
Barotrauma Dev Tracker

12 Mar


Originally posted by MrWereWolph

This is the Funbringer 3000, it's a craftable clown exosuit unlocked with true potential (as of unstable) with a built in megahorn that causes inverted controls and distorted vision. Instead of batteries it uses fuel rods to power.

There is a glitch with it right now that takes up one equipped item slot so two handed weapons cannot be wielded while using it.

Hope this helps!

This is not a glitch. One of the suit's hands is a weapon in itself, and can't be used for holding things.

10 Mar

03 Mar

27 Feb

18 Feb


Originally posted by Zachthepizzaguy

They are still planning updates after release right?

We definitely will, there's still so much we want to expand and improve. :)

17 Feb

10 Feb

08 Feb


It actually is a real song (or a chant):

Thresher originally refers to a submarine), but on Europa... "I know that's an Earth song but it's all too fitting for us!"


I can say there are a couple of fans of The Expanse in the dev team. ;)

02 Feb


Originally posted by 73819673828

Game works now. I guess a mod needed a update. Thanks for the help anyways.

Could you let us know what kind of mods you're using regardless, so we could diagnose the issue and make sure it doesn't happen again?

01 Feb


Hmm, looks like something slipped past us when testing the patch. :/ Based on the error message, there seems to be some kind of an issue in how a mod defines fabrication recipes.

Would you mind posting a list of the mods you're using so we can try to diagnose this? Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!

27 Jan

14 Dec

09 Dec

25 Nov

11 Nov

06 Oct

05 Oct

30 Sep

16 Sep