
Anthem Dev Tracker

15 Mar


No, the changes made today do not affect bosses at the end of Strongholds.

Is this a problem? Definitely.

Are we going to be changing this? Yes!


Well this thread was an interesting read! Thanks for the entertainment :)


This gave me a good laugh. Thanks for sharing. :D


Originally posted by xXCDRageQuitXx

WAIT Is this active right now?!

Yes, yes it is.


Originally posted by Mormra

Does this count as patch 1.0.4?

This is not a patch. Just a server size tuning update.


Originally posted by Darokaz

I've checked with the team and this will be fixed in the next game update, 1.0.4.

Spoke with the designer on this so I understand how it's being "fixed".

Instead of using how many items you actually have equipped, the calculation will be done by how many slots you have unlocked. This means at level 30, for example, your average power score will be divided by 11 even if you have empty weapon/gear/component slots.


I've checked with the team and this will be fixed in the next game update, 1.0.4.


Originally posted by Eternio

Are the "increased drop rates" significant in anyway though? or are they increases from 0.1% to 0.2%?

I don't have exact percentages to share, but they are pretty significant, yes. Please play and let us know what you see, but also realize experiences are still going vary person-to-person.


Originally posted by Dead-Sync

Like he said, this is just another incremental change to move in the right direction. There will be significant changes in the coming months. Don't know what this means exactly, but it very well could be a re-work, or something that overall makes it feel better.

Yeah, we aren't ready to give specifics on future stuff yet, but the team is working hard over here.


Originally posted by ImmoralDiddler

Grabbit Slayers can finally relent...after their entire ecosystem has been destroyed in the process.

We do not negotiate with Grabbit abusers.


Originally posted by ogtitang

Hey there. Will SH be affected? Also will the bosses have a chance for Legendaries now?

These changes take effect in all activities (including strongholds) in Grandmaster 2 & 3. They take effect in all difficulties for the noted high level enemy types.


Hello again, Freelancers.

In the latest server-side update, we’ve made some notable changes to the loot drop rate in specific scenarios, which will take effect immediately in a server-side tuning update (i.e. you will not need to download anything.)

These changes include:

  • Masterwork & Legendary drop rates have been increased for Grandmaster 2 and Grandmaster 3 difficulty levels.
  • Masterwork & Legendary drop rates have been increased for harder enemies at all difficulty levels. This includes: Legendary Ancient Ash Titan, Elite Ancient Ash Titan, Legendary Fury, Legendary Ursix, and Legendary Luminary.

As a reminder of ...

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Originally posted by Escanor_2014

u/Darokaz Lean into the lore of Anthem and do it in the form of an old-timey radio show like the Crimson Lancer.

What about a Podcast called "Sexy Danger"?


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is what we're looking to solve. We have a lot of info in multiple places like you said and unless you look at everything you're likely to miss something.


Originally posted by Pang3r

Whatever you do please don't let it replace you guys popping into threads here on an irregular basis! Really appreciate that you are here.

We'll keep popping in here ;)

14 Mar


Thanks for the feedback! We're looking at additional ways to get the community the updates that they are looking for.


Originally posted by Tylorw09

Hey Chris,

I think a system to preview and test multiple cosmetics at once in the forge would greatly improve the “fashionlancing” experience but even more importantly it might help sales of armor sets by allowing players to preview a full set of store gear before buying while allowing players to preview store armor sets with paint/vinyl schemes they would like to use with those armors.

I wrote a simple post about this early this morning that gives a quick summary of how I think a preview system could work in the forge.

I also think it would be amazing if there was a preview button on the featured store that would go to the forge and auto equip whatever you selected to preview in the forge. it would be extremely user friendly as well.

I really hope you get a chance to look at my preview idea...

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Hey there! Great post and agreed... We have some opportunities with preview in general. Personally, I think good better best looks like full 3d preview -> preview on your current javelin -> preview on any of your javelins. It's going to take some time to get there but if we build towards that in phases we can improve incrementally. Fashionlancers unite!


Originally posted by OWRaif

Is there any word on the missing blue 20% craftable sigils? There are some we can't craft like the blue 20% gear speed sigil

Yes...a bug we're aware of but a tricky fix. Fixing all of the players who never got them requires a bit of careful code work, but working on it!


Originally posted by four20already

The 2nd version or "full store" includes the crafting and reward tabs, which aren't available from the pause menu. Seems pretty obvious to me.

This is essentially it. Because navigating tabs within tabs isn't really possible, the featured store entry point in the pause menu opens (on any interaction in that screen) the store UI, which has tabs for crafting and rewards.

Prospero is a shortcut to the featured store and (I can't recall her name) is a shortcut to the crafting store.

Definitely opportunities to improve this oddness, but not at the top of the list currently.