
Anthem Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by moosebreathman

I've had the same issue. The friends I gave codes to can play, but not me. I looked at a lot of their responses to people's issues on various social channels and I haven't seen this one brought up as something they are aware of.

u/BioCamden Anything on this?

As far as I know yes this is part of the access and code problems we’re looking into for folks.


Originally posted by fengkalis

Can you say anything to the issue of Having access to the VIP demo(the site indicating its attached to my origin, and being able to download the game) Where it will display saying we do not have access to the VIP demo? This is also affecting the friend codes we shared.

Yes that is something that we’re actively looking into. Don’t have a fix at the moment.


Originally posted by dnb321

I'm getting a VIP error while in game, but the website says I have access, my friend who I gave a code to can play, and if I try to redeem a code it says I already have access... but the game kicks me out saying I don't.


Anything I can try?

I sent a DM on twitter hours ago and haven't heard anything back, and have an open case through support as well but nothing yet... missed it when the 60+ min wait on live chat timed out and been waiting over an hour again :(

Double check the login and force close the application and restart. Not sure outside of that if there is anything you can do. But I know many others are having this problem too. We’re looking on our side.


Originally posted by lvnna

I'm getting into a loop of "Connection Problem - Unknown Error", "Error retrieving Anthem live service data" and the 95% loading glitch. Been going for 9 hours now, 5 hours in the start menu alone. Any tips or updates on this? Please, I'm desperate, all my friends are playing and I've been trying the whole day and I don't know what to do, it's so frustrating.

If you’re on PC try killing the process from task manager and restarting origin. Not sure if that will fix but some folks have mentioned some success. This is something we’re still looking into.


Originally posted by okbye65

Can you please comment on the resetting load screen loop as seen here? Or at least that say if its known and being looked into please? No one has acknowledged that this is a different issue from the other infinite loading screen issue yet and it seems to be affecting a large amount of people. Thank you.

I’m sorry Okbye, I am not sure if they are the same root cause as the infinite looping or not. They might be. I’ll pass it on to the internal channel.


Originally posted by VeteranValor

Probably would have taken longer to find if we weren’t all stuck at login. Still cool though!

That is very very true. Thanks for your patience, it's basically defcon 1 over here. Massive amounts folks not going home to their families tonight in order to fix these issues.


Originally posted by hyperion_x91

The problem I'm noticing is that the audio settings are loaded after a little ways into the loading screen. So when I first launch the game the audio starts at 100% blasting my ears in my headset, and then about 40% into loading it jumps down to the % I have it set to in game.

Edit: Ok after testing multiple times, it is actually 100% audio levels until around 75-80% of the loading bar then instantly drops down to the % I have it set to.

Unfortunately I think it's loading your profile and then adjusting. I can look into it, and maybe just default to 50 on PC. I'll look into it for sure.


Originally posted by Inferntality

Just wanna let you know that there’s a lot of people reacting in a bad way to this problem from being very impatient. I assume it will go away as soon as the problem is fixed. I was very angry at first and took my heat out on a lot of people. I kind of regret it now.. now that I cooled off, you can be sure to see me in the future as a supporting long term fan

Thanks for that Inferntality, I know it’s maddening. Loading and login screens are pretty triggering. I appreciate your understanding here.


Originally posted by Showtime-B0SS

Are you guys and EA aware of the Friend Pass feature not working properly? The web site that is supposed to give us the codes is not working and the in-game links are not working aswell

Yes I believe Mike commented on that. Mixed results on that page right now.


Originally posted by metadeath

Do I go through the website for that? Or do u have a link?


Originally posted by Nac82

I appreciate you checking in with us. As an Xbox user it's frustrating to know the demo is entirely dysfunctional on my system. It's getting late so it's hard to know if we should just give up at this point so it's good to know people are still working on it. I seriously hope yall stick with this project and make it functional, I've been a long term Bioware fan but I'm feeling really burned with how Andromeda was handled.

I love the game yall are creating and hope it makes it beyond this.

I hear you and appreciate your patience Nac.


