. There are a few exceptions, (Brand, Asol, and Kayle) but it's been a while since any of them.

I haven't seen Kassadin's numbers yet, but the team is learning a lot about gaging a champion's release power and their growth as players get familiar with them.


Originally posted by JackMehoffFast

It's to accommodate for the fact that we don't have the ability to select our targets with the same precision as PC players. They mentioned this was the reason why they changed Annie's Q and MF's Q. It adds skill expression as well while also opening up certain mechanics.

This is a big part of it, but it still depends on the ability. By default your abilities will prioritize champions and both Annie and MF Q are frequently used for last hitting and it would be painful to need to target these at minions that frequently. Skill shots also have some nice gameplay to them that we like, and allow us to put more power into these abilities. Tap targeting does a lot to lower the skill floor of our controls, though there are plenty of times where you want to aim, and we feel that accounts for the added skill that these being targeted adds.

In Kassadin's case we knew his laning phase couldn't be as punishing as it is in LoLPC and thus he wouldn't be using this as as much of a farming tool. It being a skill shot also allowed us to make it a silence due to it inherently having some unreliability.

We always want to evaluate what is best for Wild Rift when making a champion and that might result in changes to abilities.


Originally posted by DropTopMox

Hi, thanks for the input. Don't you believe its an option worth giving though? It'd definitely make certain situations (like teamfights) a lot less chaotic to approach as you have total control of your camera and still have both fingers available to move/aim skillshots.

I'd love a little toggle next to a recentre button in the top right, as I already mentioned. It may be not intuitive but it could definitely be a tool to allow even more skill expression.

Having said this have you considered adding a "smooth camera" option? When I pan the camera and observe a specific area my screen ends up twitching a lot. Might be my finger not being the steadiest but it'd be great to have some stabilization (or the option to have it).

Congrats on the controls and the settings btw, so much customization and everything fits great on a mobile screen!

Thanks, it means a lot to hear people enjoy what you are working on.

Settings are a tricky thing as much as I would love to have a settings option for everything settings tend to be VERY rarely used, so we tend to want to focus on things being global changes. And we don't want settings changes to feel mandatory, or like you can't do X without changing them. Plus each setting we do add reduces the discoverability of all settings.

My personal concerns here would be 1) It could become mandatory at higher levels of play. 2) it doesn't feel intuitive to "lock" your camera at a location and move around at another location. 3) if not mandatory it becomes a HIGHLY specific setting that will see very little use. 4) the game was designed with the current camera in mind and all our designs are done with that in mind, and we feel we can make a great experience without changing this.

As a note on settings, the On Button Down was going to ship as a global change bu...

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Originally posted by JinkoNorray

u/R0gueFool says in his Twitter bio that he works on controls so surely he has the answer.

Yep yep yep, I am one of the designers working on the game's controls.

There are currently no plans for free cam controls, the game is designed around the camera and the information that it provides/obscures. We feel that the free cam is a bit less intuitive for Wild Rift's controls and we don't expect most players to be needing to focus away from their champion enough to warrant having it.

While we are still working on the game's controls, we don't expect to be making drastic changes but rather smaller tweaks as needed. Things like the "On Button Down" change last patch or some upcoming ones we are working on for future patches.

28 Jul

27 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


So we're on the same page, we're talking about ~20:30 game time right? I see them idle there for a bit and then move and cast their ult offensively about a minute later? If that's what we're talking about, I agree they were AFK (and it looks like they disconnected briefly before starting to play again). However, I would not expect the system to mark them as AFK at this time because they weren't idle for long enough. It's a little complicated because we don't want to falsely detect someone who is camping a brush waiting for the lane to push so they can gank (for example). We are looking to reduce the amount of time it takes to be marked AFK when you are truly idle though, which will address more cases like this.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Am I missing something here? Are you saying that the Lux is AFK in this game? At what point?

26 Jul