
Anthem Dev Tracker

17 Mar


Please reach out to EA Help, they can likely get you sorted out.

Separately, I'll raise the issue on our side and we'll see if we can figure out what is going on.

Sorry, you're running into this. ๐Ÿ™

16 Mar


Originally posted by D0Cdang

Itโ€™s really not apples and oranges.

Think BioWare is severely underestimating how attached and invested players get to the look and feel of the loot players chase and/or use in loot-based games.

This will sting, but given the tone-deaf philosophy revealed by the comment, feel it needs to be known: the look and feel of Anthemโ€™s loot is without a doubt the most lackluster of any loot-based game Iโ€™ve ever played. The loot grind consists almost solely of chasing intangible numbers that make enemies die faster.

Weapons do not look or feel significantly different from one another, which detracts so much from the chase. Abilities are an exception, but the actual item we chase is an icon and has no model - big miss there.

Really hope the team takes another hard look at their priorities on this topic.

I don't disagree with anything you said - as I pointed out I was explaining why we made those decisions before launch. That would be a different statement than "this is what we believe now, and we're not changing anything".


Originally posted by bastion89

Don't deflect to focus being on your suit customization, because quite frankly, that is also fairly abysmal. I understand where you are coming from, but if that is the reasoning, then the exact same argument can be said for Anthem's suit options. Within that realm, Destiny still has it beat, along with Warframe. These are your competition. Make me decide to play Anthem over these.

I respectfully disagree. I haven't found anything 'fairly abysmal' in this subreddit yet:

I'm humbled that for a game barely a month old, the investments we made in suit personalization has led to such an incredibly broad spectrum of suits showcased by our players. We can always do better, and in the months to come we will - but it's a hell of a base to start from, in my very biased opinion.


Originally posted by Hungy15

Invested pretty heavily in suit personalization

Can we get some more actually released then?

Sorry - when I say 'suit personalization' I'm including everything: armor packs (which you're referring to), 6 regions of custom shaders including soft materials and coloring, metal materials, metal plating, wear states, vinyls - all of it.

But definitely acknowledged that you would all like to see more armor packs.


It's a bit of apples and oranges. In a first person shooter the gun is your character that you see on the screen - so there's much more of a personalization impact if you invest in gun looks.

In Anthem, it's a 3rd person shooter with a zoomed-out camera, so we invested pretty heavily in suit personalization since that it what your character is on the screen most of the time. The gun is typically either on your hip or mostly obscured during gameplay.

That isn't to say there isn't opportunity there, just explaining why we went one direction over the other before launch.


You are often your own harshest critic when you are so close to the product. I play with u/biowareben fairly often, and we go back and forth about all of the things we see that we want to fix. Playing a game from a design point of view isn't terribly entertaining to watch, because it's just critique after critique. Sometimes you just want to turn that switch off and just enjoy yourself. It takes a conscious effort to do so.


This is definitely not intended - we have a couple of bugs we have identified and are fixing that are mostly causing this to happen.


Originally posted by ChubbySapphire

Are we supposed to get coin from legendary contracts?! I havenโ€™t gotten a cent in the last 3. Better yet does anyone know how the hell you farm coins? Besides the ridiculous challenges like kill 100 ursix. I just wanna grind coin but Iโ€™m not sure how to do it.

If you check your Cortex -> Path to Glory -> Daily/Weekly, those are daily and weekly challenges that reward Coin. The rest of the Coin income for the week comes from the Alliance system. Missions themselves do not reward Coin, but the Daily and Weekly challenges to do those missions and activities do.


Originally posted by Gildian

Is it solely for updating your side stuff or is there game changes/patch stuff with that too? Just curious

Just "our side stuff" ๐Ÿ˜Š.


Originally posted by TYsir

For the uninitiated, what does that mean?

We use a lot of different technologies for manging how the game service functions.

Occasionally, we may need to update the software or hardware that drives some of these technologies. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Yep! We're updating some back end tech. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Originally posted by rdhight

Meanwhile, at Bioware:


That's not fair at all. Drains go on the ceiling and the sharks are only there because of the blood in the water. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

15 Mar


Originally posted by Wiezzer

Is it commonplace for free roam to just close and pretty much say f you to everything you had done during that session? I am a low lvl player (7) did a bunch of world events, even managed to finally (after a lot of pain)...solo kill a titan...then get booted because server closed...from the looks of it lost all that ext and this going to keep happening? If so i'd say what is the point if at any time youd get booted and loose it all?

You shouldn't be losing your loot, there is a good chance it'll pop up after your next expedition, or it went straight into the Forge.


Originally posted by DesKing22

Every. f**king. Stronghold. That "f**k you wall" that appears if three ppl get to the loot box first, completely blocking you from proceeding with mission. You'd think that'd be a perfect time for the instant teleport to bring you in, nope. Why is exploring the map discouraged?

If you open up your map you should be able to select to respawn, this will most of the time put you back with your squad.


Originally posted by jengamoose

Anyone please help, my Internet is fine and i keep disconnecting on ps4 every 5min or so. Several different errors Pop up, is there any word from bioware on this? Its been like this since 1.0.3 - i cant play the game i paid for.

Are you on a wired or wireless connection? The team is still working on making connection improvements, but having a wired connection can help sometimes.


Originally posted by OHADVIL

So I've bought 2 arrival animations and they're nowhere to be found. Help pls?

Arrival animations are oftentimes specific to each javelin. I'd say check each javelin to see if they are there.


Originally posted by Ripper-Klosoff

Anyone else negatively impacted by loot update. Four elite contracts I got four masterworks only components. None dropped from enimies. Went against some amazing bosses too. This showers me in epics and rares...

Were you playing on GM2 or GM3? Higher chances there. Freeplay is pretty good for more Masterworks on those difficulties.


Originally posted by [deleted]


When you change difficulties it'll say the recommended gear score on the right side. I'd start with GM1 legendary contracts to get some Masterwork components.