
Barotrauma Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by animu_child

I love how they acknowledge their idea is shit but still plan on rolling it out. The community and modders are keeping your game alive. Please pull your head out od your ass and listen to us. Just drop the idea, fix performance some other way. As a hoard, I've never had an issue, both using steam servers and a private server. Yall are solving problems mods already fix with deep storage.

I don't think we've "acknowledged the idea is sh*t"; we've acknowledged that there are people who will not be happy with the changes, and that this will definitely be a very contentious change. The feedback we've been getting from people who've tested it in unstable has generally been positive. I have to admit though that I didn't expect such a huge backlash - although to me it seems a large portion of the people criticizing this have not tried the changes, and might be overlooking all the other changes we've done to storage that are intended to make storage containers unnecessary. There are definitely a lot of valid concerns that people have raised too, and I admit many of them are things we hadn't really thought through properly.

But in any case, performance is not really the only concern here, and switching to solutions like deep storage does not address the issues we're aiming to address. We have several goals here: one is to reduce the capacity of cabinets from the abs...

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I'll copy what I posted on the announcement comments:

First of all, thank you for all the feedback you've given in the comments! This is precisely why we want to let you know of our plans well in advance; so we can hear your opinions and adjust things accordingly. A lot of the concerns raised here are things that we've already taken into account in the stacking/storage changes we've done, but many of the points are something we need to put more thought into.

I would like to stress that our goal is specifically to make inventory management more convenient, by making it more viable to store items directly in cabinets. Currently using storage containers is basically the only feasible way to store items in your submarine, and that's not ideal: I think the number of mods in the Workshop that add stuff like labels and icons to storage containers to make using them a little more tolerable is a clear indication that the current system doesn't work that well. And what we're ...

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For the clowns it's more about the journey than the destination. ;)

“Why did you want me to get it then?”

“The task itself was menial, wasn't it, like an unimaginative fetch quest in a children's role-playing game? But did you have fun while looking for it? I'm sure you ran into all sorts of trouble along the way, and I'm sure it was quite an adventure, something you even enjoyed at times. I bet you wouldn't have become a submariner if you didn't! So, perhaps I should ask you instead why you wanted to get it—or for that matter, why you want to keep cruising around Europa doing all sorts of tasks for people.”

01 Jul


Originally posted by ImChirp

wait what? why are they removing them?

They were never intended to be used as a way to extend storage capacity: you can use them to store 2910 items in a single cabinet, which we feel is completely excessive: it means you can have a practically infinite amount of storage space in your sub. Now it'll be limited to "only" a little over thousand.

We want to make it viable to store items in cabinets directly: managing these kinds of nested containers is extremely inconvenient (as illustrated by the tons of mods that add stuff like storage containers with colors and icons to make it a little less tedious).


Originally posted by minimum_wage_effort

I feel like allowing us to change the names or colours of storage containers would have been a better solution

I personally feel like this is just a workaround to the underlying issue: the fact that there's not enough space in a cabinet to store everything you need without having to resort to these clunky nested containers. What we're aiming to do with the changes is to make it more viable to just store everything directly in the cabinet, so you wouldn't need storage containers.

30 Jun

15 Jun

09 Jun

29 May


Originally posted by Monke12ed

I sure hope the GitHub code for the game being public has nothing to do with this unfortunate event

Having access to the source code makes it easier to pull this kind of stuff off, but it would've most likely happened regardless if it's public or not. You don't even necessarily need the game's code at all - it's quite easy to just look up the Steamworks API documentation, see what kind of a request you need to make to Steam's servers to get your server listed publicly, and write a program that sort of pretends to be a Barotrauma server and sends a bunch of those requests to Steam. And I actually suspect that's what these people are doing, I doubt they've actually got this many "real" instances of the game running.

But in any case, I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by this. As mentioned in this other thread, we'...

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Originally posted by IcyNote_A

Happy to see you are working on it. Don't you mind if I use your message as reference for people who asking about spam?

