ATLAS Dev Tracker

10 Feb


Originally posted by theviik

Does this mean that even if the player base keeps dropping, to the point where it is less than 1000 concurrent players on average, you will not give up and keep updating the game often?

Uh, not going to lie, this is a pretty strange question to ask. Probably even weirder that I am responding to it too. Who knows what'll happen if we get to that point. Maybe I'd be out of a job? Haha. I'm pretty confident that won't ever happen, and with the changes we plan to make to the game and the improvements that come in, we'll see the numbers climb again. Yes it's sucky we're losing players on a daily basis, but it's indicative that there's a problem, one we are aware of and we are going to fix.


Originally posted by johnbremner

Reading this! I know you get it Jat. What do we need to as the players to help? Some of us love the game and want also want it to be the goat. We want to work with the creators, not against. Some of the improvements have been fantastic while others with the best intentions have had a more negative impact, but regardless. Any change of the meta is going to upset some and help others. All I want personally is a better bug reporting tool, with proper Engine dumps to send. I know you and the team are extremely busy but would honestly wish to have you or some from the team view a raid, even from admin fly and see how the meta currently is. Idk if you do this already but to me, the tools are already built into the engine to learn and witness where the shortfalls are in PvP. More than happy to have you witness one of ours, even if its us being raided ha.. Still, I havent had this much fun in a game for a long time, the fact its such an early access game gives me more hope than anything el...

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Continuing to give us feedback and let us know about your experiences, what you think needs to be changed, etc. As everyone is already doing. The onus is on us to make changes and go from there. We're open to making some pretty big changes, more open than I've ever known us to be in my tenture at the studio, which is damn fantastic. I will say though, this is a process. It's not something that can be done overnight so whilst it's rocky now, that won't be the case forever.


Originally posted by theviik

Ark was getting content updates every week... ATLAS will get it's first content update 2 months after launch and it is mainly cosmetics -_- Also the PvP in ATLAS is fun only when doing ship vs ship (but sadly that's a really small part of the game)

I still believe the game has a lot of potential but we've got a lot of work to do. Would you rather work on a product you didn't believe in and not put in the effort to make it successful? :P Seems like the majority of the internet believed in it too, a lot of folks were excited about the launch, even with the delays; we got a hell of a lot of attention and people wanting to play Day 1. However it's clear that the game has problems that we need to resolve, and I'm not speaking just from a technical/bug fixing point of view, but also a design point of view.

We are taking a different approach with ATLAS, it does not need additional content at this time (at least, not in the grand sense). ARK was very content orientated and getting in more things for people to do. ATLAS doesn't have that problem. There's already a lot to do, but there are concerns with how accessible that is for the majority of the players, the systems lack polish, in some cases they're buggy beyond playable, ...

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Appreciate ya putting this together, recognize we have a lot of work to do and we're going to make changes. Trust me, it won't be falling on deaf ears.

09 Feb


Originally posted by MIssWastingTime

Been waiting for it to get some stuff done lol.

We'll be enabling 2x bonus rates this weekend, it'll happen when the patch goes out later tonight.


Originally posted by n_xma

Its position is utterly crap. Me and I bet that a lot of other players who play this game are constantly misclicking it due to being used that the last button in the inventory HUD is the Atlas button.

This makes it very frustrating when trying to quickly navigate to the Atlas button. Humans are creatures of instinct and mechanical thinking so it will always or at least for a pretty long time stay in our minds that the last button in the HUD is Atlas and not some crappy Gamepedia button that turns on your steam overlay...

This will be coming in tonight's patch (the option to hide it -- we still think it's useful for a lot of folks!)


Originally posted by Jatheish

It's something we recognize and are going to be working towards it in the months ahead. Content patches are usually planned quite a while in advance, and instead of having the team stop working on the large February update, we made some slight adjustments and plan to release it accordingly.

