
Anthem Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by Bahggs

I just want to throw in my support. I'm experiencing several of the issues reported here, but I can still play. I do really hope the load time issues get fixed. Even understanding that it would be extremely difficult, I hope your team can find a way to reduce the number of load screens. This is really the thing that kills the experience for me. I still love the game and I will still be dumping hours into it. I am VERY excited for the day 1 patch, but I have to admit that it will decide if I keep playing or not.

Once again, thank you and your team for all your hard work. I believe this can be a great game, it's really close already. (Also buff ranger, not bc he needs it... I just play ranger)

Awesome - again not sure how much the loads are improved but there is a chorus of people noting this as a serious issue for them, so you can bet we will look at ways to reduce them entirely and speed them up.


Originally posted by StaticDrift

Jer, what happened to fixing framerate on Xb1x? I'm still dipping to like 20 just like in the demo.

We haven't heard to many reports specific to XB1X - can you send me your gamertag etc? Can you test at 1080p and see if that improves it?

Is there anything else running in the background, have you tried rebooting (I know sounds stupid, just trying to rule out stuff).


Originally posted by Mordecay1986

I’ve got a jar of Bioware! I’ve got a jar of Bioware! *thump*



Originally posted by LeSmooze

Thanks! And thanks for working on a wonderful game and being transparent with us!

Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Sorry just saw this.

Little concerned about this --

Listing day one patch as the 'fix' date for my problem. Don't want to have to wait a week for a game I've purchased three times over + a sub service just to play it on the actual release.

There we go. I have it completed.

Thank you! They are looking at specific accounts that have been affected - the patch note is for people to know it's a solved problem AFTER that point. We are for sure trying to fix affected folks NOW.


Originally posted by Tilted_Till_Tuesday

we didn't see/couldn't anticipate

A lot of the things are hard to miss...That's part of the problem. Rare bugs, weird clunky things happen...but a lot of these tiny QoL things add up. It just makes it seem like no one tested the product.

We definitely tested. A lot.

We are only a few hundred people, so a lot of this stuff just doesn't happen inside our network, at a repro rate where we can catch it. Sucks but it's true.


Originally posted by CheetahSnake

Strong Alone, Stronger Together, Except for Console Players. f**k those guys.


Hey whoa now, I am a console gamer :)


Originally posted by Setharial

So far the Path of exile devs have been a gold standard in the industry for me when it comes to engagement with the community. Be it in terms of transparency, response times or whatever you may think of.

Seeing how you, and all the other bioware devs, handle the launch and responses i'd say you are WELL up there and i love how engaging you guys and how appreciative of the feedback the community is giving.

Hats off to you guys.



Originally posted by AkioDAccolade

Also, just so you know, turning sound ducking off in windows fixed most audio issues

Thank you, that's good to know.


Originally posted by Jhinkolik

But... I don't understand, what do I do now? I don't have any missions available. I'm always talking with the NPC's in Tarsis. And it keeps appearing even though I select another mission.

If you open your journal(J on PC) do you have any Critical Objectives, or Agent Quests?


Originally posted by Jhinkolik

I've done Tryant mine in all difficulties (hard 2 times) and I still can't complete the quest...

Tyrant Mine is a repeatable quest :)


Originally posted by TxR3D

It just happened to me again. The only extra info I can give you is that it happens after I get killed and respawn.

Thank you, that's very helpful info.


Hey there! We're not happy with the downed experience right now either. We're actively working on some solutions, but as you noted there's several smaller problems that add up to a larger one, so there's a few solves here and we want to get it right.


Originally posted by LeSmooze

Thanks! And thanks for working on a wonderful game and being transparent with us!



Originally posted by DifferentThrows

What is up with my save essentially being corrupted server side? I unlocked my second javelin, switched to it and the game immediately crashed. I can now no longer load the game (crashes on load into fort tarsis). I can make a new pilot and start the game over (sadness) but any attempt to load my first pilot results in a crash to desktop after loading the game fully; it goes through both loading screens then crashes to desktop.

Hey, can you shoot me a DM with your origin ID and I’ll see if someone can loom into this?


Originally posted by AkioDAccolade

FYI, Setting SSAO to "HBAO FULL" has a gigantic performance impact for some reason. /u/BiowareJer

You guys should really set a warning on that one. Drops my 2080ti about 45 fps in fort tarsis from 100.

Hahaha, I actually don't even know what that is. I will however, pass it on to the right people!


Originally posted by MagenZIon

Totally off-topic but a more critical issue, any idea of the scope of random crashes? I had no issue in the closed alpha in early December but in both demo weekends and full release now I crash a lot but am well over recommended system requirements and it's completely inconsistent about when it crashes (at least as it appears to me as the end-user).

Hey MagenZlon please check out this forum post.

A lot of folks have had success messing or updating graphics drivers specifically.


Originally posted by catholicBoio01

What does +speed inscriptions do?

Speed is usually referring to reducing cooldown recharge time, or “speeding up” cooldowns.


Originally posted by Storm_Fireblade

Thank you so much! At least now I have some hope. Appreciate it very much that you (and whoever else is) are going the extra mile here to fix this asap.

Yeah confirmed this is fixed in the day 1 patch - they are looking at spot fixing users and making sure the day 1 patch retroactively fixes anyone who has experienced it.


Originally posted by MSsucks

I'm shocked that anyone thinks you guys have stopped visiting. Maybe it's because they only really see you in posts, but I was just telling my wife about how you've posted like a hundred times (maybe more). Most of us understand how launches go, and you've been more communicative that any game/launch I can remember (and I'm old, lol).

I think it's directly related to which issues are being actively investigated/solved - sometimes certain people are not able to peruse the (long) list of issues to chime in because they have very high priority issue they are trying to fix. I think once it's leveled off a bit things will be more consistent.