
Anthem Dev Tracker

24 Jan


Originally posted by Cmr00851

I'll be sure to take note of any audio bugs. Thank you for reaching out, this dev team amazing!



Originally posted by Viicafc

Sorry if this has been asked before, but does your game support “Dolby Atmos”

Not yet.


Originally posted by TranscendentalHoot

Honestly only a handful of games have immediately created a sense of wonder and atmosphere for me. Just the small section of music at the demo screen resonated with me similar to the way the soundtrack from the original Halo did. One of my all time favourite game soundtracks.

One question, does anyone know how we’ll receive the official soundtrack if we’ve ordered the Legion of Dawn edition?

Thanks! I'm not totally sure where but there will be a digital download.


Originally posted by MuNansen

Sup, Jer.

This is Moller. Game's looking awesome and can't wait to play it. Loving all the audio I've heard so far.

Say hi to Bes and Kent for me.

Hey bruh! Thanks will do :)


Originally posted by Moday4512

Besides working on missions/content in general, what does an Audio team usually work on in a live service like Anthem? Does it consist primarily as tweaks to existing designs, or can it extend to building new audio systems that couldn't be realized during the initial release?

All sorts of stuff. Mix, polish, replacing sounds, added more systems from our next title in development. Could be anything!


Originally posted by axon589

I think something that would make the gunplay feel better is if the player had some faint audio feedback when bullets hit targets AKA something similar to that hitmarker sound from many shooters such as Warframe, CoD or Planetside.

What do you guys think?

We have that, and added a custom volume control for users.


Originally posted by Alizaea

Quick question, since we are this close to the demo, are we able to talk about our audio experience from the alpha to kinda way in on this topic? If not, its totally fine.

Don't break your NDA :)


Originally posted by SNEAKY_PNIS

First thing I thought of LOL

You got my reference 😊. (One of my favourite movies!)


Originally posted by PapaCharlie9

/u/BrenonHolmes -- does this mean personalization of weapons, like reskinning or vinyls, is ruled out forever? Or is this something that might be added after launch?

It is definitely not ruled out, we have some ideas for some stuff we might be able to do going forward - I'd be curious to know what you guys think though 😊.


Originally posted by TheForgetfulRedditor

I get that the first one was called the Javelin of Dawn but why? Is it like a "Vanguard of Humanity" type thing? Or is it a reference to the Javelin Missile? Or is it something else entirely?

Tip of the spear... edge of the knife... 😊


Originally posted by robot_camel87

What about me?

Pffft of course, love you too!


Originally posted by Axel799

You guys are awesome! u/Biocamden

Love the way you guys are so open with your community. Think there's any chance that after the demo stream today you guys can just "accidentally" flip the server switch? Pretty please? Hahaha

Woah... wooooaaahh... OH NOooOooOo! falls and pushes server/client to Production


Originally posted by 708145

That's a real shame because for a demo that's going to run for 3 days per session, 6 days total, that probably only has a comparably slim vertical slice of things to do, one of the best things to be able to do in that time would be to spend time trying out all four of them :(

Yeah I agree, but there should be plenty to do outside of that. The story and free play should keep you busy. I hope anyway!


Originally posted by JumpedAShark

The dude is normally really great for replying to questions on twitter (, and he's spent the last day just trying to help people pre-load the demo or get codes for their friends, as well as relaying issues to the technical team for solutions. Really appreciate the work, Mike!

Mike is the best :)


Originally posted by yordib123

Do you have some art with the interceptor + his aura he could use?(if he wants to) Here ya go! Don’t think I’ve got one with the aura.


Between missions and expeditions yep!


Originally posted by 708145

So, wait, does that mean you're absolutely limited to only two javelins per account throughout the demo? Because if that's the case then I'm going to have to use two of my friend codes to create alt accounts to try out the other ones

Yes I believe that’s the case.


Originally posted by Therealbadboy22

How’d do you join alliance with them??

By being friends on whatever platform you are playing on...that's it. We take care of all the rest.


Thanks, you guys are great, could not ask for a better community. :)


Originally posted by angrydrummergirl

I'm seriously tearing up at this. Please do me the favor of personally thanking each game dev that was a part of the decision-making and the implementation of this social hub!

And thank YOU for being an integral part of Anthem, as well! Keep up the awesome, awesome work!

I’ll do what I can! And you’re welcome and thanks for being a positive force and part of this awesome community. It really helps and means a lot.