Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

playapex: ALGS Year 4 Split 2 Pro League | Match Day 3 | APAC-S | Groups B & C | Apex Legends — streaming for about 6 hours

03 Apr


Love this so much. I've been there too. Though it's been a while. Slings are great for this. And congratulations!

02 Apr


Originally posted by Dam_Kop

Are we supposed to be allowed in the trident on top the tower without a timer going off?

No. I’m looking into that bug too. I think we already caught that but I’m checking


Ooooooof. Taking a look

01 Apr


Originally posted by StatuatoryApe

That last part is so interesting - especially since i assume it doesn't have to go through a console cert. Has this ever been used in the past apart from the gold moz?

Yea totally! When we need to make numbers adjustments quick, or disable an item or weapon, or change what drops in what mode and all that, we use this tech! That's how we do some adjustments for pro play too I believe. It's a really great system, great work by designers and engineers of the past who are much smarter than I. We also have a few absolute heroes who are constantly working on testing, releasing, and monitoring these between patch tweaks and changes in addition to all the normal patch stuff. It's a lot of work where you have to act quickly but also carefully, and it's working on urgent stuff constantly. Major props to those folks! (/u/tangentialLogic ...

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Originally posted by Pidjesus

Wish we got an April fools event where it was something stupid like everyone spawns with the same legend (mirage for instance), or they boost running speed, 3rd Person mode, instant revives, KC day 1 map

Goldzambique/P2020 is fun but they should go wild with dev tools for once

Would be cool if we can find the time! Last year the gold moz was just a silly thing I threw in on the side. This year had a more time put into it by some other awesome designers due to last year's success, but we still have so much to do it's hard to devote much time to it! It's also tough because we want to limit it to 1 day, and don't want to push through a patch for it then a patch the next day (going through console cert and downloads for players and all that). So, we are pretty limited in what we can do just from a technical side. This year the other fine folks were more on the ball ahead of time and got things set up in the 8.1 patch a while ago, just ready to be turned on. (I might be misremembering, sorry if I'm wrong work friends! I don't know your reddit names so reply here if you want sweet reddit glory!)

Fun fact on that! Last year's gold moz was done last minute using a technique we have to overwrite weapon settings values in a temporary way (we use this for...

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31 Mar


Looks great!. Are there more pictures of the jacket?. What did you make it out of?

30 Mar


Originally posted by rkrigney

I'd watch this buddy comedy.

I’d watch it too!

29 Mar


You got bamboozled 😈


This is so cool to see. Had such a fun time watching the different regions this weekend.

26 Mar


Originally posted by sbmm_sucks

Hey Daniel 😳 lots of talk about caustic right now, I'm curious about wraith. Thoughts on her atm? Anything you'd maybe like to share to hype or scare the wraith mains? :)

Nothing much, just killing low profile (I hope)

25 Mar


Originally posted by Jinxyzzzz

I’m kinda new to apex, so did you create or come up with the concept of Olympus ? It is the my favorite map and i love the looks and the buildings and everything

It was a team effort! I was fortunate to contribute a large amount of concept for Olympus yes :)


Originally posted by Pablogelo

I passed my last 15 minutes (no exaggeration) admiring your concepts, really. Skins aside, Olympus is for me the magnum opus of maps in any game, there's nothing else that I can compare in the feeling it gives me. And to see that you created so many areas of that map (and some parts could be even greater than now, like the cascades close to hammond labs, I ended up preferring your version) it's amazing the creativity and the feeling you transpire with your work, the 2 sci-fi buildings connected with one another is one of my favorites in Olympus too even though there isn't much action there (I also never have seen a final ring in there, it would be amazing). You're amazing, I wish the best for you on your journey and that you can continue transpire this happiness in your work.

Might I ask, since you are leaving now, should we see concepts that came from you until what season? 12, 13? If even this is in a NDA, sorry. Anyway,

Great work and hope for the best in your li...

Thank you! Olympus really was the map that I felt I did my best work for. I concepted almost every zone in that map! it was so much fun but there was a lot of pressure to make sure it came together well. I have many many concepts that will be in the game coming over the next year! I look forward to when that content is released so I can share them :)


Originally posted by Meat-Eater-Lives

The caustic art is my favorite piece of art to come from the game. You did a really amazing job with it. That pumpkin bloodhound skin is my favorite skin in the game and the jade octane skin is my favorite one for octane which I sadly didnt get from that season (technically I have it but it’s on xbox and the account I actually use is on playstation ;-;)

Edit: sorry I just had a lot of changing thoughts on how I should have typed this

Everyone gave me weird looks when I came into a meeting saying I want to make a character out of jade. I couldn't explain what I was imagining so I told my art director just to wait and ill paint it and he will understand. At the time I was already working on environment concepts for worlds edge, so I wasn't meant to do skins at the time. Once I finished it they liked it so much they made it the promotional skin for the next battle pass! I think that's why it will always be my favorite skin that I made because I made it on my own time :)


Originally posted by hippyne

Thank you for being a part of my favorite game. :) good luck in whatever you do next.

Thanks! I feel lucky to have been part of it :)


Originally posted by Cesstyx

Usually, I do not comment on posts unless they really spark something inside of me. This is one of the posts that do. You have helped design my favorite game that I have played since launch! You have, in a way, defined not only a portion of my childhood but have defined my friendships. I have so many memories playing your game where I have deeply connected with a friend in a way probably not possible without you! I owe you some of the happiest moments of my life, so thanks! The least I can you wish you goodbye and Good luck! In the words of pathfinder "Have Fun, Don't Die". I would also like to infer that pathfinder would say directly to you "You Did MORE than a mediocre Job".


I so happy I was able to be part of something you enjoyed so much. That game for me was the first Modern Warfare, I played it so much the disk broke haha I'm also happy to hear it brings you closer to your friends! that's exactly why I work in games, so that I can play with my brother and friends in New Zealand. Without games it would be much more difficult to keep in touch in such a casual way.