Aszkalon;c-438457I wonder if for Example "Empyreans" will have a cool Lore-Empire ingame they can represent as Players if they so choose. Also kinda hoping for it.
It would add spice to the Game's Flavor if People could choose to join Race/Culture-based Factions, instead of being just a huge bunch of wandering Hobos who just happen to settle somewhere and build a City. :D
I don't see why we wouldn't have this option at any point, it's not so hard, but at the same time, if Ashes is deep enough, you could effectively 'create it' without them doing anything. It really comes down to how much we want it to influence NPCs.
I believe Steven hopes for many player-driven initiatives, such as the one (I believe, to the best of my knowledge) you're discussing. I'm not saying this isn't something that would never be implemented, but players organizing and creating important stories on their server by their own initiative is somet...
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