Thanks, passing it on.
Thanks, passing it on.
Give Sarah a high five...Scratch that... jumping hi five for us at Irradiant Cosplay!
Will do next time I go to LA lol - would be nice now, with it being minus 20 out here in Edmonton!
Hello /u/BioWareJer :)
Same issue for me in the Tomb of Yvenia!
Screenshot in front of the tomb itself: https://imgur.com/VdrSYGX
Proof of completion for the rest: https://imgur.com/k4k7bx0
My Origin ID is The_Nazka.
They are asking for a pic of your challenges, not your journal - can you do that?
Hey man, gonna hop on the train and say I’m having an absolute blast with the game so far and am very excited to see how it changes and grows in the future! Mad respect to you and the rest of the team, I know it can’t be easy to work so long and hard on a project only to get as much shit as there is on this sub.
Strangely - my inbox has been about 90/10 with super nice peeps to mean peeps :)
Even though there are issues, most are understanding - makes me want to help that much more!
Getting into the tomb wasn't the problem. The problem is that once I'm in the tomb, there's no way to interact with the sarcophagus inside. In the other 3, I pressed F and something happened. This last tomb has no option to do anything with anything once I'm inside, so it can't finish.
Hrm - not sure what to do. Can you send me your Origin ID? I will forward it to the group.
Hello /u/BioWareJer :)
Same issue for me in the Tomb of Yvenia!
Screenshot in front of the tomb itself: https://imgur.com/VdrSYGX
Proof of completion for the rest: https://imgur.com/k4k7bx0
My Origin ID is The_Nazka.
Got it - forwarding.
Great to hear - thanks for posting!
Are you guys hiring for offsite games testers? I wanna join the team!
Not offsite sorry :(
Forgive the audio on the vid, working on replacing it. Didn't realize the clipping tool I used recorded EVERYTHING on my PC
hehehe, our internal tools do that - you should hear some of the bug capture videos lol.
https://youtu.be/e9WldEe7YNA Posted. Unlisted to avoid trolls.
Thanks, will share with our live ops peeps.
There are also various Shield-related stats that are hard to decipher.
Worst example: Shield +-9% Refresh as seen here https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/arbzj6
Also, are there negative stats on inscriptions? Because +#% to shield delay sure does sound negative - someone posted a picture of that earlier but I can't find it right now.
Some of the suit specific components are supposed to have trade offs. With the Storm for example, one of the components allows you to trade decreased damage for increased cooldown speed (or vice versa).
It's a bit... unclear... I'll make sure we have a bug on it. 😊
are you guys aware that new players are being matched into late game story missions? fighting the final story boss, and a level 2 player joined the game. not only does this spoil the game for them, but they're not equipped to fight it. this absolutely should not happen, better yet, why can't we set our games to private?
The only way that I believe this can happen is if someone on the mission invites them into the game.
You cannot join into missions through QuickPlay unless you've completed that mission already.
All that said, because of the way the balancing works - they can still contribute, they won't have access to the same breadth of options that higher level players might have - but there's nothing wrong with people of different power levels playing together... or at least it's not counter to the design. 😊
From what I see it seems to be only the one who triggers who gets it: https://imgur.com/a/p1YuR8n
I think there should be another challenge for priming, or the one who primed should also get it.
Also, my storm friend had 9 hp bars, then when we started doing Hard content, and he changed a component for a component with more health, he acutally lost health to about 4 hp bars, any idea why?
Yeah, looking at the scripting it looks like you're correct - the person who causes the combo (detonating) is the one who gets Feat credit. I'll make sure to raise the issue.
One note though... XP is shared - so if someone else completes the Feat, you still get a benefit (except maybe that you're not being 100% efficient and trying to get every medal for every person). 😊
I'm not sure what's going on with the health bars... that sounds similar to a bug we saw during the demo though - I'll poke some folks to make sure they're aware of it.
Oh cool, u guess I just need to stack more. Also is there any word on doing an aliasing pass of the UI? It's very pixelated
Do you have a screenshot I could forward along? 😊
Sorta gonna hijack here...Are you familiar with the podcast "Score Points"? If not, they interview people associated with the making of music in the video game industry. Not up to date on the series yet but it sure has been an eye opener. Thanks for all the work you guys do! You should see if you can appear on it if you arent. One of the big guys from EA who does the madden soundtracks is on it.
Thanks again.
I'll check it out, thanks!
Connecticut, USA.
Thanks. Forwarding on.
Thanks for the response. Loving the audio design on most everything btw. Your team did a great job!
We made a lot improvements in the mix for the day 1 patch too, hope it addresses the 'not most' :)
Shield delay in - would make sense but this makes me think that it’s a bad thing. Would be good to get a dev response.
While this wording is confusing the inscription is indeed a positive benefit to your shield delay time. Meaning you shield starts regenerating 10% earlier than it normally would. Only the base stats (in-line descriptions) on components have the instances of positive/negative traits. All inscriptions are positive benefits. Thank you for the feedback.
Uhh.. AR Panel? And I'm looking under my challenges. I do not have anything under my, and this is the process to reach it - Press J, click Challenges, click Expeditions, and then there's only Critical and Agent. Do you need me to try pressing J when at the tomb..?
AR panels are the UX screens that appear in world - think this is a separate fix tbh - the team is working on repro'ing your specific use case.
Hear, hear!
And that’s been something we’ve heard echoing from many people on your team; that you’re here to support this game long term and want to stay engaged with the community throughout that whole process.
That means so much to us!
We appreciate how engaged you guys have been for months leading up to release and how quick you are to get back to us just like this original post was highlighting. I feel like in those rare gaming moments when the game team and community are all on the same page, there’s an opportunity to co-create something truly awesome together. I think we’re crossing that bridge right now with Anthem and I’m really excited to see where it goes from here. If you could, please pass on my gratitude to the team; I’d buy you all a round on me if I could! :)
I will, thanks for the kind words :)