World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

30 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congrats! Nice job!

Would've made it a Kraken

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are ships which are best classed as Generalist. "Jack-of-all-Trade" sort of combination. These types do sometimes get picked because of their versatility, but hyper-optimization tends to be the norm.

29 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You have to recognize the unique aspects of the line if you want to enjoy it. The Elbing line is the closest we have to a sniper rifle/super accurate ship. Her Horizontal dispersion is nearly half of what a normal DD's is... which is extremely notable.

This is taken from The top line is a Z-52, the bottom is the Elbing. Both are ranged to 10km.

In terms of reticles, the Red/Orange would be the Z-52. The Blue/Light Blue would be the Elbing:

For a different comparison to more easily represent area which doesn't use ellipsoids:

Also, notice the Shell Flight Time. It's MUCH flatter/faster, especially out at range. Elbing can fire out to 17km with a 10 sec shell flight time. A Venezia makes that distance in 9.4 seconds.

Elbing on Top, Venezia underneathe:

Lastly, her AP has great damage and Improved Pen Angles, which ...

Read more
    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Both the Schlieffen and the St. Vincent battleship lines have had reduced tankiness in favor of increased offense. Schlieffen was used in some competitive matchups, but her need to be close/mid-range while not having the tankiness is a real hindrence in coordinated play. St. Vincent having overmatch, consistent range threat, and a heal that can be managed skillfully means she's a remarkably capable package throughout the battle.

A lot of competitive involves picking hyper-optimized choices. The tool that does the very specific job/role you need it for to the highest extent possible is often chosen. The skill of the player is used to mitigate the downsides to the playstyle while being able to make solid use of the strengths.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe you just set your Birthday and wait for next year. The email you received on January 1st likely included the Coupon at that time so it can't be duplicated for this year.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've not heard of any issues with Random Operations giving an assortment of Operations to play. Some folks played Random Operations pretty extensively during Update 0.11.8 and are eargerly awaiting its return.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Ship XP is independant from Commander XP and Free XP.

The only use Ship XP has on a Premium Ship is for converting so you shouldn't use Ship XP Bonuses if you don't intend to do that.

28 Oct

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Looks like you filed your ticket under a header for Game Updates, which I don't think will work out.

Please try this link and make a new Customer Support Ticket. Explain that you haven't received the Coupon you expected to get.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Birthday Coupons are still a thing. Please contact Customer Support~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The above is oft repeated, but the reason Team Damage was removed was preventing issues for all team members of all ship types. There are players that "take the law into their own hands" which can include any type of ship. (IE: Killing a teammate that "stole" a kill, or someone killing a "DD that isn't spotting enough").

The removal reduces overall frustration, though it is at the cost of some immersion.


Hello, Captains!

A new DevBlog has been posted here:

Please leave any feedback you have here.

Thank you!


Obtain Malta in exchange for Coal, grab Italian Destroyers Premium containers, and take advantage of our special coupons. Read it on the portal


Obtenha o Malta em troca de Carvão, pegue os contêineres Premium de Contratorpedeiros Italianos e aproveite os nossos cupons especiais. Leia no portal


Obtengan al Malta a cambio de Carbón, consigan los contenedores Premium "Destructores Italianos" y aprovechen nuestros cupones especiales. Leer en el portal


Dear colleagues,

There are plans to release EU, NA, ASIA, RU WOWS on Wednesday, November 2

Release plan 2022-11-02- 2022-11-03

Server update date:
EU – 05:00 02.11.2022 UTC
NA – 10:00 02.11.2022 UTC
ASIA – 21:00 02.11.2022 UTC

Dear modders.
Please note that this information is not an official announcement!
I ask you not to distribute among the players before the release date.
