
Anthem Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by ForbidenMonkey

As someone whos colourblind, it helps me tremendously when games have HUD colourblind setting but the current colourblind settings (at least on the menu, i havent been bale to get in yet :( ) in anthem are colour overlays over the whole screen.I really dont want to play this game with everyone looking likes Smurf but i will struggle to see the HUD if i dont.

Overwatch did had colourblind settings that put an overlay over the whole screen which they recently changed and love their new colourblind accessibility.

I know only around 5-8% of poeple are colourblind so it might only be a tiny percent of your player base, which i can understand it wont be very high on your priority list, if its even on it. but i would be amazing for the people who rely on colourblind settings to see things clearly.

Edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger! :)

This is a very valid suggestion and I will make sure that it gets through to the dude that works away on the UI.


Originally posted by DerpyMoa

Hello, Would be really cool to left or right click and add personal waypoints on map.
That's all.

Submitted this feedback through to the team, great suggestion!

25 Jan


Originally posted by Naurloss

Looks like your game doesn't work with multiple videocard in a PC. I've went through a lot of hoops trying to be able to start the demo and was only able to after I disabled the rest of my videocards excluding the main one. Can you pass that to your technical department so me and other people with multiple videocard wouldn't need to disable them to play Anthem?

Will do Naurloss, we typically have SLI running here onsite with our test kits and it’s works ok. You may want to hit up EA Help for some tech support.


Originally posted by DerpyMoa

1) Thanks for the answer.
2) Bit more info on this if possible please. For example I'm on EU and my friend is on NA, how will that exactly play out ping wise for both of us since you worded it as we will get assigned to a server instead of us picking one?
3) Assume checking ping through Resource Monitor will do the trick then since that's the usual method.
Still a way to show your ping would be a very welcomed feature if possible.
Thanks again for answering.

I believe it match makes based on who the party leader is


Originally posted by C_Rufio

Xbox: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
PS4: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right O X
PC: Unsure as of right now.

If anyone can verify PS4 and figure out PC, I’ll edit this post!

EDIT: From u/Isbilen10 “Just did it on PC. It's arrow keys and B, A. People aren't getting it to work because they're doing it before they are supposed to. You need to get past the "Connecting..." and on to the "[Enter] to play".”

EDIT 2: Full 8-bit track posted by u/pastuleo23

Was wondering how long it would take. Nice work Freelancer!


Originally posted by snekky_snekkerson

yeah i googled early reflection and that sounds like it. the reverb doesn't seem to accurately portray the size of the space or the characters positioning to me when we are in dialogue.

and yes, more walla, especially in places like the bar or the populated market, and music in the bar too. i think sound effects are also very low, i could almost hear the sizzling sound of a guy frying a blue bit of meat, but it was almost inaudible and i only heard it because that entire upper tarsis area is deathly quiet.

Yeah we have spent a bunch of time on tarsis since the demo. Hopefully that's all resolved in the real game :) if not, let me know!


Originally posted by snekky_snekkerson

talking to zoe and the echo in her voice is very noticeable. it doesn't sound natural to me considering how close she is and...i'm not very good at describing audio, sorry. all i can say is it feels unnatural and it has something to do with the echo in her voice. i noticed it in the tarsis videos too on her and other tarsis characters that were outside.

ah, and one more thing, npcs are all quiet. i'm looking and them and they are obviously deep in conversation but i can't hear them, do random npcs not have like background chatter convos? there's also no music in the bar.

So too much early reflection/reverb when close, and not enough Walla or background conversation volume. Noted!


Originally posted by Darokaz

Update #8 - The main issue impacting the Anthem VIP demo on PC and PS4 has been resolved. Anyone who has had an issue on those platforms should restart the game and attempt to join again. Our team is still working on fixes for some of the issues we’re seeing on Xbox One.

Update #7 - Players are starting to be able to access the Anthem VIP demo with less issues. While we realize there are still some players who are having problems, but that number should continue to improve as we continue to work on the servers. I'll update again once we have the all clear.

Update #6 - The team is still working on the issues and testing fixes. Hope to have more to share soon.

Update #5 - multiple EA services are having login issues. The team is working to resolve these issues ASAP. Will provide more updates once I have timelines on when everything will be up and running smoothly.

