I typically do not play with Discord open, but I'll try that next time I'm playing with Discord.
Cheers, keep us posted!
I typically do not play with Discord open, but I'll try that next time I'm playing with Discord.
Cheers, keep us posted!
Announcement was posted yesterday and there's a litany of questions posted by the community. AMA has now been live for over 15 minutes and we've yet to see any responses. What's going on? u/RSPN_Thieamy
We book the two hour window with the team to answer questions, but with all comms they generally have to go through some checks before they can go live. Tis a good callout though and we can look at ways to make this tighter so answers can get out faster.
Is there any plans to deal with Smurfing. Feels like half the time I am killed by a level 40 with a 4k badge.
Not related to matchmaking, but we are looking to host an AMA for anti-cheat (smurfing incl) soon.
If the goal is to eliminate widely imbalanced lobbies then why are preds and masters allowed to Que into plat/diamond lobbies?
Regarding high elo matching, how about making only Solo Q possible from master and above?
now rank meta : pred has 50% hack boost,cheater and ano half jst kill all day(time bill gates can do grind) low elo plat dia
The team touched on Masters/Preds a bit here. Anti-cheat is a separate team, but we're looking at an AMA to cover these questions soon.
Why are preds not considered a separate rank in the matchmaking algorithm?
Read moreSo I’m sure you all invest a lot of time into it, but ranked matchmaking feels like a bit of a joke at the moment.
I understand that Preds/Masters will appear in Diamond lobbies, but having 8-12 of them in almost EVERY Diamond game when the queues are almost instant doesn’t make sense. I’ve been master the last 4 seasons and I promise I wouldn’t mind waiting a few more minutes for a more competitive lobby of majority master/preds. I’m willing to bet both Diamond and Master+ players would benefit from longer queues if it meant more competitive lobbies.
So my question essentially is will we see longer queues and stricter ranked matchmaking sooner rather than later?
Sidenote: has removing sbmm (or whatever iteration is used in Apex) from pubs ever been considered? Pubs tends to feel like diet ranked and I’m not sure the matchmaking is very beneficial for that mode considering how the games tend to play out.
Ranked and pubs shouldn’t feel as similar ...
I don't get why your in is such resistance for masters/pred only 3 stack lobbies? If it's queue times?
I do not care, it is not fun when solo queuing and you still end up against 3 stack sweats and master/pred teams!
Just curious what makes you guys think that someone with 40,000-80,000 rp more than me should be in the same lobby as me? Have you considered adding a rank between diamond/master to separate very poor players from top 5(ish)% players?
Read moreWhy don’t yall stop doing split ranked resets?
Seriously. You can see people asking why preds are ending up in DIAMOND lobbies.
It’s a simple solution. Quit with the frequent ranked resets. You literally are only hurting your casual players.
While not reset related, the team touched on what's happening with Masters/Preds a bit here.
Maybe cap it to Diamond 1. Once a person gets positive RP over D1...go sign into Apex Legends 2.0...Masters and Preds only.
If you and your friends go golfing on Saturday, should you be going up against PGA Masters? No. They have their own leagues to play in.
Why are masters and preds being reset to plat and plat is also reset to plat. Having such a wide band of players of varying skill levels absolutely reduces match quality.
And a semi-related question, why are current preds able to be lobbies with players who are in plat and even gold?
Can you do something about mixtape matchmaking as well? In lobbies with 14 players it'll be 9v5 instead of 7v7 like so . Additionally it feels like all the good players are always on the same team. Some form of team balancing would greatly improve the experience. It doesn't have to be a complex algorithm. XDefiant used a snake draft to balance the teams
Seems like everyone else has already covered what's been on my mind but I'll ask anyway.
Why are pred players more common than masters players in diamond lobbies?
I usually stop grinding ranked at diamond because it just becomes a cycle of getting ran through by the handful of pred teams for a few games before I get a pity lobby full of diamond and plat players. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen any masters players in my lobbies- I don't understand how there are only 750 preds but I somehow manage to get more of them in my games than the other 10,000 or so masters players.
what specific changes are you planning to prevent low ranks from being matched with higher ranked players like Masters and Preds, especially since this has been a problem since at least 2023?
From JP Community
Currently, the ranked point loss seems to be the same regardless of party size, which can feel unfair. Has the team considered adjusting RP loss based on party size?
Read moreTo the developers,
How tricky has it been for you guys to find a balance between making solo queue an enjoyable experience versus not making it too hard on three friends who want to party together but not get brutalized by a lobby full of sweaty three stacks? Apex has always been hard to get casual friends involved where I’m pretty good and they’re not, and with me being good they were always forced to endure my high skill lobbies. Apex’s high skill ceiling makes matchmaking a tightrope I’m sure.
I want solo queue to be more enjoyable(which it hasn’t been too bad this season) but I also don’t want it to be terrible when me and my friends play as a party(if you guys decide to ever match pre-made vs pre-made). It’s a super fine-line to walk because you don’t want to make matchmaking too hard but you also don’t want to make it a walk in the park every game for good three stacks.
Also, a small second question: If I duo queue with my brother in Trios, do we get...
Any chance masters+ can be solo queue only. Yes Apex is a team game and that's where it's msot fun, but masters+ teams just ruin the lobby if you let them team up AND put in lobbies with lower ranks. At least make them split up.
This encourages a real pred race instead of who can play Apex the longest with the best team.
EDIT: Maybe even Diamond would have to be soloqueue, the trip to masters should be proof you're able to get to masters on your own.
Read more
Is there any plans to perhaps add better experience to solo queue and perhaps differentiate solo queue from pre-made team?
Is there any plans of introducing solo/duo ranked mode?
We need to solve solo Q out make it so your not against partys it's a terrible experience if you are a high skilled player matched with team mates not close to your level then go against some of the best players to touch the game don't make it feel like you are forced to play in a team at all times