Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by icecadavers


🎰 - Lottery - Random legends

🧳- Luggage - starting loadouts

💃- It takes two to tango - 2 teams (death match or something?)

🚑 - ambulance - quick respawns

That's my guess, though I'm sure you can neither confirm nor deny anything

This was a pretty good assumption going off the emojis lol..

    EA_David on Forums - Thread - Direct

Those are all very good questions, but we don't have any official word on them. 

For your 3rd question, it's not something that's possible right now, and we've said in the past that we won't be able to implement cross-progression. 

While we don't have anything official yet, it's worth noting that in an article from last year, Mark Cerny mentioned that the PS5 will have backwards compatibility with PS4 games, which is a good indicator for now. 

How exactly the transition between generations plays out is yet...

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Originally posted by valk_69_

frustration i guess

i dont message anyone, but when trying to play with someone else on the same router/network, we cant play in the same game. we can play separately. we can play any other multiplayer game in the same lobby

but apex? nope, one will get d/c'ed before the game starts. it happens to a good amount of people, apparently, as i've seen lots of questions to them regarding it

at this point i dont even see them ever fixing it so i just barely get to play, unfortunately. so frustration like that building up then people messaging devs, i guess

PS4? Nighthawk router?




and definitely yes, doin our girl proud!

13 Jan


Hey there! Just wanted to follow up to let you know this has been fixed. Thanks for calling this out.


It is so very, very stupid and I love it so much. 🎰🧳💃🚑


Originally posted by RaymeCV

Yes, absolutely. They’re 100% optional, like all the LTMs.

You’ll get some goodies for playing these, though, so arguably worth at least checking them out as they rotate in & out throughout the event.

(...I admit that the just-watch-the-world-burn part of my brain would love/hate to see what’d happen if they were NOT optional. If, say, Dummies Big Day was the only thing playable for two entire days. There would be a U.N. inquiry. Jail. The Hague.)

We should do a blog on how you got dummies big day to ship lol


Yes, absolutely. They’re 100% optional, like all the LTMs.

You’ll get some goodies for playing these, though, so arguably worth at least checking them out as they rotate in & out throughout the event.

(...I admit that the just-watch-the-world-burn part of my brain would love/hate to see what’d happen if they were NOT optional. If, say, Dummies Big Day was the only thing playable for two entire days. There would be a U.N. inquiry. Jail. The Hague.)


Play apex will still be an option during the event alongside ranked queue (insert joke here lol)

12 Jan


I can’t verify at the moment, but I’m pretty sure this is one that wasn’t fixed in time. Just ran out of daylight. Will fix for the future, though. Apologies!

11 Jan


Absolutely incredible. Well done 😂👏


Originally posted by theenderstar

Oh,nice ! I noticed he also made my favorite r301 skin !

hes a cool dude!

10 Jan


Originally posted by churchillsucks

You've done some really great work just based off the game! Is there any portfolio of yours that you would be able to share, including work done outside of apex?

most game artists use a lovely lil place called artstation to host their portfolios. We had an art blast there when the game first came out, just search apex legends and youll find a ton of the wonderfully talented people that work on apex and a ton of other great games!


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Originally posted by iiToaster

Did you design airship assassin?

nope that was Patrick Yeung! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dOgJ91


Originally posted by theenderstar

Just askin' ,did you also make that pathfinder skin as well ? (The one in this event)

nope that was Kevin Neal! https://www.artstation.com/kn5743