Update #4 - issues are still being looked into. I'm speaking directly with the team and ...

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UPDATE #2 - still monitoring and scaling up servers. We're seeing that more and more players are getting in.


Originally posted by EuropaWeGo

Thank you for responding. I myself and many other's here understand that the anticipation for this game is high and we're just rooting for you to get things under way.

Good Luck!

Strong Alone, Stronger Together, Freelancer.

Thank you for sticking with it!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thank you for being understanding and patient! <3


Originally posted by GunMetalGazm

For once in my life I would like to be able to play a game when the company says I can play it. Always a ClusterF++k!

These things tend to happen when initial traffic happens, the team are indeed working through it. I personally appreciate the patience though.


Originally posted by LandlockedGum

Was deciding on skipping class and my buddy almost skipped work. Truth be told, the server issues allow us to not f**k up. Small blessings in disguise. We will be patient

Nothing is ever worth skipping class or work over, they should always be a priority. Anthem will be here when you've got a spare moment :) Thanks for the patience Freelancer!


Update #8 - The main issue impacting the Anthem VIP demo on PC and PS4 has been resolved. Anyone who has had an issue on those platforms should restart the game and attempt to join again. Our team is still working on fixes for some of the issues we’re seeing on Xbox One.

Update #7 - Players are starting to be able to access the Anthem VIP demo with less issues. While we realize there are still some players who are having problems, but that number should continue to improve as we continue to work on the servers. I'll update again once we have the all clear.

Update #6 - The team is still working on the issues and testing fixes. Hope to have more to share soon.

Update #5 - multiple EA services are having login issues. The team is working to resolve these issues ASAP. Will provide more updates once I have timelines on when everything will be up and running smoothly.

Update #4 - issues are still being looked into. I'm speaking directly with the team and ...

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We're working on it folks, it's great that these things are happening now than later. Don't worry, there's a lot of playtime ahead of you. Thanks for the patience!


Originally posted by khrucible

Camden confirmed his raiding buddies play Anthem, thus confirms raiding is coming to Anthem /s

Hahaha, woah woah woah. "Aspirational Content".


The team and I are working to bring you all the best patch notes possible. I too enjoy reading why things are changed instead of a blanket "XYZ weapon now does less damage". I'm also open to feedback on patch notes, so once our first ones go live I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Originally posted by CaptainCompostHeap

Hi everyone! So I have preordered Anthem for Xbox and will be playing the demo on that, but I also have origin access on PC and downloaded the demo there as well. My question is I want to try two different javelins across the two demos, but which one would be best suited for PC controls?

All of them would work perfectly fine with a mouse and keyboard although we are definitely keeping an eye on feedback around this area. Best bet is to load in and choose a Javelin that you'd see yourself playing a lot of and use the VIP Demo as valuable time to get used to it :)


Originally posted by MathAndPlacebo

Camden, are you playing today? Do you want to squad up when the demo is live?

Hey! I hope I get a chance to. I’ll probably try to hop on random groups or play with my wife and some of my raiding buddies. But maybe I’ll see you in there?


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Hey /r/AnthemTheGame,

The Demo is one day out (woot!) and we wanted to give everyone a central place to give their feedback for the demo specifically! This will allow the devs to more easily see and respond to your feedback and ensure that all answers regarding feedback on the demo can be easily seen by the community!

Also, in case you missed it, IGN streamed the Demo earlier today if you wanted to take a look at it before diving in! The thread for that is RIGHT HERE


As the Demo contains some important story beats, we've decided that its around that time to start to enforce our spoiler guidelines that we mentioned we established in our last ...

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Thanks for this thread. As more folks play and hopefully filter into this thread I would LOVE if folks could get me feedback on some specific areas that my team is focused on:

  • Javelins (animations, “feel”, traversal).
  • Gear (cooldowns, balance, damage, usefulness).
  • Creatures (AI, “feel”, challenge).
  • Flight controls (specifically PC but console is helpful too).
  • Difficulty (damage, did you feel like you had to use a good mix of offensive/defensive strategy, challenge).
  • Weapons (favorite, least favorite, recoil, damage, etc).

Thank you!