Following that will begin most of our design rework. We spoke about this in an announcement post previously, some of the things we'd like to address:

  • Making sure that solo players and smaller groups feel safer when logging off, or that after they’ve taken a break they can come back and know that it won’t be such a difficult feat to get out on the seas again.
  • Allowing players to experience the ‘piracy’ side of the game immediately, whilst not trivializing the content.
  • Incentivize companies to neutralize their territories, inviting others to make use of their land so that both can benefit.
  • More MMO aspects: player markets, player-specified automatic...
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What Jat said!


Originally posted by Hikqe

This game has so much potential, but internally I feel like it's the Fyre Festival of games. My own voiced concerns, my peers, have fallen on deaf ears. Even this wonderful community which has no short of constructive criticism, is dwindling in players now.

So let me ask you, are you aware on a player basis, the game IS dying?
Visit steam charts Atlas page.

Are you aware it wasn't just the patches, but the defiance to even acknowledge how unreasonable the costs and imbalances are, that drove the majority of us out?

There was a lot fixed in the first week that players needed immediate addressing, after that It sort of felt like everything was resolved around the personal interest of the developers rather than what was needed to improve the players' experience... And the sad part is that it still functions this way.

Even a moderate display of neutrality towards players when discussing patches would be gre...

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It's something we recognize and are going to be working towards it in the months ahead. Content patches are usually planned quite a while in advance, and instead of having the team stop working on the large February update, we made some slight adjustments and plan to release it accordingly.

Following that will begin most of our design rework. We spoke about this in an announcement post previously, some of the things we'd like to address:

  • Making sure that solo players and smaller groups feel safer when logging off, or that after they’ve taken a break they can come back and know that it won’t be such a difficult feat to get out on the seas again.
  • Allowing players to experience the ‘piracy’ side of the game immediately, whilst not trivializing the content.
  • Incentivize companies to neutralize their territories, inviting others to make use of their land so that both can benefit.
  • More MMO aspects: player markets, player-specified automatic...
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08 Feb


Originally posted by 1658596

One of the main reasons Ark stayed fresh during their EA period was due to their steady delivery of new content via dinos. If any devs are reading this - make sure Atlas carves out its own content cycle equivilency of new dinos as well.

My advice: new boat frames with different roles. New plank types. New optional ship attachments. New rare ship crew with different roles/buffs.


Polish and refinement is a given (or should be, at least. This communuty is funny.), and will always naturally take higher priority than content. I'm not speaking to the prioritization of content over balance/fixes. I'm also not speaking broadly about content being added to Atlas. My point is more that having some degree of predicability around future content helps keep people engaged / keeps them looking towards the future; and when that predictable content drops, it brings people back.

For example - in the early days of Ark, people would theorycraft about new dinos tha...

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Whilst we develop ATLAS, you will see an additional content make it's way to you, but it's not the only focus or the primary focus. We're pretty keen on adding some major polish to the game and there's a lot of priority been placed on performance, stability, and squashing bugs/exploits. So yes, you'll see content, but that's not the only thing, nor will it be the main thing.

07 Feb


If you don't keep up with our frequent patches, you can read this log. If you do keep up with them, you can skip it. It's just a round up of the patches we've had over the last week. We'll be sharing more dev/design news in subsequent logs. Right now, we've just got our heads down to fix a bunch of stuff, as well as work on the upcoming Feb update.

06 Feb


damn it Trevor


Originally posted by AceofSpadesTwitch

Why farming when you can dupe? Look at those

Interesting video, will check it out. Thanks for sharing.


The DM included in the OP was sent to me on the day that conversation occurred. We went in and investigated then tried to reproduce the alleged crash strat multiple times with our QA team and we were unable to repro it. It is possible it was resolved due to the fixes we made in a prior deployment or it's possible this was never achievable. It's also possible that there's more to the exploit, but it's not something we've discovered or have had reported to us yet. If there's anyone who is able to get this to happen, don't hesitate to get in touch as we'd be happy to work with you on it.

