@quilleutezinho @survivetheark The status will change. I'll update the thread to indicate a new status. Thanks for pointing that out!
@EricThehysteric The list will be continually updated, no worries.
@Zockerli @survivetheark This was just what I could patch together. More than 12 requests have been completed from the community
@releep78 I'll take that into consideration. Thanks!
@ComplexMinded: It's the beginning of the Quality OF Life Catalog. It's just the start but check out the thread below for more informat…
It's the beginning of the Quality OF Life Catalog. It's just the start but check out the thread below for more information and what to expect!
@MrDolphin101 @genie_45 @ValorWc @arkjesse @nayvihn Seen
@thelilpanda: EU-PVP-Official-Ragnarok188 is back online following maintenance!
@thelilpanda: At 12pm EST on Thursday 9/12, PC server EU-PVP-Official-Ragnarok188 will be going offline for maintenance. Maintenance wil…
@JordanLaws0n @MrDolphin101 @JoseSanchezLIVE Do you know what the expense of running a video game company is? And the difference between net income and gross income. Unless you have those numbers it's kind of hard to make these statements with any confidence.
@JordanLaws0n @MrDolphin101 @JoseSanchezLIVE Companies need income to keep running - that's a fact. Game businesses are amongst the expensive to run. I know people see millions and think we're all rolling around in Lambo's. Very far from the truth.
@JordanLaws0n @MrDolphin101 @JoseSanchezLIVE Yes, there are still bugs in the game. Ones you sent me months ago.
@MrDolphin101 @JoseSanchezLIVE I mean, I get it. But I can get feeling like it's meaningless or worthless based on action. Hopefully, they start up again when we start picking up traction or someone else carries on the torch. Also, Im just one guy but Im trying to come up with solutions for everyone.
@JoseSanchezLIVE Tbh, I wish I could speak specifically on these things but it's an entirely different department with which I have little oversight. But talking with them on a daily basis and their itch to ban/wipe - I know its more complicated than it seems.
@JoseSanchezLIVE That's a complicated question which depends on the technical difficulty of solving issues. With issues like enforcement, it's not really a technical limitation in most cases, but with things like meshing and duping, it's different.
@JoseSanchezLIVE If nothing is being done, I would tell you it isn't because we don't care or aren't looking or are blind to it. It just means there's some yellow tape, business politics, etc, that sometimes prevents action from happening. If enforcement has concrete proof, they will take action
@JoseSanchezLIVE I get that. And I get that things don't happen on the expected or ideal timeline. But I would hope that people will still push for change. I get where you're coming from, but playing devils advocate. I'm optimistic personally, but I have a diff. vantage point.
@JoseSanchezLIVE I wouldn't do this with the expectation that WC is going to show up. I'm there when I have time to fit it in. I pay attention to these things just so you know. I hope you continue, or someone continues in the same spirit.
@Tsmooth863 As a project leader in community management, my job is to inform the owners, leaders, designers of what the community wants. And in that instance, I'm doing my job.
@Tsmooth863 Not sure what project I'm supposed to be leading. It definitely isn't ARK. I'm a community management lead.