Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

28 Jan


Originally posted by Pickadoliver

And to reiterate: you did not rule out that it will in fact be ready this friday ;)

The current plan is to have the official Ashes of Creation music ready for Beta 1. Friday might be a little soon for us. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

27 Jan


Current music that people have heard is placeholder.

To confirm what u/silent-scorn said, we're working with Bear McCreary for our official music. We know music matters to our players, and we're excited to share more when it's ready :)

26 Jan


Oh nooooo, not like thisssss lol

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Steven and the team's vision is all about risk and reward and the symbiosis of the two. With the nature of open world PvP and a majority of non-instanced dungeon and raid fights, PvP in direct correlation to boss fights, quest objectives and other desirable objectives is unavoidable!

However, that doesn't mean you need to directly fight a war for a chance to kill a monster to complete a quest. For example, perhaps you're a crafter for your guild and instead of fighting in a guild war, you choose to spend your time and energy supplying your guild for a battle.

If they win the battle, you win! And you'd get your chance at that quest objective without fighting the front lines of a PvP war, if that is what pleases you. The opportunities are endless and the possibilities are many! :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll just drop this statement here - which ofc applies to AI and all things regarding the dev process in and out of the game:
Our team is always looking into the latest technology to see what would make sense for us to implement in-game!

I'm sure the team is looking at how best to program creature AI, what makes sense, what is possible, etc :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
"If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight potion launcher accident."

25 Jan

    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct

I may? be the first to point you to the following commonly referenced resources generated by community members: @Lex @Jahlon @Simurgh
I don't know what background research you did before your successful appointment (obviously enough!), but the above is some high quality educational material based on what we know so far from Steven. We accept that some things may need to change between now and release, but this is the best information that we have to date.
I hope you manage to get settled in before things get too hectic.
Best Regards, Mack.

Apprec... Read more
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome @Roshen :D

So my question for you: What is the biggest MMO sin you've commited? Think ninja-looting, killing a low level player for fun, undercutting someone on the AH by 1 copper. Something of the likes :D

Years ago in EQ, we had a guildee fall asleep with levitate on. On the one side of the zone, there was water.

Since there was collision in the game, if a group of us stood right next to him and moved TOWARDS him, he would also move. Just a little.

This took a while, but we spent some time pushing him towards the water. When lev faded, he drowned. Since he didn't bank much XP into his level, he deleveled.

The next raid he had some pretty choice words for how we were bad friends....

    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Many questions. Handle it!


1. Rock, paper, or scissors?

Good old rock. Nothing beats that!


2. Any favorite memories from mmos that really stuck with you?

Geeking out here.


3. What sort of energy do you hope to bring to the table?

I'm generally a high energy guy, and likes finding ways to solve problems for members of the community.


4. What class are you looking forward to hearing about the most in future AoC development?

... Read more
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct

What are some of your favourite memories in MMOs?

My favorite MMO memories are the stories we tell, that OUR PEOPLE can relate to, regardless of what server we were on at a time.

A few examples:

EverQuest: Rallos Zek players organizing together as a server and deciding not to wake the Sleeper for several years. Expansions later, them coming together in an organized way across server to defeat the "unkillable raid boss."

World of Warcraft: Zul'Gurub corrupted blood making it into cities, and how each server reacted to the debuff spreading between players and NPCs.

Asheron's Call: The Shard of the Herald event, and players on the Thistledown server deciding to work WITH the event NPCs, instead of completing the event "as intended."


Even if we weren't playing these games on these servers when these things happened, we can ALL geek out about these things tog... Read more