Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

15 Dec


Originally posted by bigbadVuk

Where the links at to all the mods? :D Anyone been on today and seen them in there? Most looking forward to the Taludas one, but several other look kinda cool, too.

As fhackner3 said, that's up to the creators. We are planning to update the blog post with links to the mods, however, as soon as the modders have uploaded them.

14 Dec


Since this thread is still pinned, I'm just gonna go ahead and say: We've just announced the five winning entries:

Thank you for everyone who participated in the contest, and congratulations to the winners! We had a lot of fun checking the submissions.


Originally posted by humility925

Any chance you guy gave us a little quest to repair castle in Crown Fall and manola, I would love to repair both of those. :)

I'm afraid we're not going to do any more gameplay content for Anno 1800, that includes quest chains and new monuments, like those two castles.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Tom_D55

Don't want to burst your bubble, but the devs have clearly stated that they have moved on and are working on the next game. Cosmetic DLCs will always be just that: cosmetic, with no gameplay changing additions

They did state this, indeed. And it's still true: only the three Cosmetic DLC next year, no gameplay content.


Originally posted by TimeLordVampire

They both had very few skins compared to the old town dlc. Like the gothic pack didn’t even have a skin for the church or engineers/investor residence. So as soon as you started getting to those tiers your city no longer looked gothic…

But it had more ornamental items than the Old Town CDLC (and a skin for Hospital + Pub). Skins for all residence types with each themed CDLC would unfortunately be out of scope - we would need to not only increase development time, but accordingly also the price to reflect that.

The only time we did skins for all population tiers was the "Vibrant Cities" Pack which was, to be honest, in terms of content far larger than the other CDLC - and also only included skins, no ornaments.

05 Dec


As others have already mentioned, the Switch is, unfortunately, underpowered to run Anno 1800. One key issue here is the RAM, which the Switch only has 4GB of, while the minimum requirements for the standard PC version already ask for 8GB.

So, we're not planning to release 1800 on the Switch, no.

01 Dec


Since you said you did a clean install of Windows, maybe the folder protection settings changed?

It could be that the game/ can't access the folders where it needs to write its data to (C:\Users\Public\\4169\mods).

29 Nov


Originally posted by playwrightinaflower

Does the ingame mod browser finally work on GeForce Now, and/or are there plans to make it work?

We had a look into the topic, but the way the mod browser and the integration works is not compatible with how Geforce Now handles user files/folders. So, I'm afraid it won't work for Geforce Now users.

28 Nov


With a rise in handheld devices for gaming, from the Switch over powerful mobile phones to the Steam Deck, it's certainly an interesting topic for games nowadays. And as you also said, we did do some experiments quite a while back for Anno.

Right now, however, we don't have any plans for a dedicated version or ports of our game(s) for handheld/mobile devices.

27 Nov


Originally posted by thekunibert

Thanks for the insight from a technical POV. If active pause isn't an option because of the reliants on ticks per action taken, wouldn't it be possible to just slow down time by a lot more than the current 0.25, say 0.01. This would not pause the game of course and if you leave your game running overnight would still not be a good idea. But it would at least take the constant feel of pressure from players, especially newer ones.

I believe there's a mod that does that and comes with a few downsides because of the underlying system explained above. It's not just slowing down gameplay, but also your interaction with it.

The "slow speed" we implemented basically is a compromise, since slower speeds worsen the user experience.



I'm prefacing this by saying that we would not work on this anymore either way since we're done in terms of development for Anno 1800.

Even that aside, however, I'm not 100% sure what your main goal with this would be - is it the performance aspect? Or are you hoping/expecting also other changes/improvements to the multiplayer?

21 Nov


It's not an Anno game if there's no food and drink.

Beautifully put together, those menus!

20 Nov


Crazy impressive on all levels - big fan of the seasonal gameplay element, very curious how that feels when playing.

15 Nov


Originally posted by Kero131

Thanks for the reply. My issues persist though, I have the game through epic and have been playing for years without this issue until I returned to the game this week. Should I go to ubi support?

Probably best to check with Support, yeah. They can gather your system specs and investigate - and will forward the issue to us afterwards.

13 Nov


Originally posted by Kero131

I am still having this issue, was there a post anywhere that details a fix?

Yes, the issue was fixed on June 28th last year:

We're not aware of any major memory leak issues right now.

06 Nov

05 Nov


Originally posted by Ocular_Myiasis

u/Ubi-Thorlof is there any way to check this issue again? More people are experiencing it and while it seems to be very rare it is quite annoying in multiplayer

Hey - I added a small update further below in the thread a few months ago, but yes: We've found the problem and will fix the desync issue in a little over a week on November 14th.

Let me know afterwards if you're still encountering it.

02 Nov


Originally posted by Puzzled_Middle9386

No discount?? Thought the announcement mentioned one.

Edit: Seems to be reduced on Uplay, maybe steam wont get it? Feels bad

There's also a discount on Steam, it just took a bit longer to appear compared to the other platforms.


Originally posted by Tummerd

Awesome, thank you so much!

I have been out for a while (and I dont know if you can answer it) but so you still do polls for the cDLC? Or are they set up by you guys internally now)

I can understand if it cant be answered though

Due to planning reasons (we have to plan much further in advance now and align it with the plans for our other project) we are not doing polls anymore, but as you can see we are still looking at the previous poll results and are also taking community feedback into consideration for next year's topics.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Tummerd

Where can I read more about the recently added cosmetic bundle pack?

There is a small note about 3 more cDLC to be added in 2024, is there a bit more info about that?

So far we have not given any details on the CDLC for 2024. We might have a teaser before the holidays, but for more info you will have to wait till next year.

The Cosmetic Bundle 2 includes CDLC 7-13 (with 13 releasing on the 14th), and the three CDLC for next year.