
Anthem Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by arcturian_candidate

Not sure if it's a bug - anyone else having some issues with UI scaling/screen size? I'm playing on an Xbox One X on a 1080p TV and some of UI stuff (mostly loot notifications and some stuff in the Forge) is just a bit off the edge of the screen. Anthem is the only application that has this issue, so it's not a TV over/underscan thing. I went looking for a UI/screen size adjustment in the options menu like a lot of games have but couldn't find anything.

I'll log this one and chat with our art team. Thanks for the information! :)


Originally posted by uzsibox

SUMMARY:* Feats not tracking BUG/ISSUE: Feats not tracking in the journal


Feats reset after each expedition, they're the things that grant you experience at the end of the expedition. Are they not tracking while on an expedition?


Originally posted by TxR3D

**SUMMARY:** Unable to interact with objects in Freeplay with the interaction key.

**BUG/ISSUE:** Unable to loot chests/plants/lore/anything to do with the interaction key. F key prompt does not appear. Already tried respawning and it didn't fix it. Had to leave Freeplay and start a new session.

**TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Windows 10 64bit - GTX 980m - 16GB ram - i7-4720HQ @ 2.60GHz

I'm using kb/m.


Very odd! I've seen this before but respawning typically fixed it. I'll look into it.


Originally posted by spidii

Anyone else experiencing issues with loadouts in the launch bay? Not only does it "delete" certain guns and items (as in they don't appear) but my loadout is different. If I create a loadout in Tarsis, it won't carry over to the launch bay. It's like I have to maintain two different loadouts and the one in the launch bay won't even show all the weapons. Super weird.

That's concerning! I'll get a bug logged and start looking into this :)


Originally posted by Bonk_EU

Doing his job. A round of applause everyone!

Well technically I am on sabbatical, but I care deeply about our players' experience so I make sure to respond where I think I can be helpful :)


Originally posted by Jessecles

SUMMARY: Equipment comparisons are misleading

BUG/ISSUE: I don't know what's driving the comparison bars, but they do not appear to be scaled properly. In the screenshot below, you can see the damage of the hand cannon is 3x the damage of the auto rifle, but it displays as a small sliver of a difference. It gives the impression the rifle is much better.



Thanks for letting us know, I'll look into this and get it logged :)


Originally posted by smita16

Idk man honestly the sub is very disheartening to look at. I'm not surprised most of the devs have stopped visiting they would get torn to pieces.

To be clear - technically they haven't 'stopped visiting', most are deeply involved with fixing all the issues that are being discovered. Almost all issues here are being looked at by many folks, including Brenon, Cam, Ben etc.

I expect very high engagement post launch madness.


Originally posted by silkred

**SUMMARY:** Binding R key to move forward breaks game

**BUG/ISSUE:** After the first mission , R always appears as "[HOLD] to start Expedition" in the town thingy

**REPRODUCTION:** Use RDFG as movement, try to walk around the town. Keeps starting expeditions... :(



Thanks for the information, we'll get it logged.


Originally posted by JadedOnyx19

**SUMMARY:** Feats do not register.

**BUG/ISSUE:** Been playing the game on hard the whole time and have done plenty of the feats but not a single one has registered.

**REPRODUCTION:** Have changed difficulty and replayed missions and still nothing registers including in Freeplay

**TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** PC installed on a SSD, 1080 i7 6700 everything else works fine.

Hi JadedOnyx19, are you receiving experience after each expedition? Feats reset each time you go out into the world and grant you experience when returning to Fort Tarsis. You can view your Feats progress in the menu under the Tracked tab while on an expedition. :)


Originally posted by Tribalwarsnorge

Welp, cant even post a report on the forums.. All I get is the option to Preview the post, but not actually post it...

Hmm. That's strange. And you're signed in with your Origin account?


Originally posted by ben_r647

SUMMARY: Framerate still poor and one bug found at the forge

BUG/ISSUE: As for the bug I've came across (and more than once), when my javelin is turning around so I can climb into it, there is a second, identical javelin that is already turned and opened that overlaps with the one doin the turning animation. Not game breaking or anything, just kinda ruining the look of this animation.

And second, Anthem has definetly been running better during my EA access trial than it did during the open demo, but I'm still not getting anywhere near 30 fps with the exception of when I'm in the Launch Bay. Have any other console players been having really bad framerates too or might it just be a problem with my console? And what could I do to improve the framerate (besides turning off visual effects)?


Thanks for the information, I'll double check this one but I believe it's fixed in the patch on the 22nd. :)


Originally posted by AncientHorizon

I was able to fix it doing as you instructed. I was also able to replicate the problem. What happened was I swapped to my headphones and changed the audio setting from Speakers to Headphones in options. That replicated the issue, reloading fixed it. Thanks for the reply, hope my info helps.

Also the sound design in this game is phenomenal on the whole, thanks for such amazing work. :)

Great to hear! Thanks so much for the kind words and the patience :)


Originally posted by executive313

As someone who was beyond skeptical about this game I have to say you guys being so active changed my mind and made me buy the game. I am loving it so far and truly enjoy it.

Awesome to hear - thanks for joining the party :)


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Thanks! _^



Originally posted by Musely

We can work on getting that added to the main thread. Give us a few.



Originally posted by SalvajeCartel

😭😭😭😭 alrighty then, well i guess ill share my report on when the audio thing happened the most. 1. I cant use machine pistols with my interceptor, everytime am chaining abilities and using fast machine pistols i fire the thing and then no audio comes out. I hope this is fixed forreal on day one!

Logged, thanks!


Originally posted by Admiyer_me

Yes, thank you, sorry for being harsh, but Mass Effect Andromeda left me with a weird aftertaste.

All good! I worked on all four. Me too :)


Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

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Originally posted by smita16

I know people are upset regarding the performance of the early release, but biowarejar has answered over 28 posts in just over 24 hrs!

It doesn't make up for some of the concerns, but it shows that they care!

People are gonna downvote me because they think I am a fanboi but I think we should appreciate and encourage communication.

Also it's 'Jer' not 'Jar' lol :)


Originally posted by Musely

Pssst, this is the Story Spoilers thread, you're looking for the bug thread over here.

My bad, Musley!! I clearly need more sleep. Haha. I’ll move.