
Anthem Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Originally posted by JonRedcorn862

Post launch support is great, however the way in which titles are launching these days doesn't sit well with me. Be that do to publisher time constraints or what but it wasn't always the case.

Yeah you're absolutely right. And it's a different world to make games in too - we used to absolutely push ourselves to the limit to polish as much as possible before launch, now we can (and should) plan a longer curve in order to react to player styles, feature requests, balancing and bug fixing in the live service. But yeah - I agree, it's much different.


Originally posted by rob117

I'm having an issue with no sound at all from the very first launch.

Have tried restarts, changing/resetting the default sound device, and repairing the install.

Any ideas?

Yeah, are you on Bluetooth headphones? Have you checked to make sure all your audio devices/outputs are at 16bit/48k? Is your Windows communication 'volume ducking' turned on? I think there may be a conflict with the communication device being active and it interfering with the output. Let me know!


Originally posted by Uttam_Avabhanakti

Strongly disagree. Saying that how good this game is out of the gate doesn’t matter towards its success is disheartening. I’m glad you have strong plans for future support, and I don’t doubt that you care and work hard for this game, but first impressions do matter. For a game to have been in development for so long and be so highly anticipated to be released and just feel kinda underwhelming is a disappointment.

Sorry that isn't what I meant - I was more trying to explain that we need to ensure we have the ability to react, and support the project long term. I absolutely agree that the game needs to be as great as possible. I'm sorry you feel that way, and hope we can change your mind over time!


Originally posted by SirCaptainReynolds

Major kudos to you and the team! Keep up the awesome work and know that the game you’ve been working on IS awesome out of the gate AND will be even better as time goes on.

I hope you don’t feel defeated when you hear a few people out there and on here complaining loudly and and at times, very tactlessly. Most of us with reasonable minds know not everything will be perfect from the get go and know that it takes time to smooth over the bumps of any big launch of a game.

Thanks, that means a lot. Honestly I get why people are pissed. The economy is tough and 60 bucks isn't nothing. That's why I am here engaging with everyone (even the slightly mean comments) because I want people to know that we are human, and therefore definitely not perfect, and are committed to fixing and supporting this game long term :)


Originally posted by StaticDrift

I've been playing at 1080p. Gamertag is StaticxDriftx. There's nothing running in the background and yes I've tried rebooting. My friends have the same issue. The game feels really choppy.

Where are you playing from? City/Country?


Originally posted by Twitch_Tsunami_X

You guys must be tired after coming off of a presumed month of 'crunch time'

Actually this one was a bit easier than previous titles - honestly it's weird because people complain that we release something not 100% polished, but it's the fact that it's a live service and we can pace ourselves a bit that is the cause of that.

The other option would have been to kill ourselves to try to get it perfect and not have any gas in the tank for live service content and bug fixing :)


Originally posted by PullmanWater

I've been working on a bug at work that I can't reproduce in any test environment and it's only reported by a couple users. I feel for your team, it's not a fun position to be in.

Arrghh - THIS. Nothing is worse than trying to get something to happen for weeks only to release and all of sudden it's hitting 3/10 people. Thanks for getting it :)


Originally posted by ThoughtA

Greatly appreciated! Please stay healthy though :)

Thank you!


Originally posted by SirArciere

In-house play testing can never catch bugs as quickly as a huge community playing the game.

As long as you guys keep up the stellar communication, you have made a supporter out of me. Best of luck with everything :)

That's very true, thanks for understanding. You can't fix what you don't see :)


Originally posted by CheetahSnake

Great, and you even seem like a cool guy. But it feels pretty awful to pre order Legion of Dawn, only to be shown I have to choose between actually playing early or getting access to my rewards despite paying for both. Just because I play on Xbox and not the PC Third Reich.

I try really hard not to join hate trains in games, but this stunt left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth.

Ah. That makes sense. That stuff is so far outside the average devs control - I wish I could do more to help!

16 Feb


Originally posted by Veihai


Sorry, but i've asked for help in 4-5 different places now, which is more or less directed towards this game, even to the ea help service. But im still unable to play the game, i've used up 50 euros worth of internett on a broken game, and now it would cost me 60euros more to refill that to try to fix the game by redownloading it, which is not an option at all...

Sorry, this is just highly frustrating for someone who dosn't really feel that attracted to games anymore because they lack the special something, and i found that in Anthem, and i subcribed for the day-one experience, and i was so looking forward to this weekend, talking my friends into playing this game. Ik its not the end of the world, but it's still very frustrating, especially when i dont really get help with anything, or even a "we are looking into your problem"

I understand your frustration, and I am sorry. I am unfortunately not the best person to solve technical issues, so your best course of action is definitely Our experts will get to you ASAP.


Originally posted by momocorpo

Hi! Since XP is tied to how many challenges you can do in a mission, do you know if the combo challenge only is given to people who trigger the combo or both the one who primed it and the one who triggered it?

I think only the one who triggers it gets the challenge, because of this my friend keeps being mad when people "steal" his combo he primed for himself.

That's a good question, I'll take a look when I get a moment! 😊


Originally posted by Halefire

While you're at it, I just realized prior to what appears to be the final mission in the story, that you're supposed to be able to see your pilot's face in many cutscenes.

How did I not know that? Because I paid nearly ten dollars for the Colossus premium skin, and unbeknownst to me, that skin's visor does not lower. So the entire, entire game so far, I've been having a subpar storytelling experience and didn't know it. I've just been staring at a low res visor when I should have been seeing a speaking, emoting face. And I paid extra to have it be that way. No way to re-experience those cutscenes either as far as I know.

So yeah, another bug to log.

Sorry to hear that Halefire. You can replay the story by creating another pilot if you really wanted to dig into those again.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Loot isn’t shared or split. Armor packs, ammo, and loot are all instanced to each individual player.


Originally posted by blidside

Confirming it's an issue, and a major one. Here are two screenshots on back to back free roam sessions with no changes to my loadout demonstrating the problem:



Thanks for the screenshots blidside. Definitely helps.


Originally posted by xteches

I have this same issue. I tried to switch to a different javelin and the save got corrupted, can be the only issue as everything hardware works, no game issue itself (I can make a new character and play) but because I switched to Ranger from Interceptor I'm pretty sure the game has an issue where it thinks I'm running gear that one javelin can't wear so it crashes it.

Let's have one of our help experts look into it for you at Thanks!


Originally posted by Velthem

I had this same issue since yesterday, also related to second javelin and accessing the forge. Many players are having this issue across reddit and EA forums, so please communicate this to the team.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks again. Please follow the links in the post I made so we can best look into your issues.


Originally posted by catholicBoio01

Any info on what the +speed% inscription does? It doesn't seem to effect cooldowns at all

Is it gear +speed%? That should be cooldown bonus. 😊


Originally posted by JonRedcorn862

Why pay for Q/A when we can charge 60 bucks for you guys to do it for us!! The future is now!

I think the answer is both unfortunately. The key thing is how fast we respond to you - and how patient you are willing to be with us as we work to make it better.


Originally posted by Fate_Creator

Can we get a Bioware response to this? At least on making the chests count for everybody in the party?




Fixed for 22nd of Feb. All group members within a large radius get credit for opening a chest.