ATLAS Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by ozeor

I had them on medium, I have it on low now. Hopefully that fixes it. As each person upgrades to a RTX card sooner or later this problem is going to need to be fixed since the numbers for the issue will be increasing exponentially.

Thanks lemme know how it goes!


Originally posted by ozeor

It happens in Ark as well, and yes I set the shadows to low and that works. But Atlas I can't seem to find the issue. I'm running the latest drivers and this is a brand new build. My 1080ti builld had 0 issues.

So the terrain shadows to Low does not work in ATLAS?


Originally posted by ozeor

Thank you

What about the blue screen of death? That's the real killer here and I can't do a single thing about it. It's also not just me but any person who has an RTX card or is thinking of getting an RTX card won't be able to play.

By any chance, does setting terrain shadows to Low fix it for you? Or any other combination of settings?


Originally posted by ozeor

Thank you

What about the blue screen of death? That's the real killer here and I can't do a single thing about it. It's also not just me but any person who has an RTX card or is thinking of getting an RTX card won't be able to play.

I'm not sure about that one, we don't have a reliable repro. For example I have a 2080Ti and have never seen a BSOD. If we had a reliable crash repro that happened for all 2xxx series cards we could work with NVIDIA on it...


Originally posted by ozeor

Honestly I don't even know where to start?

I have 24 hours into this game, I thought the concept was great. Huge MMO with 40k on a server, make your own ships etc. Turns out it's not even close.

I have over 3000 hours into ark I know it was rough at the start, but let me explain my story.

I waited a few days after launch to play the game as I knew it was going to be a rough start. After a few patches I jumped into the game when I could and enjoyed what it was, I was so excited to get into atlas that I took my raft out for it's inaugural voyage and it was the most painful gaming experience of my life. I sailed from the freeport to the closest island and tried to sail back but was fully against the wind, so I sat for a good few hours until I was able to tack? back to the freeport. While I was stuck on the ocean I died several times due to not having food or water and instead I had a bed and just let my guy die over and over. It was annoying but what ever. Well...

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Sorry about all the bad luck. :/ We have heard the feedback about the early game and are making changes. Starting with v 10.0 early this week you can buy a Sloop from the NPC Shipwright in exchange for resources, which should help the early game not be so punishing (in addition to recent wind changes to make sailing against the wind easier, permanent increase in rates and reduced cost of ship crafting, among other things).


Originally posted by -_TheLordHelix_-

A dev on the steam forum confirmed that parts of the trailer were deceptive. I can link it to you so you can see it all

No... what I said was the towns were filled with NPC crew and human players, something that happens in game all over the place.

05 Jan


Originally posted by Atlasyn

There are upcoming changes to claims to allow groups to build on other peoples land and pay taxes. Theres your solution. Wanting more than that just seems like a problem a private server would solve.

Also this: "the time required to steal an enemy claim now decreases the more Claims that enemy team has."

So if you are a small group with few claims, it takes longer for someone to steal them. Conversely, you can much more easily take an individual claim from a large group.

04 Jan


Originally posted by SG_StrayKat

My bow must be bugged then... I've put 300+ arrows through it, and it's still relatively undamaged. I guess that's about to end lol.

It wouldn't right now but will be fixed in the incoming patch.


Originally posted by Aztro4

Dis I miss something? What about the mortar bug?

That'll be fixed in v9.0 (have to do a major version for this patch, the big stuff has been moved to v10)


Originally posted by Lardiwarrior

Rip guns 1 shotting naked people even with headshot

This is a flame arrow specific change, have adjusted the notes.

02 Jan


Originally posted by TetchyIRL

Jesse, can you guys tell us these things, please? I could deal with anger much better if I knew your team was aware of 'things' at least. Maybe a running tally of a list of issues on, without solutions even - just a list of issues that we can read so we know that our issues are known. I'm considering quitting because of the PvE 72 hour flag timers not working but, if I knew you were at least aware of it, I would persevere with hope instead of quit with disgust.


Originally posted by DaggaDuiwel

This is fine and all but then mega tribes will camp outside of these ports to steal everything you have just baught and have to sil back. Dont just do thing cause it seems like a good idea. It will be explioted.

Everything will be exploited, that's why things take time, consideration, and feedback. :)


Originally posted by LaiTash

It's a good thing but maaaaybe those damned ships shouldn't spawn so often and especially right at one's nose?

