ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

18 Feb


Thanks for the tag! I just had a look at your server and it does look like this machine is suffering from some crashes and very high system resource usage. I will get it on the maintenance list and see if we can get the issues resolved this week.

17 Feb


Originally posted by icemanthrowaway123

What's your go to energy drink?

The best one! Mother- Kicked Apple.

16 Feb


So glad you guys are happy! We worked hard on this one. My body is comprised of energy drinks and black coffee at the moment. We look forward to continuing to move forward in our development process and future updates.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The good news is that they definitely use HWID bans depending on the severity.

15 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


Meshing sounds like a good way to get both accounts banned, but what do I know. There is an official report process to be used so the Enforcement team can find and ban players with mesh bases if that's what you're trying to clear.


Are you still seeing this on your server? It's not uncommon to see significantly higher than normal ping or performance begin to degrade when we have a breeding event going on, especially one that is part of a holiday event. This is simply because there are thousands and thousands of creatures being hatched and maturing which each have multiple different timers running for various mechanics. With that said, it doesn't look like there was any sort of DoS on your machine as we have multiple systems in place that are able to effectively handle those sorts of things.
Also-- you have to do user tags in comments for there to be a notification, tagging in the OP doesn't notify us :)

14 Feb


Originally posted by MastaFoo69

To be fair, so does Wildcard

It's so hard not to! I really do try! lol

13 Feb


I appreciate that many of you have noticed a positive change in the team as of late! We're definitely changing things up and doing our best to listen to the community. Working with ChrisW and Colin over the last year has been a great experience.

I do want to address something though. I have immense respect and admiration for Jat, Jesse, and Jeremy (we sure do have a lot of J names don't we?). I worked very closely on a team with Jeremy and Jat in particular for two/three solid years and they are without a doubt the hardest working people I know. I'm not even sure how they manage to do it all, I'm pretty convinced they're not human.

I can understand that not every decision, direction, or change made to ARK during that time may have been one that you agreed with. But the entire Wildcard team as it was before ATLAS was responsible for building ARK as you know it from the ground up, and that happened as a brand new game studio out of someone's house. They are all very ...

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12 Feb


It was removed because with cryopods it doesn’t really serve much purpose anymore, and it makes thing easier on our enforcement team/CS team.

09 Feb


Originally posted by Jatheish

It's something we recognize and are going to be working towards it in the months ahead. Content patches are usually planned quite a while in advance, and instead of having the team stop working on the large February update, we made some slight adjustments and plan to release it accordingly.

Following that will begin most of our design rework. We spoke about this in an announcement post previously, some of the things we'd like to address:

  • Making sure that solo players and smaller groups feel safer when logging off, or that after they’ve taken a break they can come back and know that it won’t be such a difficult feat to get out on the seas again.
  • Allowing players to experience the ‘piracy’ side of the game immediately, whilst not trivializing the content.
  • Incentivize companies to neutralize their territories, inviting others to make use of their land so that both can benefit.
  • More MMO aspects: player markets, player-specified automatic...
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What Jat said!

07 Feb


Originally posted by F4hype

Sure, but make sure to give him a big character model.

Playing against a good genji in overwatch always felt like ass because his hitbox is tiny and they'd always be in the air.

Agree with everything Drew said in the OP, but it's not just around buildings it feels bads. Out in an open field, if one player has to aim on an X/Y axis, and one player has to aim on the X/Y/Z then the dude who's double jumping always has the advantage. Think about fortnite shotguns. Tell me if you've ever seen the 'good' shotgunners stay on the ground while they're shooting.

You're just harder to hit at all points of the game if you have double jump.

So either give them a bigger hitbox as a drawback or just don't do it. Pathfinder already fills this niche to some degree, but his drawback is he's limited by his terrain.

TL;DR - it's harder to aim at someone up/down/left/right than it is to aim at someone left/right only. Pls no double jump champ.

Alternatively, add a cooldown to the double jump.

06 Feb


The DM included in the OP was sent to me on the day that conversation occurred. We went in and investigated then tried to reproduce the alleged crash strat multiple times with our QA team and we were unable to repro it. It is possible it was resolved due to the fixes we made in a prior deployment or it's possible this was never achievable. It's also possible that there's more to the exploit, but it's not something we've discovered or have had reported to us yet. If there's anyone who is able to get this to happen, don't hesitate to get in touch as we'd be happy to work with you on it.

In regards to Discord DM's, they're pretty easy to manipulate and whilst we will look into reports we receive based on them, they are not a reliable form of evidence. Furthermore, on the topic of being in Company Discords; I'm in quite a few Discords representing different alliances and networks in game. This has directly helped in alerting us to possible exploits along with giving me insight...

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02 Feb

01 Feb


You're kicked out of the club!

29 Jan


Look at this rich dude skipping thatch straight into wood.

25 Jan


<3 more to come!


Originally posted by soepie7

Config to change stack sizes, but not weights. Stackmods are still not replaced by vanilla.

There is a config to change the weight gained per level. The weight per item is only important when compared to how much a player/dino can carry.


Originally posted by Quellcrest

Only if the config includes weight reduction...other wise still need them stack mods :(

in practice changing the weight per item is only really necessary if you want to change the balance of it. The weight of a given item only has meaning when compared to how much you can carry, so increasing the multiplier for character weight per level points effectively does the same thing as a uniform scale reduction of every items weight. It would also be far less typing in the ini.


Originally posted by xRighteous_Devilx

There sure is quite a bit, I couldn't imagine going through all the official servers!

It's only a few million rows a day.