Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

09 Jun


Originally posted by Twitch_Tsunami_X

Couple of clips here which don't have warning icons and seem to just ignore bullets in an otherwise normal level of hit reg.

I've seen those before, very weird indeed. It looks like he gets stuck in a state where damage is denied by the server consistently.


Originally posted by FettyBear

Thank you u/DRUNKKZ3 for reviewing this! After I watched the case 0:33 frames by frames I can see the snipers shot come ;) Me and my friend will send you some more clips with net graph later on

Thanks for sending those over, some great material in there! I replied to you directly :)


Originally posted by I_CEE_Y0UN00B

But not harmada style large.

I think the map is 40m smaller than hamada but the village part adds a lot of verticality to it.


Originally posted by WitheringOrchard

How about we make it interesting by not even making it a flag at all, but a place with an outpost we a few vehicles incase you are stranded

It's not a bad idea.

I also had that at some point but I didn't wanted to bring attention to that specific part of the map except for flanking purpose with vehicle.
But hey, maybe I could add it "back" in the future.


Originally posted by nordentipwel

It became my favorite infantry map to date. Good job DICE LA folks for this map.

Haven't played it, but looks awesome. Only concern from the over head is the funneling from E to D/C. No issues there?


Originally posted by WebDBA11

The mod should take the information and hand it to That company that will remain unlisted to the have them banned or at the least checked out. how hard is this to do??? the boost in their rep would be very nice

If someone supplies video evidence to us, we do. We bring it directly to the person that handles cheats.


Originally posted by WebDBA11

The mod should take the information and hand it to That company that will remain unlisted to the have them banned or at the least checked out. how hard is this to do??? the boost in their rep would be very nice

We do when the rule is followed correctly.


Originally posted by juancee22

I did

Ya and we manually approved your post, which automod originally removed, but you're still here complaining. 😙


Originally posted by juancee22

Quite dictatorial.

Banned! /s


Originally posted by Dagronfire42

You could just say, "The Company that owns the game" If the mods want to be butt hurt about it.

What am I supposed to be butt hurt about exactly?


Originally posted by NaCl_Collector

yeah the mods here are quite strict

Hahaha. If you think we are strict you certainly don't know us and have never interacted with us. We're about as far from strict as you can be. All the rules on this sub were created, written and agreed on by subscribers, not us. I'm about as easy going as they come.

This rule has been in place in the subs BFV, BF1, BF4, BF3, BC2, and it will continue on to every future title.

  1. It does absolutely nothing. Nothing, zero, ziltch, nil. It will not get a player banned, dice devs do not watch this sub for cheaters. It will not lower the amount of cheaters. It just becomes a witch hunt.

  2. In the past us 'strict' mods have had to deal with law enforcement because someone got doxxed, was accused of cheating but actually wasn't, and then death threats were made against them irl. We will never let that happen again. This was the original reason this rule was created.

  3. We are not against identifying cheaters. OP cut off the rest o...

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Originally posted by a7madfat7y

Don’t we all wish that lol .. thanks for your answer.

The best time I have when playing BFV is when I can stay on a flag and defend it with a squad. I remember a good match that led us to victory when my squad and me defended E on Narvik for ~15 minutes. Was absolute chaos and fun.


It became my favorite infantry map to date. Good job DICE LA folks for this map.


Originally posted by The_Bearded_Wiz

Definitely. Looks like the center point of the map, lots of cover etc. Can imagine getting shelled to f**k though, especially if a tanks got a vantage point over it all!

The houses are super close to each other in the upper part. You can also build a lot of tank trap around the village to prevent any vehicle coming in. I wanted infantry to be able to block off vehicle from the village so it would be infantry focused.


Originally posted by The_Bearded_Wiz

Looks interesting for sure. The fighting for C and D is gonna be intense!

If you're not big on vehicle warfare, that's where you want to be for sure, especially C for it's verticality.


Originally posted by a7madfat7y

Didn’t they say they don’t want even number of flags on maps because it prolongs the rounds when teams have equal captures? The map looks good though.. can’t wait.

I had 7, decided to go with 6 because no other location felt right. In a conquest match, having equal number of flags doesn't lead to a stalemate by how the game is played anyway. Nobody, after capping 3 flags decides to stay on them and defend.
I would love to see that though! haha


Originally posted by TacoMasters

Haven't played it yet, but I feel as if DICE can add another flag between A and F if they add like a small outpost or something. Nevermind, I really like the layout.

Judging from what I've seen so far, this map is going to satisfy players who want a LARGE map.

There was one.
I removed it.
It was getting leveled in 3.7 seconds and was just a flat piece of land with 100 holes and 2 rocks. Nobody wanted to go there again. Especially not infantry.


Originally posted by Tuaam_Is_Back

I would personally like it to be a base to prevent mine laying but that's totally fine anyways.

It would be interesting if that airfield was the only source of planes - which would mean a tighter control over it being necessary.

It was my original idea but I didn't liked the fact that only one team would have planes at a time. This is still a pretty important flag though, because you get more planes when you have it.

I also wanted "quite a lot" of planes in the sky so the start planes plus the airfield seems to be giving a good amount.


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