
Anthem Dev Tracker

19 Mar


Originally posted by takeshikun

I believe there is a glitch that causes you to occasionally swap levels with friends/recommended people, which may explain some things. I made this post a few weeks ago where my 450 (pre-buff) colossus showed as power level 81 for a bit. In the same instance, I received only common/uncommon items (before that change as well) for the first few chests. I found out after making that post that my friend (just on my list, wasn't playing with them or anything) was a level 81 colossus at that time. I know there's other people experiencing a similar issue pretty much permanently, only getting common/uncommon items while doing GM1+ stuff, so possibly related.

Are you still getting into states where you only get whites and greens? I believe we fixed a related bug as part of 1.0.3


Originally posted by dirtprophet

Dagwood. Best ever. No matter how much I like Anthem, that sandwich, at that time, was a cataclysm all its own to me. Loved it. Thanks for asking btw.... :) Sorry for the snark, I truly love the game, but there's a few issues (looooaaaddd screens) that make it a tough love for me.

Hehe... No worries... But now I'm hungry... 😋


Originally posted by dirtprophet

omg, right? Last night I made a sandwich and sides and started eating before I made it in game...

Was it a good sandwich?


Originally posted by cfiggis

Whatever you guys do, please don't delay the loading of the game just to finish the animation. Getting into the game faster is I think our highest priority.

If the animation could play during the loading time, that would be ideal, since there is plenty of time to watch the entire animation during loading, and it wouldn't cost us extra time getting into the game.

Yep, absolutely... I don't think we want to aim for longer load times... 😜


Originally posted by echoredriot

How about drop quality?

I don't think there's been any discussion about item drop frequency variance, indeed it seems stable, but there's a ton of discussion about quality, which is most definitly affected by factors such as pilot level and luck.

Base drop quality is currently determined by pilot level and then further influenced by difficulty level, enemy type and luck. 😊


Originally posted by VMalcolm

Just curious... do you say that because that's how you know it's coded, or because testing was done in-game to confirm this after the adjustment last week, or both?

To be clear, I'm not trying to be overly critical or a jerk or anything. I'm just genuinely curious about how it's confirmed on your side. I'm sure quite a few people are a little skeptical about things that are unconfirmed via in-game testing, but just "That's what the code says, so that's how it is." because of things like the Lvl 1 rifle bug, etc that have shaken confidence a bit. Thanks for taking time to post on the sub. It's really awesome that so many of you take time to engage this and other social media communities. :D

That's a good question!

  1. I looked at the logic, there's no influence from power level on drop rate (drop rate is influenced by three factors: difficulty level, luck and enemy type).
  2. We've had QA run some tests
  3. We have a loot simulator that simulates loot drops using the game logic, and we've looked at tens of thousands of samples
  4. We've looked at the telemetry data from the live game

With all of this, things look like they're working correctly. Hope that helps! 😊


Originally posted by neostrike3

Ok that make sense. Thank you for confirming it. Sorry about the extra comment but you replied quicker then I expected before I could edit links but the shared drop rate on power level presented in this post is just a coincidence I assume?

I'm not sure, the data is interesting... but it is (as the OP points out) also a small sample size.

The design of the system (and also what is implemented, and testable) does not include anything like this. That's all I can absolutely say, I'll bring it up though as something to keep an eye on. 😊


Originally posted by moak0

Good to know. Can you reassure us that the loot update is still in place? A lot of players in this subreddit are reporting that their loot seems to have dropped off in the last two days. It feels like it did before the update.

I ran GM3 for an hour and only ended up with 3 MWs, no legendaries. I ran GM2 for four hours and only got 2 MWs. This is with 96% luck. That seems low, way lower than how great the loot was on Friday.

I know that's a small sample size, and if you say this is just variance, ok. But it seems like a huge dropoff, and a lot of people are reporting the same thing.

