- SirChancelot;d-56720
Has Intrepid said anything about their outside of game plans for their games.
Will they just go through steam?
Will they do a launcher like Bnet?
Will they have some weird online system for your account like the Mog Station?
I know WoW is just a shadow of what it used to be, but I did really like the clean and easy game/account management of the Bnet launcher... Before Activision infected it anyways.
- Talents
It won't be on Steam, it'll have its own launcher.
Read more
- Nerror
I just installed the launcher again after these news. :smile:
I am not...
Vaknar;c-427814I probably shouldn't theorize on the Tulnar for a few different reasons... but I love reading the theories and suggestions being shared in this thread! Those are what I'm interested in ;)This is a super neat thread. Love the proposal of theory crafting while we wait for more Tulnar news to drop. I love the suggestions and interpretations people are bringing for the Tulnar. I hope to see more contributions to this thread, with lots of thoughts and ideas! Especially with the prompts that @Solvryn provided :)[color=lightblue][b]Hello Vaknar! :) Welcome to our conversation, I'd love to hear anything you have theories in ^^
I imagine a lot more rags and dirt, from living underground. And rat-based features.There are a few different interpretations of what the Tulnar could be, so even this one is interesting!
- Tyranthraxus
I'm glad for this - because usually?
It's *so* hard to find good kelp, these days...
- CtrlAltFrank
Petition to rename it Cutiethulu.
- Depraved
wait what. where did u see that? its not showing up for me. its not pinned!
edit: oh nvm its in announcements -_-