In regards to Discord DM's, they're pretty easy to manipulate and whilst we will look into reports we receive based on them, they are not a reliable form of evidence. Furthermore, on the topic of being in Company Discords; I'm in quite a few Discords representing different alliances and networks in game. This has directly helped in alerting us to possible exploits along with giving me insight...

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Originally posted by Ohh_Yeah

They can also teleport to a player, shoot and loot them, and then teleport back to the original location. On the Chinese website that sells the program they call it "shadow/assassination hack." They also have a YouTube channel demonstrating the functions of the program.

I will send you a PM with that info

Aye, everything you have is much appreciated. If any of this is possible, we should really be able to protect against it on our end. Things like ESP will always exist, the client needs/has access to that info, but when it comes to 'teleporting players/boats', etc -- that stuff we should be able to protect against.

05 Feb


Originally posted by Raysix

Hacks: Aimbot with documented oneshots even in building or while diving deep in water

Changing flag building allowance to everyone -edit: Jat personally came to our grid and fixed that. They were able to reset the flags to default, which was everyone-

Area of effect delete boxes inventory. Similar to S+ transfer gun. We found the script, they used.

Enter pinlocked doors seconds after changeing pin

They apear in closed buildings (new patch may solve this)

They teleported one of our ships to their grid. As we spawned there it was moving towards there island on its own while sails were up and anchor down. Video documented.

Yup, please send it all through with as much info/footage as you've got.

Especially interested in the script and boat TPing.

03 Feb


Originally posted by Rex-Starborne

Alright, here's the problem:

Every time the server restarts ships are loaded in without levels. As in, my Brig with 5 total points in Accommodations is now the default value of 2. So the server sees 5 Beds on my Brig that can only hold 2. So, it then deletes, at random, 3 Beds. The server continues loading and my ship Accommodations goes back up to 5 and I can place 3 more Beds.

The old Beds still show up at the spawn screen and, because they aren't there, cause the "green-screen spawn" issue. Accommodations, as of right now, are useless beyond reducing crew pay.

Thanks! Will have our guys investigate and see if we can get this sorted asap.

02 Feb


Originally posted by TomasGunz

u/Jatheish , my clan is having a hard time figuring out what to do about all the abandoned ships in NA-PVE. The folks have left for private servers or just left in general and we have demolished all their old buildings. but their ships are everywhere blocking new folks from building.

Any suggestions for us? we are getting frustrated not knowing how to deal with them. We cant move them, we cant sink them, we cant claim them. and they dont decay.

what are our options? It cant be good on the server resources.

thanks in advance for the direction.

Have to remove from the update. Didn't catch an edge case, thankfully we still have the timer-tagging in place so when we roll out the fixed version, we'll be table to tackle the inactive ones.

Upcoming note in today's patch:

- Ships that have been inactive for 3 weeks on PvE servers and Golden Age Ruin servers will now vaporize (tackling the abandoned ramshackle boats/rafts on maps)

This is of course, in addition to the decay. Hopefully the combined systems will take care of both. We're implementing it on the Golden Age Ruin servers too due to all the abandoned sloops.

31 Jan


Originally posted by w00tengaben_the_3rd

opening the map lets your game crash!

deploying a serious fix shortly

30 Jan


Originally posted by Frustrated__Nerd

You guys should come out with special weekends. Taming weekend, gathering weekend, gold weekend, Weak Ships of the Damed or Bonus loot from SotD weekend. You can make some regular islands every once in a while spawn higher then normal level animals for better tames weekend. Maybe a Trade Winds weekend.

Aye, this is more in line what I'd like to do and not just weekends, but taking into account weekdays every so often too for those folks who work weekends but are usually free in the middle of the week -- and of course this would be separate to general holiday events. I don't want to encumber the game with toooo many events, but something relatively regularly to spice things up.


Originally posted by Aurliea89

Just pick up stone off the ground make your life easier. It shows 2 stone if its x2 and 4 if its x4.

Aye, simplest way to know.