League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

02 Aug

01 Aug

31 Jul

30 Jul


Originally posted by ZMowlcher

Why not try having alternate control layouts.

You are able to make 2 custom layouts so we don't do a lot to preset those for players. But you are able to customize your own, including button size and location.


Originally posted by ZMowlcher

Why not a "next target previous target" button(s)? Could put them right under the aa button or we could place them where we want.

We don't want to add more buttons to the game, but a similar approach would mean replacing the minion or tower button, but that is the funky controls part I was talking about.


Originally posted by ZMowlcher

If you're still answering questions, how do you swap between targets to use MF's passive more effectively?

This is something I would love to improve on, but I don't think we can without reworking the passive or doing something funky with controls. So really what you want to do is swap targets by dragging your attack button, but that is a bit more tedious than we would like.


Originally posted by Elugorn

Im talking about how Rengar is utter garbage right now.

It really depends on where you are looking, he could definitely use some love at lower elos, but he is actually fine at the highest levels of play. Looking at his items the VAST majority of players are building BC first, but he does much better with Triforce or DS. If you are struggling then I suggest rushing one of those instead. Rengar is deceptively complex and seems to have a much steeper connection to MMR than most champions, but that also means that he scales a lot with player skill/player knowledge. Ideally, we would love to make him a bit better at lower elos, and I think we have some planned, however, I'm not on the balance team so I'm a bit out of the loop on the details.


Originally posted by Elugorn

Is that so ? Did riot perhaps forgot Rengar then ? :)

Nope, if I remember correctly Rengar was fine at release, but he has been out for a while now.


Originally posted by SnooDonkeys5834

Can I just say, I think ur the best wild rift employee, standing behind next to allen

I will not be bribed into buffing Twisted Fate!

29 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe never, maybe he's been in the game since the beginning, maybe the entire Wild Rift takes place inside the dream of the Volibear. You gotta stop thinking of time as a linear thing. Each choice that is made could create another universe, imagine a universe where everyone is Volibear. We gotta be careful we don't make a mistake and wake the beast.