Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

08 Feb


Dwarves ... Dogs ... Ale ... All those things that I like and in the same package! <3 B)

IKR! <3 The Rabble Rumbler and Quittin’ Time Meadhall might be my favorite caravan and freehold cosmetics yet.... :O

To the Dünir dwarves, the bonds of friendship are as arduous to forge as trusting another with one’s life. Once that devotion is set, like hardy links in a finely crafted chain, they are impervious to destruction.

The Unbreakable Bonds cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from... Read more

Hi u/horseonly4062, we appreciate the feedback here!

If you have other feedback on the other races we discussed during the last development update stream, we're collecting it here and ...

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Originally posted by Ok-Brilliant-2050

Are you actively looking for feedback on the Road development?

We're very open to feedback on everything we share. What we're most actively looking for feedback on this month is the races we discussed during the development update stream in January.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Ok-Brilliant-2050

Im curious, what made the road development ready for player feedback?

I understand you want feedback on races, how they look, how tall they are, what hair etc. Thats great you want player feedback on those.

But a 100 meter long road placed at a random place in the world changing between 2-3 layouts? If you can show that and that is ready for player feedback, i really dont see any limits to what you can show. We want to see everything. especially for a company emphasising on open development.

Things are ready for feedback based on where they're at in development, and where different teams' focus is at specific periods of time. For example (like you mention), we're actively looking for feedback on the races we discussed during the development update stream in January.

We get that people want to see everything, and we're excited to share what we're working on. That being said, it's not an easy task to show "everything" every time we talk to players. If there are specific systems you're interested in learning more about, please let us know!


Originally posted by Demir919

i would absolutely love it if they showed some of the systems being worked on etc. Mounts and transmogs are cool and hyping but there been too much of it.

We shared some work-in-progress of the node system and it's impact on how road advance in the world during our last development update a few weeks ago. You can find this on the replay for the last stream here.

What other systems are you interested in us sharing more about during future development updates?


Originally posted by Ok-Brilliant-2050

"They have asked if we would LIKE more updates on things like systems and design etc"

Do they even pay attention to the community? People have been asking this for YEARS and just last month they ask if we want to see more updates like this? Are you kidding me?

As we have things to share regarding systems and designs, we'll be including this in our development updates. For example, in last month's stream we shared some work-in-progress of the node system and it's impact on road development in the world. You can find this on the replay for the last stream here.

We're definitely paying attention to the community, but there's also a balancing act of sharing certain systems when they're ready for feedback from our players.

Please continue to let us know what you'd like to see during future development updates. :)

05 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting idea @MybroViajero and also great observation @Lex ^_^

04 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
There are some people here at Intrepid Studios who are also very into and interested in 3D printing! Maybe the marketing team should go talk to them about it ;)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

These ended up amazing, both male and female look the part.

Curious if this is a "dwarf females can have beards" kind of world or not so much?

The female Dünir can have beards :)

03 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Niküa race seems to resemble the Dünir race based on height and body shape however they do have a more tribal look to them which leaves me wondering what their background would be based on game Lore.
Not sure if there is some relation to the two races and later on took separate paths and evolved with slight differences.

Good observation :) This is essentially exactly the case. Both races are Dwarves. Specifically, they're Dünzenkell Dwarves. You can read more about them here, on the wiki :)

Originally posted by Noname_FTW

I'm gonna just assume that feedback from the comments from here will be collected as well.

One Note in general: The Art Team in my opinion should ask themselves the question ESPECIALLY with the characters: "Will this still look good in 2030?"

With UE5 and the game probably releasing >= 2024 the bar in my opinion should be photo realism to the best degree as possible. The best rigs we have today will be mid- to low-tier rigs by the time the game is out or a year or two old. And the engine should be able to handle it afaik.

That's just my 2 cents on that.


In terms of general style (Hair, Accessories, Facial structure) I have nothing to criticize. They look very "junglery" and I think that was the intend there.What immediately threw me off though was the colors and textures. The examples look very WoW Cartoony like in those aspects. A direction I don't think AoC wants to go into. It could just be a matter of to much gloss on the skin makin...

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I'm gonna just assume that feedback from the comments from here will be collected as well.

That's correct! We'll add Reddit (and other channel feedback) to what we collect from the forums for the team.

Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the races we discussed during the January Development Update livestream.

To help keep this feedback organized, we’ve created five separate threads to discuss each of these player races:

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Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the races we discussed during the January Development Update livestream.

To help keep this feedback organized, we’ve created five separate threads to discuss each of these player races:
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