Feel free, until we can implement a proper fix for this it's good if people are aware what these are and how they can temporarily work around the problem. :)


It's someone (or a group of people) spamming fake servers onto the server list. Here's an earlier thread about the same issue:

We are working on some countermeasures against these spam servers, but as mentioned in that earlier thread, it's unfortunately a somewhat tricky problem to solve. There's no easy way to automatically detect whether a server is legit...

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Originally posted by Alternative_Cap312

Nah not really. You can try to contact a developer about this but they don’t really care about ingame problems.

This is honestly a little depressing to read, considering almost our whole team is currently working hard on addressing issues reported by players (see our issue tracker) as fast as we can and trying to get things patched asap. Also, as a side note, about third of the open issues in the tracker have already been fixed, but our QA team (that tests the fixes before we close the issues) is also absolutely swamped at the moment, so we can't get fixes into the public build as fast as we'd hope.

As ...

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15 May


Please don't call out individuals or groups of individuals in public, no matter how badly they've treated you. The drama potential is immense and we don't want that!

If you have feedback to give to a host, it's best to take it straight to them (and always be polite about it).

If it's related to something that moderators or developers can help with (subreddit/Discord/Steam forums), use the report function, send a modmail or otherwise directly contact without creating a public post.

10 May


Hi! In case anyone is wondering: we previously talked about a 1.1 patch, but that version numbering was erroneous (1.1 will be a bigger update, not a patch). In other words, this is the patch that we posted a preview of, a little over a week ago :)

18 Apr


A crucial part in gaining reputation for the secondary factions is completing the "main event chains". The cultist chain starts when you encounter some young cultists, one of whom has tried to ascend a little too soon, and the clown chain starts when you encounter a Jestmaster.

Both should appear frequently - it seems strange that you wouldn't have encountered them by the 3rd zone. I wonder if it could be that someone from your crew already talked to one of them and was given a task of some sort, but you haven't completed that task yet?

But in any case, this isn't the first time we've gotten reports about it being too difficult to gain rep for these factions, so I think we definitely need to make the secondary faction content harder to miss.

30 Mar


Originally posted by Timpstar

But in the patch notes it says "will you find out what's causing the jovian radiation?" Or smth like that

True, but the cause isn't Jove (at least directly). ;) There are several other hints in the game that might help you piece it together - probably the most explicit ones in the conversations you can have with a certain researcher in the beacon station right next to the center of the Eye of Europa.

15 Mar


Originally posted by Hot_Ross_Buns

Just joined the discord for 'tech support' because apparently the bug reports on steam go mostly ignored. only to see one single discord volunteer doing 100% of the bug reporting work for users. So disgraceful. I thought small companies were supposed to be pro consumer.

They didn't even bother helping me look for others with the same issue, as if im an employee who works for them, and its my job. I googled barotrauma freezing and this is the first result.

Oh but people who are foolish enough to put illegal characters in their name? They get help rights away no problem.

Thanks for the help Barotrauama team. I regret buying the supporting edition. I regret buying 4 copies for my friends. I regret it, thanks for that.

I'm sorry it's taken as a while to get back to you and to diagnose the issue - we're quite swamped with stuff related to the 1.0 release right now, including ironing out some of the most critical issues in the build.

I'd like to point out though that our CM team (which is just 2 people) can't monitor Discord constantly, and that the time you reported the issue was outside our working hours. But luckily there are lots of community members on the server who can sometimes offer help!

As for the issue you're facing, we unfortunately haven't still yet figure out a way to reproduce it at our end, which makes diagnosing it extremely difficult. But we are looking into it, and hopefully pushing a fix soon. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

13 Mar

12 Mar


Originally posted by anthonycj

Other things of note: A rework of the carrier that turns it into a hermit crab style crustacean stealing ship hulls as shells, an artist rendering of either a new alien guardian or a different take on it, maybe related to the last point a "portal guardian" and a new type of cave? Biome? I don't know its not up for long and it looks like a sandstorm, 5:22 in the video if you're curious.

I'm sorry to say but that's just a very old piece of concept art we made when brainstorming how to reimplement the carrier (and ended up going with the thalamus), not something that's coming in 1.0.

None of the other concept art you see in the video are for 1.0 either, e.g. the guardian art was concept art for when we were reimplementing the guardians.