League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Originally posted by forthwright

Regardless of what the numbers say, it feels bad to get eviscerated in 2 seconds by a single champ as a tank. I come from PC League where tanks feel pretty alright right now (still not perfect, but they live WAAAAAY longer than in WR). I find it better to build tanks full damage. At least that way I actually do something before I die in the same amount of time.

This feeling is the part that really matters here. Tanks can be strong without feeling tanky enough and that is totally valid. We would like to adjust how this feels, I personally have felt plenty durable when playing tanks (typically Rammus), at least until the very late game, but that doesn't mean they are weak.


Originally posted by RedKingDre

Oh, really? Then why can't they last at the very least 5 seconds in a teamfight to hold off 3 opponents to buy the time for their teammates?

Likely that they are picking bad fights, you aren't following up, or tanks are building dps or not counter building the other team.


Tanks have always been in a rather strong spot, but they are often overlooked by the reddit player base because they are not as flashy or likely to get kills to solo carry. But consistently tanks have been shown to have a strong winrate and having one on your team is a good predictor for winning a game.

16 Jul

15 Jul


If you can DM me info (playername#tag, date/time of game, who you played, and who was AFK) we can look into it. We are seeing reports that remake is not triggering when it seems like it should and we're looking for examples of that happening.


I'm glad people are enjoying it. I just watched u/excoundrel's video of him playing it. One thing we forgot to mention in the patch notes is that her Fury generation is not paused when dead.


Dragons promised long ago to never slay a target dummy.

14 Jul


Originally posted by GloomyZoomy69

any particular reason why the trinkets are reworked?

The problem is that before this patch it was optimal to place a Pink Ward and then swap to Yellow Trinket so that you had the most vision coverage (because you could have 2 yellow wards and a Pink Ward out at the same time). So it creates an unintuitive pattern for optimizing vision that was never intended.

This is really about consistency, as we don't want Pink Wards used as a way to maintain vision while also using other trinkets to gain more vision (yellow) or remove vision (red). It has its role of controlling vision in an area, generally objectives, not as an enhancement of the other vision trinkets.


Originally posted by DevastaTheSeeker

So what does it mean with shyvanna's new stacks? "First to last" like, in the order you unlock them? The order they are in the champion display?

Yes, they are enhanced in 1>2>3>4 order.


Originally posted by Aubric

I thought the comments were well written and fun. I like the dev team on WR.

Thanks! We like players like you too.


Originally posted by Brusex

Yeah this change doesn’t make sense and seems to punish players for warding(?).

They say you shouldn’t be swapping and that your wards should be more intentional but I have a pink ward up and there’s an objective spawning and I’m jungler i should be using the scanner.

Why should my pink ward despawn? It doesn’t have a time limit and hasn’t been destroyed by an enemy. Yellow wards despawn once they’ve expired or destroyed. Scanners are one use only for a limited time.

This pretty much limits the types of wards to the role you play.

Either revert this change or put a time limit on pink wards.

/u/R0gueFool linked for visibility.

The problem is that before this patch it was optimal to place a Pink Ward and then swap to Yellow Trinket so that you had the most vision coverage (because you could have 2 yellow wards and a pink ward out at the same time). So it creates an unintuitive pattern for optimizing vision that was never intended.

This is really about consistency, as we don't want Pink Wards used as a way to maintain vision while also using other trinkets to gain more vision (yellow) or remove vision (red). It has its role of controlling vision in an area, generally objectives, not as an enhancement of the other vision trinkets.

13 Jul