
Anthem Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Originally posted by Latitudes

Thanks Jer, I know you guys are probably as pissed as we are when stuff like this happens. I can put up with a lot of bugs, but when you've been going the "completionist" route and have done every main quest, side mission, dialogue option, and cortex entry.... to have the last act completely stripped from you is pretty f**ked.

Yeah, you are totally right. In my case specifically I have no idea what could have caused that - but I will start digging. Again, sorry - I am also that type of gamer and this would piss me the f*ck off too.


Originally posted by smita16

Ah im so sorry! I knew knew knew I was gonna mess it up! Please forgive me!

Forgiven. Although I must say thanks for the new office nickname lol!


Originally posted by Snowy-Poutine

Holy crap! I didn't know you guys were in Edmonton! We're practically neighbours. Hope you're all keeping warm with the cold snap

Hahaha - yeah it's been pretty vortexy up here - you stay warm too!


Originally posted by spidii

The music is definitely incredible but I'm equally impressed with the sound design - from the guns, the javelins, landing, boosting etc... it all has such an impact and the majority of that is the sound. Gives everything you do serious weight. Absolutely love it.

Thank you! This is why we do it :)


Originally posted by starwolf16

Hey u/BioWareJer, is there any chance you guys will ever release the OST musical scores? I really would love to play the sound tracks with my orchestra

Yeah that's a possibility - I will have to vet it with legal and ask Sarah (technically we own it, but she created it so I would want her blessing for sure!). I'll let you know!


Originally posted by ViridianDawn

looks like it might have been a setting on my end. I turned off the "Allow Application to take exclusive control of this device" setting for my audio drivers and that seemed to have fixed it. I went for about 4 hours today with no issues vs having it cut out 3 times the day before for about same amount of play time.

huh...really good to know, we will include that in our testing and I'll let folks know. Thanks!


Originally posted by robdquick

I have the exact same issue.

More details below.

SUMMARY: Stuck on Challenges of the Legionnaires

BUG/ISSUE: I cannot complete the Challenges of the Legionnaires. Trying to 'Open' a tomb just gives me the initial message, but nothing pops up on the side and accepting it doesn't do anything. Initially I had 2 sets of challenges completed according to the Journal/Critical Objectives/ Freeplay: Tombs on the Legionnaires, but after flying around for a while in freeplay all of them now say they are complete and I need to explore the tombs.

If I go into my challenges to try and see what I've done/ what I need to do, Freeplay doesn't show up (Stronghold doesn't show up either even though I have completed the first stronghold!)

I'm at a loss as to what to do here. I can't progress the main story a...

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Apparently there are two potential causes - I am copypasta'ing this whole post into our support slack channel...I'll let you know if they can help.


Originally posted by Nightcore621




Originally posted by Latitudes

Well the finale of the game was just completely ruined for me.

Final boss has one bar of health left after a brutal fight. Screen suddenly goes black and to a loading screen. "Cinematic loading in progress. Please wait". Okay? But we hadn't finished killing him yet...

Wait 3 minutes for the bar to load. Finishes. No cinematic plays. Get put on the end of expedition screen.... okay? Exit that screen. Game loads into an in-game cinematic. No sound. Cinematic finishes, talking about... whatever I missed out on during the end game cinematic which never played. Fade to credits. Load back into Tarsis. No UI, escape doesn't work. Have to ALT-F4.


I am beyond pissed. And the worst thing about it is? I can't redo the last mission to see if it would work properly this time, and experience the ending for myself.

/u/biowarejer Add it to the list of bugs. This is brutal.

Wow that SUCKS! Holy crap. I'm so sorry. I will post it right away in our Slack channel.


Originally posted by HandHunter

You've seen screenshots already, just wanted to show how silly it can be sometimes...

Any chance you could ask the team if we can have numeric values displayed on the health bar?

Yeah I’ll pass it on thank you HandHunter


Originally posted by ThorsonWong

Belatedly pinging u/BioCamden for acknowledgement of the issue!

notice me DevManagerSenpai

I see you! And yes I will take this report back to the team. Thanks ThorsonWong!


Hey thanks for the report. Yeah Hard difficultly has the limit of just Masterwork Weapons, but like you said GM1 freeplay does not. Any additional information would be helpful. Thanks nullifics.


Originally posted by lawtwo

About 30 mins ago did y’all send out a server will be shut down in 2 minutes?

No idea, sorry lawtwo


Originally posted by FrozenLaughs

There needs to be more information within the text. Your team is just using too many vague terms. Anthem isn't a newspaper ad, you guys aren't being charged by the letter. We aren't afraid of a few extra words! Look:

  • Shield Recharge Speed (+% is obvious buff) assumption- more shield points per second until full?
  • Shield Recharge Delay (+ or -% are both confusing) assumption- number of seconds safe before recharge starts?
  • Shield Recharge Timer (-% is obvious buff) assumption- safe time required to go from broken shields to charging/full?

See how all three examples are worded "basically" the same? See how all three buff percentages can be misunderstood? See how all three examples are contextually identical, but have different expectations because of a single word? You need to settle on a universal glossary to your terms:

  • If every value on gear/inscription is a...
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Actually UI considerations for space, especially localized text, was exactly the reason many of these are abbreviated.


Originally posted by rob117

I got it working. Updating the audio driver fixed it - apparently my motherboard maker issued an update last month.

Wicked to hear - thanks for sharing!


There are a bunch of inscription bugs that are fixed in the 22nd Feb patch


It should say customization


Are you doing it via quick play (reinforcing) or by picking the stronghold on the map?