They shouldn't spawn right next to your ship within the zone you're in, by which I mean a distance where they immediately aggro you. If that's happening I would file a bug report at


Originally posted by gigigamer

1: Get rid of Vitamin Surpluses.. it makes zero sense, and on that same note either scrap the entire vitamin system, or simplify it to Meat/Fruit/Veg

2: Flotsams need to be much much rarer, but with actual loot. Instead of building blueprints something like some ammo, a gun, maybe a sword or something would be worth stopping for.

3: Alphas need loot, like special treasure maps or something, or maybe some of that mystic element when it has a use

4: Blueprints, why do they need a ton of different things of the exact same resources.. thats stupid.

5: Taming I can deal with the bolas, I can deal with the obscure materials, what I cant deal with is that you HAVE TO BE SPECED INTO TAMING just to ride them. Which entirely defeats the purpose of having a "group tamer"

6: Salvaging is in a better place (now that its possible) but it really need improvement still, we need lights on the suit, and remove the melee damage reduction while wearing it. A...

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Lot of cool discussion in this thread but I just wanted to let you know that lanterns work underwater for your salvaging needs. ;)


Originally posted by DMstratz

When you Sail do a 6 hour trip because sugar is 3 hours away. 6 f**king Hours. and a Level 1 Ship of the Damned spawns infront of you 10 minutes from Home Island and Instantly Destroys Your Ship as it clips with you.

Sort this f**king spawning out. How can There not being a single sugar resource be within a 6 hour trip. f**k this game.

Sorry that happened to you. Our intention is to eventually have trading ports so enterprising players can bring resources from around the world to be sold for gold coins or traded for other resources. That way you won't have to make the long trips yourself, and your local resources or gold will be the currency to acquire remote resources. More on these types of systems later once the early technical bugs and balance issues are addressed.

31 Dec


Originally posted by Promnesia_

In-game Bugs, Problems and Suggestions….

WARNING: - This list is long. Server 7.8 and client 7.33.

Ahoy, Mateys!

This is my Bug report for PlayAtlas and sailtheatlas twitter. Everything has happened to me Or I’ve tried re-creating the bugs to prove their a bug or massively unfair. (My company I’m in has also helped me test certain things I find happens on occasion or shouldn’t be there). This Report includes Major Bugs, Minor Bugs and some quality of life improvements I think should be made or at least considered. Lets hope we can get this in the light to show the developers what needs working on more than other things. I have tried to apply any possible solutions where applicable.

I have not really prioritized any of the major bugs as everybody would have a different opinion, Although I am pretty sure the main ones to do with server performance / corrupt characters and client-side p...

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Thanks for putting this together, will alert our QA team so they can start investigating these reports and we'll start tackling them as soon as possible. Will note that our priorities are still focusing on the stability, connection, and data issues. Though I will say we are much improved on the stability front when it comes to servers. We've eliminated over 95% of the crashes we were experiencing, and currently have a build running through it's paces right now internally which should bring that to about 99% based on what we've seen so far. There are definitely still crashes as we did start with a pretty high baseline, though we're still going to be working on bringing them down overtime.


Originally posted by bheal

Major bug: Occasionally upon server crashes/restarts, some people's Skill Trees are bugged out. No skills are shown as learned and you may not craft anything but all the points are used. Relogging rarely fixes this. Respeccing fixes it. Verifying integrity of game files through steam fixes it.

This is one of the data issues we're investigating at the moment, definitely a high priority bug that we hope to have resolved as soon as possible.


Originally posted by Plocky777

It's not the usual suspects "h" or backspace

You also can't access the radial wheel for buildings.

Please get to the top so Devs see.

Fix is live with client side update v8.3

29 Dec


Originally posted by street1841

Is this only happening to a select few? Last patch left 5 members in our group of 80+ and the owner of the tribe was kicked haha.....How does this even happen.

Trying to play the game and it seems like all we are doing is playing dodge the bugs simulator.

Edit 1: Also all ranks that are made within the tribe are deleted, EVERY TIME!

We're looking into both of those issues, as well as being asked to remake your character upon death/when joining a new grid. We consider them high priority and were able to get a lot of data from the most recent deployment regarding it which should hopefully allow us to resolve this as soon as possible. They don't seem to be caused by the new patch, but as we get more and more people into the game and as the data grows for companies due to their size, claims etc, we're starting to see more occurrences of the issue. I know it's a pretty much one of the worst things that could happen, and we are working to have it patched asap.

If you'd like to reach out to me, prefreably on Discord (Jat#0001) I can try to manually rectify the situation for your companies. Please note that I do get a lot of messages and am not able to respond right away but will get to you when I can. Feel free to bump the DMs if you haven't heard from me in a while.

28 Dec


Originally posted by SpoonMagnet

Sounds piratey.