really love the skybox on broken moon, so complex and beautiful.
just wondering, was there a gameplay reason to not go for a darker / more extraterrestrial color? for example like the sky on the Encore arenas map. curious what the reasoning was for going with brighter blue skies here if that’s something your able to share. assuming it might have to do with player visibility? thanks again for your incredible work.
Great Observation
Most of our art is dictated by game play - if player cant see well or being distracted by a visible entity - artist will adjust their art accordingly. Another major visual dictator is game engine limitation.
Our engine doesnt render night scene very well. Dark scene also (most of the time) is bad for MP shooter gameplay. Like you mention, it's purely for player visibility. That's why you dont see many night multiplayer maps in Apex/Titanfall.
Extraterrestrial colors sky - One of the reason why most of our Multiplayer maps are blue sky is because human are use to see blue sky, it is ingrained into our expectation of how the sky looks. When players sees NON blue sky for long (1+ hours) they get eye fragtige. Single player maps sky can be any color.... why do you think that is?