
Anthem Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


It’s actually done before every update.


I feel like this thread deserves more karma (note: I had nothing to do with this, no self promo :) )


Originally posted by xSerp

Out of curiosity why are you waiting until march 12th to push a large number of bug fixes?

Yeah there are things like QA time and first party cert and a bunch of stuff that makes it better to roll things into something like a 2 week cycle.


I appreciate the attempt at constructive criticism. You lost your way a bit there but thumbs up to anyone who attempts to be constructive.

I don’t really have anything to say at the moment but we have read this, thank you for providing feedback



In March 12th patch you can open the mission screen from anywhere. This should help.


We are doing this. Details TBA. Timing TBD.


I think this is fixed for March 12th


We are on it. We are committed. It’s positive messages from the community that keep us going. We need your ongoing support.


I think it’s funny. Unfortunate but funny. We are on it. Fixed for March 12th


I was wrong. It’s not just a UI bug. We are on it.


Originally posted by Oghier

It's not just the loot, it's the difficulty scaling. GM 2 feels like it should be GM 4, as the spike in damage taken is so severe (as well as the sponginess of enemies).

My colossus is never in any danger in GM1 strongholds. I can tank a turret and multiple scar hunters with zero chance of death.. zero. GM2 feels like I'm back to playing a cover shooter, as I get shredded in the open. It's exactly like my first try at GM 1, without any masterwork components. But this time, I'm already in full MW/ Legendary (with one purple component, due the +75% armor inscription). There are no dramatic gear upgrades ahead for me.

You need smoother scaling from one difficulty grade to the next.

EDIT: My first reddit platinum.. thank you, internet friend! :)

Initially we were scared it would be too easy. We need to review this. The challenge is scaling isn’t linear, the synergies in gear and inscriptions makes this hard. We didn’t want to give up the power fantasy tho.

06 Mar


Obviously, you all have a lot of questions. We will do our best to answer them and/or update the post as I can get information on stuff.

Thanks for all the feedback, as always. :)


Hey r/AnthemTheGame Community,

Chris King (Gameplay Design Director) & Darrin McPherson (Lead Gameplay Producer) are both busy working on the game and updates, but they've allowed me to share some cool stuff they worked to put together around how Loot Inscriptions work in Anthem. Hope you find this helpful!

-AJ (@UNTDrew)


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Hey, so I dug into this a bit... at a high level, every 10 hits you get a small boost to your ultimate bar.

There's a 1 second timeout on the hit streak - so you're probably best off using an AR, SMG or LMG (some Shotguns might work as well). There's a 3 second cooldown on the proc.

When it triggers, you get a small boost to your ultimate meter (currently 3% per proc, this is in addition to all of the other sources that increase your ultimate bar). The net effect of using a rapid fire weapon is that your ultimate should charge faster. 😊


Originally posted by lonewolfshade

many of the wording you use for components and inscriptions need a second pass to make sure it follow some sort of guideline so they all provide a clean indication on what they do.

The components that give - and + at the same time confuse players the most.

other wordings like 7000% extra ultimate charge on vipers bite fail to convey the information you actually trying to tell the player.

just changing it to inform players that it means each hit on enemies will fill the ultimate bar 7x times faster would be much easier for people to understand.

perhaps: each enemy hit adds 7x the base value to ultimate charge

or something similar.

Yep, I agree - especially about the "things that are better when they're smaller" category. 😊


Originally posted by raunchyfartbomb

Yea, I honestly didn’t really even expect a reply. I understand though, a comment like that is an uphill battle to go against, and your often better off not addressing them individually until a solution is basically ready.

The problem is gamers are so vocal and passionate, it can be hard to have a good dialogue with devs. It’s easy for a mis-saying to be completely crucified, and I feel for you guys.

All that said, definitely take a look at their forum. It’s pretty well organized, with bug sections for each platform, patch notes for each, there is a dev blog they talk about upcoming changes, feedback forums, etc. all that on top of the generic community forum side of things (which IMO is why the other stuff is kept alive. It’s a healthy community site on top of the dev-feedback portion).

You guys could probably reach out to /u/Rebulast (DE Rebecca), Steve, or their other community manager I can’t remember the name of (Taylor I ...

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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a bit of time once other stuff has calmed down a bit and check it out. 😊


Originally posted by merkwerk

That's great but can we get a discussion going about scaling in Grandmaster content though? Is that the intention? I personally feel like there should be no scaling going on in Grandmaster content as it is meant for lvl 30 anyway.

We are listening to all your feedback. We'll update you as soon as we have some new information to share.

In the meantime, check out the developer livestream starting now:


Hey everyone – Thanks for the feedback on this. I have confirmed with the team that this is in fact a bug related specifically to the default items on a loadout in combination with higher level gear you have equipped. It’s not functioning as intended and the team is working on it for an upcoming fix.