Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

23 Nov


Originally posted by TheBlunderguff

Dredgehorn (frog), Maelstrom's Crown (jellyfish), and Jaded Drudger (horse jade thing) are all cosmetic mount skins that were limited time cash-shop items.

The Verdant Voyager (Crocodile) is actually supposed to be a caravan skin and not a mount. So the mount might be in-game achievable. Perhaps /u/IntrepidStudios can let us know. Is the Verdant Voyager shown at the stream mislabelled?

Hiya - looks like our crocodilian friend's item name in the video might have been causing some confusion! To clarify, the "Verdant Voyager" is indeed a caravan cosmetic skin - so the appearance will cover both your caravan and attached mounts.

Each creature we share has different possibilities as a mount, pulling a caravan, being a combat creature, and more to build out the world of Verra. This means other takes on our croc bro may help you skitter across the sands along you...

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Originally posted by TwiceToe

There will probably be more than that

Yup, we've previously shared plans for instanced arenas featuring a variety of different group sizes, and including a ladder system! That wiki page has a great breakdown :D


Originally posted by Greypelt7

Intrepid is going to offer slider option setting to turn down particle effects, but it has to be deved at the most intense version of the effect since it's much easier to scale down particle effects than to scale them up.

Yup! You can check out more on where we've shared our thoughts around providing you rendering/particle effect options here, including the possibility of a "default player appearance" in some large-scale battle situations.


You can check out a bit more on where we've shared our plans for crafted items here, including crafters being able to assign different skills/abilities/stats to gear, as well as having the ability to influence what their items look like!

22 Nov

21 Nov

19 Nov


Originally posted by NiKras

At this point I don't even care, cause I know people will keep asking for this. Give me a "mute everyone around me" button and I'll be happy.

While we haven't shared any plans for prox chat (other than tavern chat), we definitely appreciate seeing all the feedback folks are sharing on all sides here <3


Originally posted by TheBlunderguff

I think the human characters looks too much like ESO's models, which is something I have complained about in a long time. The models are slim and generic which just gives an uncanny look.

However.. It does look like Intrepid is going heavy on the fantasy with the other races, which I think is very much in the majorities interest. See the dwarves that have become bulky and the orcs which also looks like they will have the classic fantasy look to them.

With that in mind, I will remain positive. I have hopes that they can make the human races look a bit more fantasy-esque or distinct still.

Some of this might be due to the fact that you're seeing preset characters so far - rather than the full range of what's possible with character creation!

Hopefully once you all get your hands on the tools available to you in the character creator, you'll feel like you can make a more "distinct" human character as well <3

18 Nov

17 Nov