Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

27 Sep


Originally posted by FrozenFroh

bambloozed yall!!! it's 2 hours!

personally im glad it didnt leak bc last time all the hard-working devs were bummed out they couldn't get it trending 1# because of it

also watch the prequel to this!

OH and if any dev almost had a heart attack seeing this post....I'm so sorry

Not gonna lie I had a complete freakin heart attack. At least I'm awake now haha.

Well done on that evil thumbnail


Things like this are why I stay in game dev, hard as it might be sometimes. Games have always been a form of escapism for me, a different version of reality that's actually rooting for you to win and trying to give you the tools you need to succeed, unlike the challenging world we actually live in. As someone who even now struggles with depression and self-esteem issues I'm glad to have been involved even a little bit in giving some joy to your life.

Stay tuned, we've got a lot coming up soon that will make you glad you decided to stick around and check us out. :)

    EA_David on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, this has been tagged as a "coming in future patch" QoL request on the devs' Trello Tracker:Β https://trello.com/c/nj2ThmXx/50-random-load-screen-option


Congrats! You are on the top 17% of players, don't let anyone put you down!

26 Sep


I love it <3
for context I made that Octane skin so I'll upvote and comment on anything I see with it :D

25 Sep


Congrats! Just in time too :)

24 Sep


Incredible! New phone BG


Originally posted by mc_stormy

Totally totally, yeah. I understand 100% what you're saying. :|

Well, I can try to explain a little:

Imagine that when a player takes damage, we have a "flinch" animation that we play. Imagine you're lagged and you shoot a player; on your client you predict that you hit them (based on their position relative to your gun). Keep in mind that the server doesn't even know you've fired a bullet yet, so you also predict their playing of the flinch animation. If your client didn't do this, any followup shots might appear to hit the enemy on your screen, but might miss on the server because the server played the flinch, which changed this position of the enemies hitboxes, meaning your bullet passed an centimeter from their head instead of hitting it. That's an example of something that has to be predicted and played in sync on the server and the client. Now imagine we have 3 flinch animations instead of 1, and we want to choose one at random to play. To do this, you need to use a deterministic random number generator so that the client and se...

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Originally posted by RidexSDS

That's hard for me to believe. Respawn has 315 employees, a lot of those are developers. There is no way a character takes that long for an entire team to design, animate and mock up two abilities for. If it took 8 months per, there would have only been 1 new character. Most of the new characters were probably finished a long time ago or the majority of the design work was already done, too.

It may be hard for you to believe, but it's the truth. We also have 3 game teams working on titles in full production, so that 315 number (which I think is incorrect?) are not all people working on Apex. I'm not disbelieving your comment that you are also a developer, but if you're in the same triple A space we're in you should not find our declared timeframes of how long it takes to make stuff hard to believe.


Originally posted by Oxbivious

If you watch streamers playing youll notice that they will get prediction errors in almost every fight.

True. We erred on the side of caution with the prediction error icon, so a lot of the prediction errors that you see are false positives. This one doesn't fall into that category.


Originally posted by Honor_Bound

Just out of curiosity, is this issue something that could likely be fixed by increasing the server tick rate from 20?

Nope. The issues tend to be caused by things not being calculated the same between the client and the server in prediction. For example, some of the previous hit-reg issues were caused by the client and the server calculating IK poses differently. That can be caused by something as simple a slightly different code path being taken in a function, to a more fundamental issue like some piece of code incorrectly generating a non-deterministic number for a random value that is used by another part of the prediction code.


Originally posted by Hieb

Yeah it was probably due to that (though normally with that icon I experience rubber bandy movement and it was fine), though that's a problem in and of itself considering packet loss happens near constantly with 16+ squads alive, unless everyone lands in their own corners of the map.

The prediction error icon is definitely related. That icon appears when we detect a mismatch between what your client predicted would happen vs. what the server determined actually happened. Here, your client predicted your EVA-8 rounds hitting (hence, the fountains of impact sparks), but for some reason the server thinks the shots missed. Unfortunately, the icon doesn't tell us WHY the prediction error occurred, but I've forwarded the video to QA to see if they can help find a repro. Over the past months we've found and fixed a number of prediction error related issues, but clearly some still remain.