Originally posted by Tymothee

it appears as if there is a minor issue on the actual demo page of the anthem website? attempting to view it just shows me only the footer of the page -- also, despite being told when the page was functioning that I have been given access on my EA account to the VIP demo via a friend referral, I still cannot seem to even make it past the login screen, telling me that I don't have access.

I was getting that myself earlier. My guess would be the load on EA help and right now is pretty high. I was able to load the pages eventually. Sorry I don’t have more info.


Originally posted by Nyt3Stalk3r

You know what would be nice? Being able to complete an expedition without it getting hung up at a freaking loading screen... or logging in.. in trying to join a friend.. some decent bug fixes for a near two month old build would be nice.. its totally souring my taste of the game so far

Yes infinite loading screens is I believe something the team is still looking into.


Originally posted by metadeath

Before u go, So I had deleted my old email alias from Xbox but anthem sees only my old one not my new one where my demos linked to. I uninstalled and reinstalled same thing, tried to use old email to see if I could switch and it does not give me an option. How do I fix???

Think that one can be fixed by Customer Experience, they should be able to correct and update Xbox account associations.


Originally posted by ryansc07

I will take that as a we have no idea. I dont feel very much like a vip today.

More than likely that’s me coming across as having no idea, which is partially true. The team working into this is far better at this than I am, I just didn’t want to leave y’all high and dry when I said I wouldn’t. Just reinforcing that we know about the problems and frustrations and we’re doing what we can to address both.


Originally posted by roarimlions

Hey, the latest news is that PC is supposed to be able to play now, but I'm getting an infinite looping loading screen -> splash screens and cannot connect to live serivces error. Is there a way to fix this?

I believe infinite load screens is still something we’re looking into. I know some folks have had success waiting on loading screens. But I can’t speak to your specifics.


Originally posted by Purpatraitor

Wait! Before you go! When the "connecting to online servers" disappears on Xbox, do we need to restart the app, or is it still doing work in the background!

If you haven’t received an error message And it’s hanging/not loading my guess is that it’s probably worth a restart at that point, but that’s just a guess. Not sure Purp.


Originally posted by ryansc07

Just give us an eta on xbox. Should I even bother trying tonight? If you guys think the xbox issue is not going to be fixed tonight please tell us so we are not sitting here all night twiddling our thumbs.

I can’t say I have an eta Ryan, I’m sorry about that. Some of these live emerging issues aren’t something that we can estimate until we know for sure. Sorry I don’t have more on that.


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Good Day Freelancers,

The VIP Demo is here! We hope you all are as excited as we are and have a great journey playing Anthem this weekend.

This Megathread is to give all things Anthem Demo Feedback and discuss what you find, experience and like / dislike about the game Demo

A Demo Discussion and Feedback Thread is also here for you to report issues. Please go there to discuss the Game Demo away from this thread so we can keep Feedback as clear and concise as possible.

Exceptions to the Active Megathread Clause can be granted on a case-by-case basis for posts High quality discussion posts, PSAs, Guides, Suggestions, and some Satire.

I would just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the Subs Spoiler Policy that went LIVE yesterday. To read up, see ...

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Hey everybody, I just wanted to pop in during the thick of it and say sorry to those who haven’t been able to get in yet. We know many of you pre-ordered, took off work, or made plans with friends to play today and that time is valuable to you. We’re doing what we can, and our priority right now is to get everybody in.

Our Live team has been digging into it all day and will continue to do so. We’ve made progress but we know there are still issues and we’re still looking into them. I don’t have much more info, but felt it important to check in. Thanks for your patience so far.

Please make sure that you’re following the latest tweets from Mike Gamble for updates on issues (...

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Originally posted by fredthealmighty

Ignoring the login/server issues, the most annoying bug so far is this weird aim lock/control lockout that I keep getting. Happened in this clip:

Was totally locked out of any movement controls and I couldn't move my crosshair, all I could do was shoot. Then eventually it "snaps" back into my control. This is happening fairly frequently.

Enemies also keep phasing in and out at very odd times. Feels like I'm playing world of warcraft with their sharding system:

Quest objectives to kill enemies also end very strangely. It seems like after you kill X amount of e...

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Solid feedback, thank you!