I'm just happy to see it made it there safely! Congrats :)
I'm just happy to see it made it there safely! Congrats :)
well yeah but the other arm is correct.
check mate ;D
Jokes on you, Lisa Stone isn't coming soon, she's already here: https://titanfall.fandom.com/tr/wiki/Respawn_Entertainment
Real talk: Lisa is no longer with us and I miss her :(
slow clap please
f's in the chat
this mans a hero
I’ve been getting it a bunch and it only seems to happen while waiting in the lobby pre-game or right after a game ends when trying to back out to the lobby. I haven’t had it happen in game. Idk if this info will help or not but either way thanks for looking into it.
That info definitely helps! Thank you :D
Thanks! Keep up the good work guys!
I've been getting this a lot at home and just brought this up today at work. Will be looking into this.
finally, perfection <3
i think we can go a lil further, just gotta believe!
Hey @DaddyIsItU.
This information hasn't been released as far as I know. Player counts aren't generally something that we publish, but if we do put out info like this we'll most likely make an announcement.
A thousand times this. To echo what Drew said, it took 100+ people here 6 months to develop this moment. Art takes a painfully long time to create, and it only took seconds to ruin it.
HOLY CRAP - was not expecting the responses. Thank you - I'll pass on the love - it'll be sure to boost morale <3
Another jeremy in the wild! Cool!
hey there BRUTHER
the SP
Never thought I’d see the day a dev would encourage using the smart pistol 😔
Joking aside, it’s free on PS and like $8 on PC, right? Campaign alone is worth it but the multiplayer is a blast as well
Hey hey I too encourage using the Smart Pistol. Like Rayme said, it does a direct injection of sweet sweet lore. Into your brain. By the auto-aiming pistol. Lore bullets. They are lethal.