I can't from home, but I can look at the data when I get in to the office tomorrow and make sure. 😊


Originally posted by harryhunter13

wow didn't expect a dev reply! Thank you for your time! Ok i know im being kinda paranoid after all the grind :) still believe you guys can deliver much more better contents and gameplay! :)

Thanks! Happy to help provide some context! 😊


Originally posted by neostrike3

Can you comment on why power level effects the drop chance of MW/legendary items? Higher power level you are the more they drop.

Like in this post -

It does not, power level has no effect on the drop chance.

If I had to guess, people might be killing stuff more quickly as they gain power... Which would result in more drops (more chances), but that's just a guess. 😊


There are... reasons... But you're not wrong, we'll be looking at stuff like this a bit later on 😊


Drop rates are fixed and do not change over time.

You have the same % chance to roll a MW or Legendary on a drop no matter what activity you're doing and no matter how long you've been doing it for. 😊

18 Mar


Originally posted by PG-13_Woodhouse

Mods unlocked the thread so I'll put this here now.

In regards to the damage formula, the primary concern is that too many things stack additively as opposed to multiplicatively. Currently, damage is calculated as follows:

DAMAGE = (Base * (1+A)*B*(1+C)*D*E)+1


  • A is sum of all damage bonuses on gear.
  • B is the base crit multiplier of your weapon/ability.
  • C is the sum of all critical damage modifiers
  • D is the damage type modifier (things like Lightning doing more damage to shields)
  • E is the sum of all debuff modifiers. Currently just Target Beacon/Taunt (33% each and they don't stack with each other) and Acid (25%) for a Max of +58% damage.


The issue here is that almost...

Read more

Some confirmation on this... (sorry it's taken me a bit of time to get back to the thread!)

  • A is sum of all damage bonuses (from the local and global contexts)
  • B is the sum of all crit multipliers (from the local and global contexts including weapon specific crit modifiers), this is further multiplied by the crit modifier from the target.
  • D is the resistance modifiers which include a multiplicative component (increase or decrease), which can then further modified by a flat resistance value (this may not be used anymore?)
  • E is the sum of all debuff modifiers as you say.

Generally, I think we agree with the overall assessment and this is something we're looking at. 😊


Originally posted by LostmyCat19

You could increase Drop Rates to stop People from writing down their frustration here. I'm sure that would ease the Mods hard Work a lot.

Drop rates were increased last week, in fact. Do you have feedback on that recent update?


Just want to say, thank you Mods for your hard work on this subreddit. There are a lot of passionate people here, and it can't always be easy to moderate a community of almost 200,000 people, but you all do an admirable job of trying to keep this sub organized.


17 Mar


Originally posted by RandomLettersMS

Hello Brenon

Different issue if you monitor the millions of replies you get to posts...

The blue sigil blue prints; I was awarded items instead of the blueprint

Do I contact support for that? Or is it an incoming patch that would fix something like that?

I do look at all the replies! 😊 (Though it's hard to respond to them all)

Contacting support is generally a good idea if you have a critical account problem - it also helps us ascertain how many people are affected when we have to triage issues.

I'll make a note of this on the active discussion section of this issue. If this is affecting your ability to play, I'd also recommend you reach out to EA help.


I really like this a lot! Thanks for sharing. :)


Originally posted by jeffdeleon

I love you so much.

Also got my first legendary for the correct class this morning.

Congratulations! 😊


Originally posted by jeffdeleon

Please fix legendary components for the wrong class.

I have loved this game since early access, 150 hours. After 1.03, I have gotten four legendary components for classes i don't play, and zero for the class I play.

I'm not even gonna pull punches. It's depression-triggering. I haven't had a problem with the loot grind in any versions of the game until this began to happen. Every time I get a legendary now, I cringe and await the heartbreak.

We're working on it! 🙁


Originally posted by MojoThePower

Just have posted a ticket to EA support forum. So there is too early.

However i have found people with same problem:

However they don't have an blueprint item (or they didn't notice). They have the same error and they suggest to play without sigils. But that's not an option. I'd rather don't play than play as a weak ineffective party member.

Can you DM me your account name and platform? It might help us figure out what is going on.