Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

09 Aug

Hello glorious community,

Making sure that each of the biomes on Verra feels unique is something that matters to us, and we want you to let us know in this thread what you’d like to encounter in the desert biome.

If you haven't seen the Alpha Two desert biome preview we shared during the July 2022 Development Update, you can check out this three-minute video here.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:

  • Are there certain aspects of deserts that you like from other games?
  • What deserts in games stand out for you?
  • ...
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Military might. The projection of power. The Aelan Empire’s golden age saw the kingdom span the continent of Vandagar from shore to shore. Through well-organized martial armies and an unparalleled naval force, the humans of Aela forged the largest nation in Verran history. The Kaelar, the progenitor of that once great Aelan kingdom, seek to reclaim their former glory during Verra’s reconstruction.

The Tip of the Spear cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from ... Read more

08 Aug


Not to influence anyone's opinion in this discussion, but in case you missed it from the end of the July 2022 Development Update we spoke a bit about developing nodes and mayoral building options. Here's a timestamp to that conversation.

05 Aug

Join @Roshen and @Vaknar over in the Ashes of Creation Discord for a voice chat during our next Community Office Hours on Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 11 AM PDT (... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I would love to provide you all with more details and information. However, these things are not finalized so anything I could say to you would be subject to change.

With that said, we hope to have updates for you on classes and augments very soon. It's something our teams are working diligently on ^_^

Like OP suggested, I would love to see you all come up with additional ideas for augments for secondary classes! What can you imagine, I wonder? 🤔💭

04 Aug


Great conversation regarding the last Development Update here 😎

As a reminder to anyone that sees this thread, if you want to share your feedback and suggestions for the desert biome, we're collecting that over on our forums here:

03 Aug

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
So many awesome people! You all are so amazing and everyone here at Intrepid is so thankful to have such an awesome community to support our project.

It's humbling and seeing community creations such as this mosaic make all of our days that much better ^_^

30 Jul

🌵 👀 Check out our July Development Update to catch up on the latest news, including BTS environment tech tool discussion, updated art for Empyrean and Ren’Kai, and the reveal of the Tulnar!

🤔 What was your favorite part of this month’s stream?

External link →

29 Jul