Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

11 Mar


I've been summoned?

In all seriousness, I have no idea what might have caused this. Since you were already in contact with the Ubisoft Support, if you give me your ticket number and I can have a look and get in touch with the support team.


Originally posted by MateuszC1

Thank you fot the fixes.

I hope that you notice the irony of writing the word "trigger" twice in the shark quest fix. ;-)

I'm glad that someone noticed, started thinking no one's actually reading them.

10 Mar

08 Mar


Originally posted by CompetitivePipe7876

This is a Division 2 issue. There is a sharing glitch that gives agents who have completed the summit (level 40) to use their exotics gained from there to their other level 30 pre DLC agents in PvP/dark zones. It's ridiculously imbalanced!! Us agents at pre DLC level 30 are just building up and don't have any access to DLC level 40 gear at all. That gear doesn't belong at 30 pre DLC servers just like the lady death doesn't belong at level 30 pre DLC dark zone pvp servers currently and should remain that way. My question is when is this imbalanced cheating going to be fixed- the sooner the better!!

If it's a The Division 2 question, you're clearly wrong here asking it to us from the Anno team ;)

04 Mar

03 Mar


Originally posted by WiNTeRzZz47

New player here. Is it possiblle to have custom map?

What exactly do you mean with "custom map"? A way to modify islands or to place islands on the map yourself?

02 Mar

Cheers, thank you very much for investigating

I heard from another player on Saturday it might be the "Production Boosts" mod.
This would make sense since it reduces production times - and the times are part of the calculations for the exchange rate

01 Mar


That wasn't a stealth-nerf, the price change for 3 items is documented in the GU10 release notes ;)


Originally posted by 1ButtonDash

Not sure if you are still answering questions but if you see this... have you guys talked about adding a third tier of housing for the new world/arctic/africa?

I would like to try to make a cool new world city but you're kinda limited with only 2 tiers

We don't have any plans for that, neither in Enbesa nor the Passage.


Thanks for the nice summary :)


Originally posted by Gruvin101

I am also seeing this bug. I was about about to deactivate my mods to see if that is were the problem was, so I glad I checked here first. If you have done all that cleansing and still see the issue, I won't bother. I am going to check into the max capacity theory and report back if it changes the result. Hopefully it is an easy fix.

Also, perhaps it should be mentioned, perhaps this is already assumed, but my game doesn't crash until the Capt reaches the dock and starts trade.

Just for completeness sake: it seems the mod "Production Boosts" is causing this particular problem from the info I received over the weekend. Might be worth checking for your save.

27 Feb


Originally posted by grimgaw

It does benefit from DLSS.

While DLSS is a very impressive technology, it is not something we support in Anno 1800 at this time.




Originally posted by Satanus9001

While we know no release date besides the rough estimates of Spring and Summer, we do know that they too will be released at 18:00 or 6 pm Central European Time

While we know no release date

So I misunderstood?

We haven't announced their exact release dates yet- but we do of course have a date planned that we arte working towards :)

Thank you for reporting this.
Going by your description, the issue simply appeared right away? Or do you think it's linked to a certain action you performed?

So, since we have seen only very few reports about it, we'd really like to rule out mods as possible causes for this: If anyone who definitely has not used mods for their savegame also encounters this issue, please let us know.

26 Feb


Originally posted by Satanus9001

For some reason I find it hilarious they don't know which month or day the DLC's will be released, but they do know already what time they'll be released, whatever day that may be.

I don't think we said that we don't know what month or day they are coming out :)


Originally posted by 03_szust

I'm gonna one up it by saying it's going to be a tuesday.

You might be on to something there...


Originally posted by The_Pastmaster

Christ, cool as it would be, I hope they will make a completely different series of Anno for consoles in that case. I've seen one too many of my favourite franchises get pushed over on consoles and loosing much in terms of complexity and style.

So you have never played the version (Anno - Create a New World) for the Wii? ;)


Originally posted by 03_szust

Isn't that what narration is about xD

Right? Almost as if it was her job... :P


Hello once more! And wow, you all really had some questions to ask :P

The week is ending and so is this AMA. We're happy so many of you not only took, but also enjoyed the opportunity to ask your questions in this thread over the last few days.

You're of course welcome to continue asking us questions here and across all our other channels but occasionally the team also needs to work on more Anno 1800 content.

There's a good chance we'll repeat an AMA like this one in the future, we definitely had a lot of fun.

Thank you and stay safe!