
Anthem Dev Tracker

14 Mar


I think there's a number of improvements we can make to the consumables flow in general, and we've been working on ideas to make it much more useable. Filtering is for sure one of those things!


Originally posted by ProfessorAntonHa

from where exactly would you like a screenshot?

Sorry for the delay, had some time off.

If you right click the speaker icon in your taskbar tray you will get a 'Playback Devices' option. Click the output you are using, select 'Configure' and navigate to the 'Advanced' tab.


Originally posted by Fonze0008

You got it fixed thanks!!!



Originally posted by Fonze0008

Thank you so much, in trying to find this bug on the answers site, I really appreciate you reaching out to them for me

No prob!


Originally posted by Jim655321

So, I've tried something on Xbox One that has worked for me.

I changed my audio setting from Home Theater to headphones.

Before changing it, I lost sound in every contract and every stronghold. I haven't lost sound since changing it. I thought of it after seeing that the number of voices might have something to do with it, and figured stereo sound would be less demanding than Home Theater.

Interesting. The issue could be hitting one of the surround channels more often, which would be eliminated in some cases by this setting. Noted, thank you!


Originally posted by BreadGoneBad

I'm having an issue regarding the sound. Whenever I'm moving from one area to another, like moving through doors in Tarsis, or in intense scenes with lots of action and enemies spawning and explosions happening, the sound crackles an awful lot. I have tried reinstalling the game, changing HDMI, changing HDMI port on my screen, change the whole screen, changing sound setting on the PS4 (Linear PCM, Bitstream (dolby) and Bitstream (DTS). I have tried with different headsets and speakers. Nothing seems to clear the problem. It takes away a lot of the joy of playing the game hearing crackles every time I use a gun or jump in the air during a fight or when I'm just walking around Tarsis. Do you have any suggestions as to what might be wrong? I'm not getting the same crackling in any other games.

I'm on a regular PS4

The crackling sounds are almost identical to the sounds recorded in this video from BF1

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Sounds like performance related audiomix issues. Are you running of an SSD, the main disc drive on the PS4 (HDD, stock) or the disc directly?


Originally posted by JetStorm93

u/BioWareJer I know people can easily get acquainted with hubs or small maps, but I think adding the ability to "track" a person in Fort Tarsis would be helpful. Maybe add a holographic line on the ground that takes you to the person you need to talk to next. I still have to consistently open my map to make sure I'm going to the right place, then walking around that area to actually find them.

Good idea, noted :)


Originally posted by Strickers95

u/biowarejer any followup on Left-Alt being unbindable?

No sorry, I think it got logged but there are some bigger issues being addressed first :)


Originally posted by Strickers95

u/biowarejer any followup on Left-Alt being unbindable?

No sorry, I think it got logged but there are some bigger issues being addressed first :)


Originally posted by byron_hinson

Might be an old thread but wanted to say while I’d love Atmos. The sound mix on my speaker system is superb. Some of the best I’ve heard.



Originally posted by Darokaz

First, I want to thank you for writing this up. I appreciate the honesty of how you (and others) feel about the current state of things. I also want to say that I can’t talk about everything, simply because it is not my area of expertise, or because I don’t have the information you’re looking for. I stand by our statement of being transparent though and will continue to do so here and on other channels.

Now, I want to address some of your points that I can:

Communication -

Pre-game release vs Post game release –

To start, things used to be a lot friendlier here for dev team members who normally don’t talk on social channels or forums. They could answer questions, give information and know that they aren’t going to have people getting upset at them. Why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update to post when they know it’s likely to be met with hostile replies, or they get flamed because can’t answer ot...

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Thanks Jesse :)


Originally posted by shoopdewhoopwah

Can we please also look into Ranger's seeker missile not refilling on combo kill like it should? Please!

Sure thing, I'll poke QA and see if there's an issue logged.


Originally posted by EvolutionDemon

How about being able to launch the expedition map right at the end of an expedition after receiving loot? That way we can skip loading Fort Tarsis just to turn around and bring the map up to launch another expedition.

I could see something like that working in certain circumstances, most quests have an "acquisition phase" where you actually have to go talk to someone before you can launch it from the expedition menu.

Assuming you had a few queued up, or if it was an activity that was always available that could be an option! 😊


Dear /u/Darthchrisshaw I just wanted to pop in here and apologize for a terrible player experience that I am directly responsible for. As the Stronghold lead the buck stops with me. I can offer explanations but at the end of the day, that doesn't change the experience.

What I really want to do is come in here and explain what we are doing about this so you don't continue to suffer these situations in the Strongholds.

  1. We've disabled every "backtracking" fog wall in the Temple of Scar and Heart of Rage. So as of the next patch, forgive me for not having the exact dates as I'm at home, it should be the next scheduled patch in March. Internally it's called 1.0.4. So once that patch lands you should never run into this situation again in either of those strongholds. (This is different f...

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Originally posted by Biggy_DX

Hey Brenon. I wanted to pass a quality of life suggestion to you guys to help players avoid downtime from walking in Fort Tarsis. With the recent addition of the "Hold to Start Expedition" button on the HUD (added in Patch 1.03), I think this sets you guys up to expand the functionality of that button option to other activities as well. My suggestion is this:

- Using the "Hold to Start Expedition" button brings up a list of options the players can choose from with the Arrow Keys/D-Pad; since they're not used in Fort Tarsis.

- Among these options are the following: Expedition, Forge, Vault, Launch Bay

- The player chooses which option they want, and the game sends them to that respective area.

- This would be a good stop-gap measure to removing as much downtime between missions as possible

Take it easy, and I hope you guys succeed in bringing the game closer to greener pastures.

That's a great idea, thanks for the suggestion! I'll pass it along. 😊


First, I want to thank you for writing this up. I appreciate the honesty of how you (and others) feel about the current state of things. I also want to say that I can’t talk about everything, simply because it is not my area of expertise, or because I don’t have the information you’re looking for. I stand by our statement of being transparent though and will continue to do so here and on other channels.

Now, I want to address some of your points that I can:

Communication -

Pre-game release vs Post game release –

To start, things used to be a lot friendlier here for dev team members who normally don’t talk on social channels or forums. They could answer questions, give information and know that they aren’t going to have people getting upset at them. Why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update to post when they know it’s likely to be met with hostile replies, or they get flamed because can’t answer ot...

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13 Mar


Thank you all for the information. The team is aware of this and a fix will go in as soon as possible.


Agreed, this is a bug - it's filed and we're looking at fixes!


Originally posted by Bacon-muffin

Here's an opinion thread I made about loot, got a bit buried with all the drop rate talk going on.

Just wanted to say, your guys continued engagement with the community is what ultimately caused me to buy the game after my premier sub ran out. Not shying away from the tough questions even in a virulent sea of posts is so refreshing and makes me optimistic for the future.

Thanks for the link, I'll take a look at that soon! 😊


Originally posted by reptoo

Your responses kinda read condescendingly with a tone of "oh none of this seems to be on our radar of worries, what's your problem?"

Ah I'm sorry, that wasn't the intent - I just needed more context so I knew who to go talk to 😊.