
Anthem Dev Tracker

13 Mar


Originally posted by PG-13_Woodhouse

Mods unlocked the thread so I'll put this here now.

In regards to the damage formula, the primary concern is that too many things stack additively as opposed to multiplicatively. Currently, damage is calculated as follows:

DAMAGE = (Base * (1+A)*B*(1+C)*D*E)+1


  • A is sum of all damage bonuses on gear.
  • B is the base crit multiplier of your weapon/ability.
  • C is the sum of all critical damage modifiers
  • D is the damage type modifier (things like Lightning doing more damage to shields)
  • E is the sum of all debuff modifiers. Currently just Target Beacon/Taunt (33% each and they don't stack with each other) and Acid (25%) for a Max of +58% damage.


The issue here is that almost...

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Thanks for the context! I don't have the right information right now to be able to get into those details - that's more the domain of the systems designers...

Let me do a bit of investigation and get back to you - at the very least I can probably provide some more context to the reverse engineering you've been doing. 😊


Originally posted by ExoRonin

..... he literally made a bullet point list of the talking points....

Yes... But I think I need a bit more detail than "damage formula".

What about it? Are there concerns about how it works under certain circumstances? How resistances factor in... Etc 😊


Originally posted by AcidicSwords

As a discord we have agreed upon many of the issues and devised multiple solutions for each of the said issues.

Our issue has been relaying this information as many of the solutions require input from the devs, the limitations they have etc.

Feedback and solutions on mechanics cannot just be read and implemented. Things like this need to be discussed.

Asking for more loot can be taken at face value, but talking about core mechanics require a two way street

What kind of stuff do you want to talk about? It's been pretty hard to keep up lately, so it's very possible that I've missed posts that you've made (there's a heavy math one on my list to look at a bit later which may be related?) 😊

12 Mar


Originally posted by Aghoithae

Please, can you pass them that loot bug too, as of now we don't have confirmation its acknowledged :

Some of us are getting a really weird loot bug, whether on PC, Xbox or PS4 :

GM1 / GM2 / Only white and green loots !? The loot part of the last patch went reversed for us!

Playing as ranger at lvl 30 on GM1 or GM2, and every activity as of stronghold, mission, freeplay, except the final chest of Strongholds where two purple and one MW drops, each other loot or chest give me or white or green loot, and ONLY white and green, this since 1.0.3 patch. Repaired the game, unistalled then reinstalled changed nothing.

Bioware, are you aware about that ?

You can see other complaint and pictures here : EA Bug report

Just checked in with QA - we have a bug tracking this issue!


The fix for Masterwork Embers dropping more from harvest nodes is now live.


Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm reading through them all and sharing the reported bugs with the team.


Originally posted by epicbluej

Yea I've gotten 2-3 legendaries since the update, none have been for the javelin I'm using. A friend of mine, hes gotten 5 legendaries, not a single 1 has been for his javelin. Either its a bug or they're trying to increase the grind in a dumb way.

A legendary drop should always be usable by the javelin your using when getting the drop. Not sure if possible for MW drops, but its annoying enough that my almost none existent legendary drops are now going towards other javelins I have never used once.

This sounds like a bug. There is a chance you can get a masterwork or legendary for a javelin other than the one you are using, but it’s really low. I’ll follow up with the team.


Hey Freelancers,

To start, I don't have any answers on loot yet. The team is discussing and are looking at player feedback and game telemetry. I'll share more on that as soon as I have an update.

For this post, I want to address the patch notes and missed items. It was not our intent to leave things out, but during the work of getting the update out the door some things were missed. The community posts pointing out the things that were missing allowed me to go back to the team and verify what was missing or what might be a bug, so thank you for that everyone!

If you have anything else that you think is missing from the notes that I didn’t address in this post please let me know in the comments so that I can check with the team and get it added.

Masterwork Universal Components added in 1.0.3 – drop from GM1+

  • Symbiotic Surge – Increases javelin armor by a large amount. Increases all damage for a short duration when picking up a repair p...
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11 Mar


Originally posted by fanny_bandito

Hey there, Brenon. I feel badly piling on here, but since you seem to go so far above and beyond when it comes to responding to these kinds of thing, I was wondering if there's any chance you might be able to take a look at the way ability recharge works for javelin abilities with multiple charges.

