Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

26 Feb

25 Feb

24 Feb

23 Feb

22 Feb


Hi u/Dsslawyer, we know having good tools in-game to control what's shown on stream can help content creators protect their streams.

If there are specific ideas or suggestions you have to help protect Ashes of Creation streamers, we're always interested in what ideas our community has. :)

21 Feb

19 Feb

18 Feb


Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next livestream will be Friday, February 25, 2022 at 11AM Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

Similar to our past streams, we'd love to gather some questions from you to answer live! Please submit your question for our development te... Read more

17 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
The wiki has a page that discusses what we have said on this topic in the past. You can read more about servers here! :)

As for this specific question, I know Steven has mentioned in the past that certain accounts will be able to pre-register. We've also discussed what our plans have been for server population, which helps us plan ahead for when the release date comes. You can see more about what Steven said on this topic on this page of the wiki :)


Originally posted by slick_dev

Thanks a ton for the comment! I'm wondering if you could expand a bit on the role play of a rogue outside of the Thieves' guild?

Do you guys have any plans for implementing thievery on players outside of raiding caravans?

Similar to how players get stuff from raiding a caravan, players will drop some items on death. While it's not rogue specific, it might be the closest thing to what you're asking for regarding "thievery from players."

You can get more details about death penalties, and the types of things players can drop here.