- Neurath
half of those are boring
Hopefully people don't vote for the "boring ones" then 🙃
- Neurath
half of those are boring
- Azherae
It's not clear from either of the external links how the helping or hindering will happen, nor if this is just 'materials provided, enjoy building'. Might even be Creative mode..
- Vaknar
Is this something you would like to see again?
If this is something you'd like to see again (or perhaps not), feel free to let us know here! ;)
- Dagera;d-56393
I'm a software developer reaching my 40s...
- Caww
Goes to show you that AoC has a lot of choices!
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- NiKr
- Alhem;d-56392
just hoping the scales won't favor playing like that too much, making you feel like a sucker for playing more casually.
Most likely they will. The game's pvp is balanced around groups. Content is targeted towards groups. The existence of open world pvp itself is already a "group" thing at its base, because it's always better to be in a group for safety. Caravans, sieges, wars, events - all group/guild-based or at least guild-targeted.
There will be solo content, but it's better not to expect that you'll somehow be at the top of the world by being a casual solo player. Steven's "this game is not for all" usually means "you gotta work real hard to achieve things". And that hard work often means working in a group and due to how mmo groups work - you'll need to work a lot.
There will be places for both solo and casual players (I know that b...
- Depraved
well if you die from a mob, and no one picks up the loot, you could go back and pick it up
also it could be that certain bags give some sort of protection to items dropped form that bag, so they will take longer to disappear or people wont be able to loot them right away.
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- NiKr
Random respawn only happens for Red deaths. Other players will respawn at the nearest point. We don't currently know where those points will be or how close/far they'll be from potential points of interest for players.
In theory, if you die 10 seconds away from a respawn point - you'll be able to run back super fast. I still highly doubt that Ashes will be like Tarkov where it takes players a good minute to go through their victim's inventory, but maybe Steven's wording is a hint at exactly that.
If that is the case, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. On one hand it's fine, because it adds more time to the BH's timer of "you gotta catch the PKer", but on the other side this means that cleaning a field of dead players after a huge battle could take f*cking hours :D This is one of the reasons I'm still on the fence about the whole "players always drop something on death" thing, but this can only be tried and felt during testin...
- daveywavey
Maybe it's time for a Mega-thread.
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- McShave;d-56391
I was watching a video about old-style mmo dungeons and how they would have places to farm mobs in front of the entrance while you wait to find party members. My only experience with this is in Classic WoW dungeons and I would consider it a failure. This is only because the goal of WoW is to do everything as fast as possible, and waiting for any reason is "not optimal". In Ashes' open-world dungeons, I hope we will approach them with a different mindset. The goal of open-world dungeons, as far as I understand, is that people are there to kill bosses (who respawn) and gather resources, implying you can spend as much or as little time as you want.
My question is, is it reasonable to expect players to wait somewhere in the world for a chance to not even do what they are planning to do? In principle, I like the idea of areas in the world where you see lots of players hanging out (that's not in the cities, it gives a sense o...
- Tyranthraxus
Without a group-finder function, the entrances to dungeons/group-content have greater social potential. This seems to be an overarching theme for a lot of the design for AoC, so probably yes; Waiting around will be functional, at times.