World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

17 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Specifically, the data points released in the DevBlog showed that sentiment against adding submarines was at most 43% (in the 0 battles played category). Other categories were also provided (1-5 battles in Subs, 6-25 battles in Subs) which had lesser resistance to submarines being added.

16 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Article does say "first three weekends of the tournament, respectively" which would indicate one drop per weekend.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Matches can have up to 2 CVs when the queue is overloaded. The 9v9 aspect would be the result of a queue dump (queue went all the way out to 5 minutes.

You can learn about our Matchmaker in this video:


Saludos Capitanes,
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1. Asegúrese de que la captura de pantalla es claramente legible
2. El partido debe haber ocurrido entre el marco de tiempo proporcionado arriba.
3. No se permite el plagio de ningún tipo.
4. Debe seguir los parámetros indicados en la sección de desafíos.

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Saudações Capitães,

Estamos tendo um evento no fórum. Para participar, siga as regras abaixo e poste seus resultados no tópico principal.

Responda ao tópico principal fornecendo duas capturas de tela: 1 captura de tela do seu navio "fantasiado" com sua camuflagem favorita e 1 captura de tela do seu relatório pós-jogo mostrando se você recebeu uma Derrota ("Travessura") ou uma Vitória ("Gostosura"). Isso pode ser feito em qualquer momento de jogo (exceto Salas de Treinamento). A partida deve ter ocorrido entre 16 de outubro 14h UTC (9h CT) e 31 de outubro 17h UTC (12h CT).


1. Verifique que a captura de tela seja claramente legível
2. A partida deve ter ocorrido entre o prazo indicado acima.
3. Plágio de qualquer tipo não é permitido.
4. Ele deve seguir os parâmetros listados na seção Desafio.
5. Por favor, responda apenas ao tópico principa...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was a great watch <3 Glad you enjoyed it!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sub vs Sub combat is perfectly fine, dude~ There's literally a Consumable that's purpose is to spot subs for fighting/pressure.

Nice video <3

Homing Torps try to lead the target. The Sub was surfacing for a bit so they were moving to the expected intercept level.

The double-ping not being removed ensured they were going to make contact. Double-pings are no joke.

15 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is an available queue for hardware testing that is small.

Much of lower-tier matchmaking does involve use of Bots, which is a forgiving experience already.

Matching additional new players allows for more varied games.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the first picture, you should look at the circle on the minimap:

If you look closely, you'll see how high you are aiming and that the circle is "past" the ship on the minimap.


Using the Minimap Circle can be extremely helpful for aiming.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You would still need to purchase it in the Random Bundles. It's written in the description that if you own the ship already, you'll receive an amount of FreeXP (which I don't recall off the top of my head).

14 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please keep in mind that the Research Bureau is almost a form of "Prestige" grinding. There are some cool ships in there, but you really don't need to rush to get them. There's a wealth of ships to play and unlock while the Research Bureau exists after you've explored and ground all the lines that interest you.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

US Battleships don't get the -dispersion Upgrade in Slot 3, so you're only losing range and a 5%/-5% secondary buff interaction.

I recall there being a Reddit post talking about how longer firing range translates to better Vertical Dispersion, but in practice I really haven't felt much of a result from the concept. Barring that theory, Slot 3 is just a choice being firing range and turret traverse.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Since it's not Live yet, [insert possibly subject-to-change disclaimer here].

The intention is a per-Update increment, not an "amount of days/time".

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Her base turret traverse is similar to the Yamato in forcing her to be at range. Definitely worth considering taking Main Battery Mod 2 (+15% Turret Traverse) and potentially the Commander 2-pointer as well if it's a big concern. You can drop the Turret Traverse to 43.5 sec/180 degrees with a basic commander, or 41.7 sec/180 degrees with a Doe Brother or Halsey.

California's base firing range is 19.9km. It's nice to take the range extension in slot 3, but if you aren't landing shells at 20+km it's not going to matter overmuch. Plus you can choose Spotter Plane for situations where you did need to reach further to touch someone.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I meant ballistic/firing performance.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That part is still being worked on. Since it's Friday, I won't have an update until next week.


The token is exchangeable until the release of 0.11.10, after which it will be automatically converted to doubloons.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

She's got great firing profiles with fast, accurate shells. They don't overmatch much, so finding a comfortable spot mid-map allows you to threaten both flanks while cruisers move wide to take position.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

These Doubloons costs look correct. There are three tracks:

Free Track - Freely Available Rewards

2500 Doubloons - Additional Rewards as you would expect for spending Doubloons

6250 Doubloons - Additional QoL Benefits/Bonuses

The largest version provides some benefits which can be seen in the above photo. The "Battle Pass Missions: 1" references an additional mission that a player can complete to get Battlepass progress. It's not needed for completion of the reward track, but it can help players who'se game interaction is more sporadic.