As things stand now, if you have an ability with 2 charges, and you fire off charge #1, it will, as expected, immediately begin to recharge charge #1. However, if you fire off charge #2 before charge #1 has finished recharging, you lose all the progress you had towards the recharge of charge #1. This means that once you've fired off charge #2, it will begin recharging charge #2 from 0. At that point, if you're in any kind of extended engagement, it really doesn't matter that you have extra charges, since you're either waiting double the recharge time for 2 charges, or the normal recharge time for 1. Assuming you time your uses perfectly from that point on, your effe...

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Yes, I'll pass this along to the Gameplay team - this may be on their radar already... but let's make sure 😊.


Originally posted by radiantkeen

To add on to this, this masterwork effect does technically work - I get the combo proc bonus effects, but there's no combo text/effect or AoE damage.

That's great information, thanks - I'll make sure to pass that along to QA! 😊


Originally posted by Paintball_Taco

Awesome, thank you! Enjoy your day off. You all deserve it.

Thanks 😊


Originally posted by DaLiftingDead

Just to add to that, Stasis Chain, the Storm ability has the same issue of no detonation. Could be the ability text is poorly worded, but I figured I would add this since it seems to be the exact same issue.

Thanks! Keep up the good work!

Thanks - we have bugs logged on these! 😊


Originally posted by sdwsdwsdw

random drop in a stronghold gm2 from a "normal" mob : interceptor legendary component while i play ranger main. and interceptor is gearscore 7.

Ok thanks we'll take a look.


You should only be getting drops for your current suit, I don't suppose you know if it was a normal drop or as part of a mission or boss loot?


We're still reading your feedback. I know there are some frustrations being voiced in here, but hopefully you all understand we're not going to run away just because we get some negative comments on the sub. We're here for all of it, good and bad, and hopefully the constructive will win out in the end.

Anyway, thanks for recognizing that we are humans on the other side of this, either way. :)


Thanks for the feedback! There's definitely a bunch of improvements we can make to the experience to make it feel more integrated... and these are some great ideas. 😊

I'll kick this along to the Gameplay team!


Originally posted by Gildian

I'd like to extend appreciation for taking time to read our concerns for the game. I know many of us on Reddit are frustrated, and frankly I think they're right. They may express that in a not-so-nice way but please know it's because of the passion the community has for this game. I absolutely love the game itself but I do feel that if it takes months to "fix" loot, it's going to leave a much more sour taste in the community's collective mouth.

If you want to take incremental changes to make loot exactly where you guys want it, start from too much and cut back instead of incrementally increasing. I promise people would be much less frustrated that way.

I understand that "we're listening" or variants of that phrase has become cliche language for some, but it is the best reassurance I can give until we're able to show you something tangible to address your concerns or frustrations. Hopefully, most of you understand that we still care deeply about this Anthem community.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. We sincerely appreciate the feedback.

Your English is great, by the way. :)


Thanks for putting this list together, I've shared it with the team will update the patch notes once I hear back.

And I've said this in a few spots, but the Masterwork embers drop rates were a bug, we're currently working on fixing that.


Since I'm the one that primarily puts together the patch notes I do want to say that I never leave out anything intentionally. I work with a lot of people here at BioWare to ensure the notes are as comprehensive as possible.

If we ever miss something in the notes (and we will) please do point it out so that I can get the necessary information from the team to get the patch notes updated.

Now for your bullets you pointed out that we're missing:

  • Lowered the drop rate of high-end Embers from Harvesting
    • I have confirmed this was a bug and the team is working on fixing it as I type this. Drop Rates on Masterwork Embers should go back to what they were prior to the 1.0.3 update.
  • Significantly increased the requirements to complete Path of Glory Monthly Rewards (requiring even more Daily/Weekly completions)
    • I'm following up on this one with the team right now, will share more details as soon as I ...
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